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Engine Gas mileage with cruise control on?

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by n0b0dy, Jun 29, 2004.

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    n0b0dy Guest

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    Gas mileage with cruise control on?

    If I'm making a 4-5 hour trip, would it be more gas efficient to just set cruise control "on" or drive the whole trip with it off (mind you I drive aggressively)?

    Thanks :twisted:
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    If the terrain is level, I would use the cruise. But if it's lots of hills, etc. Manage the gas yourself. If you want the best mileage go as slow as possible in 5th. Maybe stick to 55mph.
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    n0b0dy Guest

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    Well most of the way the speed limit will be 65 mph, so I'll be going atleast 75-80 mph. I guess good gas mileage isn't even an option since I don't want to make the 4-5 hr a trip a 6 hr one :lol:
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    CorollaULEV Guest

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    There's the age-old saying that each 10mph over 55mph will cause your gas mileage to drop like...what...7 or 8%...who knows - whatever b/c it's not real true with our cars. I've traveled trips in my 2003 Corolla CE 5-speed @ 65mph and gotten 40mpg, driven exactly the same trip with very similar weather conditions/traffic and of course the same car and driven 75-80mph and gotten 42mpg. The VVT-i helps a lot with this. Plus, Toyota does well with streamlining the vehicles and reducing the coeffecient of drag so wind resistance isn't such a big deal anymore.

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    RollaS New Member

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    i went to indianapolis in may and averaged 38+ MPG at 75-80mph. I didn't use cruise control either. In fact I never do.
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    n0b0dy Guest

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    Im leaving in a couple hours.... I got a fuckin speeding ticket yesterday morning on the way to work :( 86 in a 65 and he wrote a tickets for illegal tail lamps even though I never replaced the BULBS, just the tail covers... fuckin dumbass he is... state troopers are like super troopers, they're all the same haha... now I definitely cannot speed, my license might get revoked as it is now :( SHIT! Too many speeding tickets and im only 19... ugh... Im gonna set the cruise control for the sole purpose of me not being able to pass everyone like I usually would... thanks for the replies guys...
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    Schoat333 New Member

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    i travel back and fourth between cleveland and youngstown in ohio every week... its about 70 miles each way... and i use cruise and adverage 38+ mile per gallon at 80mph but i never notice any difference without using cruise i just use it so i can be lazy
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    APC_MATRIX_ Guest

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    The gas milage won't change unless it's really hilly or whindy (sp?) :wink:

    Go ahead and use cruise and be lazy, it's nice 8)
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    imported_borirolla Guest

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    i have two 04 corollas one auto and one stick and i have driven both of them from vegas to san diego and back ocasionaly
    in the automatic from san diego to vegas i make it back with a little bit more than an 1/8 of a gallon remaining
    on the stick i make it back with about 1/4 of a gallon remaining
    i say that very good for a car that only carries 13 odd gallons

    Oh yeah forgot to mention that i start off with a full gallon from the chevron next to my house and i travel at around 85 to 100 mph every chance i get which is about 70% of the trip. est. distance is about 330 miles
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    pkpss Guest

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    Just went up north and came back yesterday. It was about 390 miles. It was the first time I made it without filling up and cruised at about 80 the whole way. I averaged about 35 mpg (my highest). The gas light just popped up also when I was about 20 miles out from my destination.

    Since the drive back though, I have about 350 miles on this tank right now and I'm a little bit under the 1/4 tank mark. Again I crusied at about 80 mph.
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    cool_beans00 New Member

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    I drive an 04 Manual

    I set cruise control on at 75-80 from LA to San Jose and back and get 40+ mpg. You'll get high mileage as long as you're not accelerating a lot. i think that wastes the most gas.

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