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versus motor sports front bumper update

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by DriftinRolla, Apr 22, 2004.

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    DriftinRolla Guest

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    versus motor sports front bumper update

    well I have had my bumper on for about 5 weeks now, and it wont stay on much longer, not becuase i dont like it, i love the style, but because its going to fall off. The fiberglass is so shitty that all the mounting points are about to give out. So now its eihter send it to a glass shop and spend god knows how much, or buy a new one. The only problem is that i dont like any of the other ones out there, except the "type A lip" that david has for sale, but i dont see me spending 400 bucks for a lip. PLus it looks a little to factory for me, so i guess its off to the fiber glass shop.
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    That bumper must really suck. could try doing fiberglass yourself.
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    RollaS New Member

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    Fuck fiberglass and ABS and all that gay shit...........go urethane or go home
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    SSJ_Rolla Guest

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    basically fiberglass is the hardest type of material to work with, if i were u, get a quote to see how much it cost to fix it, if it cost too much to fix than buying another then just buy another fiberglass kit, but IMO do what Rollas said go find a urethane kit and forget ur troubles
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    DriftinRolla Guest

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    if there was a decient urethane kit, i would get it..

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