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OT: what is the legal lenght of a pocket knife in New York??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by drivinfury, Apr 1, 2004.

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    drivinfury New Member

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    Bayside, Queens, New York
    OT: what is the legal lenght of a pocket knife in New York??

    what up...i know this is really off topic... but i was wondering what is the New York state law on owning and carrying a pocket knife...as to how long it could be and where not to bring it...any help would be great....cuz i purchased a few pocket knives....none of them have blades longer than 3 1/2..so hopefully i can carry one and not have to worry about our best friends (police) stopping me...giving me a fine or even being arrested for having a weapon without a permit....also dont worry people...I DO NOT INTEND TO USE A POCKET KNIFE AS A WEAPON.
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    TheBeak Guest

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    3 inches is safe most anwhere., however....

    be careful about how you cary it, dont know new yorks laws, but in some states a knife in pocket is a concealed weapon.

    some other states frown on serated knives.

    then there are the places that dont like locking knives.

    might want to try over at www.bladeforums.com and see if any of the wise ones know the answer for new york. :)
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    jmcoc Guest

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    I'm from NY and I believe if its les than 4 inches your ok. Here is a qoute I found for NY law:

    It shall be unlawful for any person to carry on his or her person or have in such person's possession, in any public place, street or park any knife which has a blade length of four inches or more.

    Now whether you have a concealed weapon or noi will be entirely up to the officer who is detaining and whether he is in a good or bad mood. Bottom line is be cool and see what the situation calls for, if you think your going to be searched not matter what, let them know ahead of time or they get real pissed when you don't tell them. I carry a knife everyday of my life in NY and I have never had a problems here!
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    drivinfury New Member

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    Bayside, Queens, New York
    Thanks guys, I plan on wearing it on my back on my belt under my shirt. And yes if g-d forbid a cop ever stops me, i am sure i will tell the officer that "i have a pocket knife on my back on my belt..under my shirt..."
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    TheBeak Guest

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    ...and if asked to do so by a friendly neighborhood LEO, always open a folding knife with both hands, regardless of what skill or method you have to do otherwise. (keeps you out of trouble with any automatic/gravity knive rules that may be in place)

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