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Engine For manual drivers.....

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by Benscor, Mar 17, 2004.

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    Benscor Guest

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    For manual drivers.....

    Do you guys drop it in 4thgear or 3rd when you pass cars, just curious???
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    ph0bi4 Guest

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    on the i-state while cruising at 70-80, i drop to 4th. on the country roads going 55-60 i drop to 3rd
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    Syndicate Guest

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    ...only if I feel like it.
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    Tro1086 Guest

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    on the highway where the speedlimit is 75, i never drop into 4th just to pass. Always just keep her in 5th. its not like its that hard to gain a few MPH in 5th gear. The only time i downshift to pass is on the little two lanes when you need to pass real quickly.
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    cool_beans00 New Member

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    KingKuei Guest

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    Well max. speed for 3rd gear is 90mph, though I wouldn't recommend more than 86mph since it's too close to the speed limiter and you might end up bouncing off of it and killing all your power.

    Depending on how fast you're driving, passing on the freeway...

    If I'm at 70mph+, then I'll usually only drop down to 4th gear. At 70mph in 3rd gear, the rpms are already hitting near 5000. So dropping from 5th to hard 3rd requires that you double clutch / rev match from 3000rpms (70mph 5th gear) to 5000rpms (70mph 3rd gear). To me, this is simply overkill. Your car will take off really quick, but 4th gear is much easier on the transmission and is much more practical.

    On the other hand, if you're cruising at 60-65 and need to pass someone really quick, then I WOULD go for 3rd gear. You can still pass in 4th gear, but the pick up speed simply isn't fast enough (this is when the limits of our low torque/hp are clearly evident). So I would dump to 3rd gear and rev it up to like 4200rpms.
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    Tro1086 Guest

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    I dont really agree with you on this... I do agree that top speed in third is right arround 90, and thats at 6500 RPM, or real damn close. But if you accidently hit the rev limiter your not going to 'bounce' off of it and kill your power. Yes you might 'bounce' back a little but its only a couple hundred RPM, so your still above 6000 RPM and making plenty of power. Even if you do bounce off the limiter, it dosnt matter, because if your bouncing off the limiter you cant keep going in that gear anyway and your going to have to upshift. Our cars are actually very good about hitting the rev limiter. In every experience that Ive had accidently hitting the limiter, the needle will go right to 6500 and stop, wont rev any higher, but dosnt bounce back at all. So after you realize what just happened, you take your foot off the gas, jam the clutch in, and throw her in another gear and your good to go, wont really slow you down, unless your dumb and you sit there and let it rev on 6500 and dont realize you need to shift.

    But i deffinately agree with you on this. If your goin 70+, dont put it in 3rd... For one, your gona run right up to 6500 RPM real quick, and your gona have to shift again, which takes time, because now you have just shifted twice. Just put her in 4th. Downshifting into 3rd to accelerate when your already going 70+ is pretty hard on the clutch and tranny. The only time i would do this is maybe if some gay rice boy is tryin to start somethin, then i would throw her in 3rd and show him who is daddy is.
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    pkpss Guest

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    Word. LOL. :twisted:
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    CorollaAltis New Member

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    i throw mine to 3 if there's hella heads in the car. otherwise, 4 for me passing is fine. sometimes i dont even bother shifting down
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    Jae Guest

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    Well, when you hit 180km/hr + it bounces due to fuel cut :(

    shitty rolla :(


    But to answer ur question, it depends how fast/rpm you are going/at.

    You dont want to blow the engine if ur going near redline in 4th and want to down to 3rd :p haha (u will see lots of green stuff)

    Before anyone downshifts, know the car's gear ratio, know speed limit to each gear, and aboslutely know how much rev to blip for the next gear or else draging/pulling engine too much is terribly bad.
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    bimmernut Guest

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    I usually drive smoothly, but quickly, in my Corolla. If I'm going to pass, I'm usually calculating whether it can be done in 5th (rarely shift to 4th, since I'm relying on existing momentum - start accelerating early :D it saves gas!). Seldom is there a reason to shift from 5th to 3rd when passing - unless the A/C's on, the car is loaded with people and it's a long uphill.
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    Schoat333 New Member

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    i usually down shift to 3rd to get a jump when im getting on the highway but 4th if im already moving.... just curious how fast has everyone got there car up to? i have my needle stick against the odometer one day that was prob about 115 to 120 im guessing
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    CorollaX Guest

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    i drop to 2nd, redline my engine =] and pass them , point middle finger at them, yell out "freakin slow drivers!!!" then drive normally again, as if nothing happened...

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