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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shortys408, Mar 6, 2004.

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    shortys408 Guest

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    I hate these kids with their immature little pranks or things they do to make em look cool. In hte past 2 weeks by car has had butter all over it, a potato in the exhaust pipe, stolen valve caps, and stolen antenna.......only kids would steel something with no value to them..just for hte sake of doing it. cant wait to catch them in the act.
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    GT-R Guest

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    Yea if i found anybody doing that to my car i'd gut them like a fish.
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    kwong2001 New Member

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    Totally understand, about a month ago, my dad's car got egged. I helped him clean it up the next day and just thought to myself, "if I would have parked in the street like I normally do, this would have been MY car."

    I love my car so much. It would just piss me off to have my car messed with in any way, shape, or form.

    I hope you catch these little fuckers.
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    Tro1086 Guest

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    I hope you catch these little bitches too. And like GT-R said, gut 'em like a fish!

    You steal my valve stem caps, and your startin to get me pissed. But if you steal my antenna, all hell is gona break loose. Those antennas arent freakin cheap you know!

    Priceless pranks dont bother me so much, like if someone writes on my windows with car chalk or something, ya its annoying but you can just wash it off and forget about it. But when they do things like steal parts or do permenent damage, that really ticks me off. Because thats money out of your pocket that you have to spend to replace or repair any damaged or stolen parts, just so they can play a dumb prank. I hate people that do pranks that do serious/permenent or that are gona cost you money, that pisses me off almost more then anything else.
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    RexPelagi VDub

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    Canton, Ohio.
    Kill em all!

    least the ones that do stupid shit like this cause i value my life.

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