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Power Inverter for Laptop Question

Discussion in 'Interior' started by moonshadow, Feb 15, 2004.

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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    Power Inverter for Laptop Question

    As the veterans on here know i'm a total electrical n00b so i need your help. i will be setting up my laptop in the car for the purposes of getting a Audio Stream and a GPS kit so my question is, how do i directly wire in a Power Inverter that u buy at say Circuit City to the battery. this way i wont have to use the ciggy lighter in the car.

    Please help and preferably detailed pix and diagrams will be very much appreciated.
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    intel61 Guest

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    i dont know about running a laptop and how often you would charge it, but it might kill the battery if you directly wire it cause it will always keep chargin when it drops. just a suggestion, not sure if it will drain your battery
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    SquirrelMaster New Member

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    the lighter has 2 wires if i remember right, just tap the positive and negative wires to the correct wires, and the ground to a ground, not sure if that makes sense...
    your going to have to cut the end of the inverter plug off to expose the wires

    its pretty much close or similar to wiring fogs i guess
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    Make sure to get an inverter with auto shutoff if the battery is low on power.
    You need to use a ground loop isolator on the output of the laptop being fed into the head unit through a FM modulator, or whatever.
    To use the isolator you need a miniStereo male adapter to RCA 2 output.

    You can replace the inverter and power supply with a DC-DC transformer if the voltage the laptop uses is less than the battery voltage.

    ie. Battery 12V Laptop 10V -- DC-DC
    ie. Battery 12V Laptop 18V -- AC
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    drivinfury New Member

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    1337Rolla oh my

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    yup, the link above has some DC-DC power supplies. If the voltage required by the laptop is above 12V then these units are simply an inverter and a power supply in the same package.
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    Sasuke Guest

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    if you want you can get backup battery i mean if you gonna take it in at night and charge it so you wouldnt have to depend on the car battery so much then i guess you'll be ok.... and a few more things depend on your laptop speed more ghz its gonna suck more power out of your battery. and etc..
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    thanx guys, i'm gonna do more research on this before i start cutting up wires and tapping into things.
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    Check out this site: http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=24

    They have hella stuff on software, power supplies, whatever.

    edit: I've designed a setup I want to put in the corolla when I go get the xrs later this year... not sure if it's really helpful to you.

    Parts List

    1 Xantrex X Power Plus 400W Inverter $40
    1 POS Windows Laptop
    1 Ground Loop Isolator $10
    1 FM Modulator or AUX input
    1 mini-Stereo to RCA jacks cable
    1 Xenarc 700TS 7” Touch Screen LCD
    1 USB hub (optional)
    1 Travroute Copilot 2003 with USB GPS $360
    1 Mono audio cable 15ft. low power
    1 cheap small microphone
    1 USB external DVD-Rom (optional)
    1 DVD Player software (Intervideo, PowerDVD, etc.)
    1 Rocker Switch
    1 Wireless keyboard mouse combo. (optional)
    1 cheap USB PC video camera (optional)
    1 Pivot Pro Software (maybe)

    Powering the PC
    There are two methods to powering your laptop. You can either use an AC inverter and your existing power cube, or you can buy a DC-to-DC converter. The only advantage of the DC-to-DC converter is efficiency and electrical losses. The difference in efficiency is usually less than 5%. I’m planning to use an AC inverter and use the existing power cube included with my laptop. The max power required for my laptop comes up to 180 Watts. You can figure this out by looking at your power cube. Here is a handy formula. P = IV meaning Power = Current (Amps) * Voltage

    I picked a 400W inverter instead of a 200W inverter because it gives some extra power for other mods later. This also doesn’t put a heavy load on the inverter. The next important consideration is wiring. The wires that go between the battery and inverter must be especially heavy to handle the amount of power needed. According to the draw of 400W max, the wires need to be able to handle around 35 Amps. Here is a table of the distance of wiring versus the current handling. I would need 10 gauge to handle 40 Amps for a 10 foot span.

    Distance - Feet
    10 15 20 25 30 40 50
    Amps Wire Gauge
    5 18 16 14 12 12 10 10
    10 14 12 10 10 10 8 6
    15 12 10 10 8 8 6 6
    20 10 10 8 6 6 6 4
    25 10 8 6 6 6 4 4
    30 10 8 6 6 4 4 2
    40 8 6 6 4 4 2 2
    50 6 6 4 4 2 2 1
    60 6 4 4 2 2 1 0

    Make sure the inverter’s heat sink has air around it. If not, the inverter would most likely overheat and your car would become non-existent. A power switch needs to be placed up front to turn the navigation system on and off. On my laptop this is a momentary push button that I will hardwire into the power control board inside the laptop. This involves board level soldering. Then the computer will fall to sleep on the internal battery for up to a week.

    Sound System
    My plan is to send the computer’s sound output back to the head unit and send it over the factory sound system. To do this you need a ground loop isolator and an FM Modulator/AUX input box. On the computer the sound output should be from the “Line Out” jack if available. If not, you can use the headphones output and turn the volume up all the way. The output of the computer is connected to the ground loop isolator through a mini-Stereo to RCA jack connector. The output of the isolator should then go to the FM modulator. The software I’m using (discussed later) allows voice input. For this, an audio cable is run to the front of the car and a microphone is attached to this.

    The display consists of a USB touch screen mounted up front in the car. The display I picked is the Xenarc 700TS 7” Touch Screen LCD. This is powered by 12VDC and draws 1 Amp. The touch piece requires a USB input, while the screen requires a VGA input. The VGA can be run with a long cable from the trunk. Make sure the cable has magnetic field isolators on both ends. (Doughnuts) For the USB part, I’m planning to run a cable to the front, and then place a USB hub up front. This will allow extra devices later. I may add a slim USB DVD-Rom up front near the display for quick loading of movies. I’m not sure if this screen will fit yet, I need to take measurements first. If the screen is mounted vertical instead of horizontal, you can use Pivot Pro to adjust the display of windows and rotate the VGA signal to match the screen orientation.

    Software & GPS
    For the navigation part I plan to use Travroute Copilot 2003 made by ALK. This offers voice recognition, spoken directions, etc. It is also one of the easiest to use with touch screens. The only downside is the price of the software. It’s $360 for the software and a USB GPS receiver. For playing DVD’s I’ll probably use Intervideo WinDVD.

    Because Windows is a pain to use with a small touch screen there are several software packages that work with car computers. Most are free. There is MediaCar, CarBox, and Media Engine. These create a front-end launcher similar to what you would see on an OEM system.

    I’m planning to mount the GPS receiver in the back window of the car.

    Input / Output
    I’m planning to mount a USB DVD-Rom up front with the screen so you don’t have to walk all the way to the trunk to put in a DVD movie. I’m also planning to have the system equipped with a wireless (RF not IR) keyboard mouse combo.

    As an add-on, you could add a second non-touch screen for the rear passengers. This would allow your friends in the back seat to watch the movie or the GPS screen. They could also use the wireless keyboard to type up something in MS Word etc. You could also add a rear view pc camera for backing the vehicle.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    CorollasBest, here's what i plan on doing:

    I have a laptop, Toshiba P4 2.0 GHz. this is not going to stay in the car permanently btw. Basically I am going to buy the harness that baller mentioned that gives us RCA ports on teh OEM HU so it will save me the agony of having to get a new HU. Using a Y cable I will connect the HU to the Laptop. To this i will also connect a GPS kit that i will purchase from my store. Laptop Stand I will get from Ebay, so here is my question in more detail. what you provided me with seems more complicated than it needs to be i think.

    I need the Inverter to get power without taking up my Ciggy Lighter cuz i use one for my cell phone and one for my Radar Detector, but like you said it will draw power from my battery even when the car is off if i directly wire it so i want it to be more in lines of what Curt said. Basically Power is only drawn when the car turns on, how do i wire this??

    Where did you find the Inverter for $40?? the only one's that i've seen of that wattage or higher are usually around double that price.

    oh btw i like the USB cam idea. i might hook up my webcam just for fun :lol:
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    The inverter is at GiJoes, http://www.gijoes.com
    (It's a sports store, they sell some auto parts)
    I don't know if you have those stores or not where you live?

    The only thing I can think of is a relay with a secondary switch.
    Example of relays: http://www.power-io.com/products/hda.htm
    This one only takes .02 mA to turn on, which is nothing.
    + -------- Relay ------------- Inverter
    - -------- Same Relay-------Same Inverter
    ...............| |
    ...............============= Switch

    The switch should probably still handle a couple of amps
    This should work just fine: http://www.radioshack.com/product.asp?catalog_name=CTLG&product_id=275-731
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    AznRolla Guest

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    theres a couple things u gotta be sure of when youre doing what youre planning. Make sure the cigg adapter doesnt have some of circuitry in the plug itself. Once youre sure theres no circuit board or transformer in the cigg adapter, ur straigth. Go cut off the adapter, go buy some like 14 guage wire and an inline fuse. Connect pos to positive via inline fuse to the battery. You can ground anywhere with a good ground contact.

    Let me know if you have anymore questions.
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    bimmernut Guest

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    Curiously... They make multipliers (that what I call them) that would double or triple your existing cigarette lighter. Wouldn't that be easier?
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    i've tried that before on my old car and it just ended up burning out the cigarette lighter that i was splitting. i might just get rid of my radar detector cuz i dont really speed anymore and just ignore it most of the time. but it would still be nice to know how to wire it in so i can have a clean mostly wire free interior.
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    bimmernut Guest

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    Given that choice, I would rather hard-wire a radar detector than trying to fabricate a custom power invertor for a laptop (notebook). You could still remove the radar detector if you ran the wire around the windshield frame and mounted the detector on your visor. That way the cigarette lighter would still be free.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    i was looking at a Rayovac (sp) inverter at Bestbuy 850 Watts for 79.99 and it had 2 power outlets along with another Cigarette Lighter output. that's the one i was planning on buying. got any idea what kind of strain this would put on the electrical system.

    i dont even know how these work. a short explanation on that would be cool if anyone can put it into laimen's terms....
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    bimmernut Guest

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    Power invertor in laymens terms: Converts AC (alternating current) into DC (direct current) or vice-versa.

    Personally, I think it'll be harder to go from DC to AC. And yes something like this will put a strain on the electrical system. I would suggest getting an auxillary battery (deep-cycle) or changing your starting battery to something like an Optima yellow top.
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    holy shit! 850W is 70 amps! You're going to need 4 gauge wire for even a 3 foot section. That's almost what an alternator can put out. Extra battery = must if you are drawing that much power.

    An inverter works by taking an RMS DC voltage of 12V and chopping it into sections. It will chop at the rate of 60 Hz and make half of the wave positive and half negative. This then runs through a transformer and is upped to 120V. This generates a square wave power output. Some high end inverters actually have inductors and caps to filter this to a real sine wave. But, if it's going back to DC that doesn't matter.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    see that's what i dont understand. what size should i get to run just the laptop???? i am a little confused by this which is one of my questions. how many watts should the inverter be, cuz all the ones that CC carries have a pic of a laptop on it. we got one at work that has 1 power outlet and 1 ciggy lighter output and says that it is for a laptop and phone charger. so i guess last final question would be what size inverter should i get since i'm not gonna hardwire it. just plug my Radar Detector into the inverter.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    we have two at work, one is90 watts one is 75 watts. the 90 watt one says its for laptops??? will that work if i just use it for a laptop
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    edit:must have posted right before me...
    The 75W and 90W inverters may be enough to charge the laptop when it's off, or run the laptop, but run and charge at the same time :oops:

    It depends how many watts your laptop uses.
    This is my power cube. You can see that it is rated at 100-240V @ 1.5Amps (top left)

    So since power in the US averages 120V and Power = Current * Voltage
    1.5A * 120V = 180 Watts

    This would mean I want an inverter between 180 - 300 watts. Just read the fine print on some of the inverters. Some can only operate at max power for a very short time, and then must scale back to 80% of max. That's why I would just get 50 - 100 watts extra.

    If you want I'll calculate it for you if you post a picture or info from your power cube.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    thanx i'll do that and i'll pick up the inverter first so i can test run it for a few weeks before i do the final setup.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    zhentipede Guest

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    if ur just planning to run ur laptop w/c is usually below 11 volts needed power
    i would go with the targus... i used that many moons ago... it worked very well
    and u can hardwire that using an in line fuse matching the amperes ur using for the
    dc to dc transformer (step down 12 v to lower volts) i just don't know if the targus nowadays have the spike/surge protector u need for the pc/mac...

    but if u planning ps2 hehe and other 110 volt application to go with it use the inverter hehehehe like printer, scanner, digital cam/video etc =) just depends in ur option

    just my 2 cents

    just make sure u connect the right polarity and ur good to go =) and don't forget the fuse hehehe
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    flavious27 Guest

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    not going to happening

    I was looking to get my laptop plugged into an inverter in the Rolla while I drive, but there is a little problem with that. You can't pull enough juice though the cig lighter. You have to hard-wire the inverter.
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    yup, supposedly if you are drawing over 15A then you need to have it connected directly to the battery. So, that's about anything 180W or greater.
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    flavious27 Guest

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    Or anything you really want to put in your car to make it great. I have to figure out how to get 3 pcs and 3 touchscreens powered in the rolla.

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