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Are you a Pirate or a Ninja?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dr Tweak, Jun 19, 2005.


Pirate or Ninja

Pirate 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Ninja 7 vote(s) 25.9%
Lumberjack 20 vote(s) 74.1%
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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    Savannah, GA
    Are you a Pirate or a Ninja?

    I know there's a long-standing debate between which is better, to be a ninja or a pirate. I was curious about where the rest of you stand on this important issue. I also request that we get a pirate smilie as we have one for ninjas and this is clearly discrimination.

    Do you think that the Doc is a Pirate, or a Ninja?

    Before you make your decision, be sure that you have a correct understanding of the difference between ninjas and pirates: (Copied and pasted)

    The Rough and Ready Pirates and ninjas are both known for their toughness, difficulty to kill, and readiness for action. However, their rough and ready is stemmed from different roots. Ninjas are countable as rough because they are tough, and the two come hand in hand. Their toughness (defined here as resistance to being killed) is a result of many years of intensive training. They are ready simply because they have been trained for every possible outcome. Pirates, on the other hand, have rough and ready as more of a general disposition. They are rough in every sense of the word: tough, swarthy, grizzled, crude, stubbly. Because they have no specific training--they're just sort of making it up as they go along--they are in some ways more ready for anything than even ninjas. They must expect the unexpected and be ready for--whatever. They take things as they come with one objective in mind: Get Loot.

    Kill Count Here the ninjas have the obvious advantage. Ninjas must be highly effective killing machines just to make it through ninja school. In their favor, pirates are ruthless and may kill on whim, where ninjas only kill those of whom they are hired to dispose. However, ninjas kill A LOT. Generally, that's their objective. Pirates just want to loot, and killing comes as an unavoidable by-product. And when ninjas want to kill someone, they DO it. The guy is dead before he knows there's anyone else in the house. Pirates would be more likely to kill someone in a fight, or accidentally swing their cutlass through some innocent bystanders whilst attempting to loot a poor village, and not care.
    Winner: Ninjas

    Fashion Sense This is not only a battle of pirate duds vs. basic black but individuality vs. conformity. Ninjas are all in black, all the same. Granted, this helps them do their job (try sneaking up on anyone in bright red bandana and bangle bracelets) and protects their identity, important in the assassination field. But the ninjas really have no identity. They're all perfect killing machines... all of them. One is interchangable for another. For me, it's Ants Syndrome. When you see one ant, he's kinda cool. Cute, even. But when you see a lot of them, all crawling different ways, it's gross. Same with ninjas. When you see one perfect killing machine, it's cool. But a lot of them, all the same, and it's not that cool anymore. They're a dime a dozen.
    Pirates don't run the risk of losing coolness if there's a lot of them because they're all different. They're all their own person. Even within the realm of pirates, there are many different types and styles of dress, from the Fashionable Sophisticated Dandy to the Lowly Scurvy Grog-guzzling Bestubbled Grunt, to the Crazy Old Pirate Captain With A Pegleg And A Hook And A Glass Eye And A Million Stories. You can mix, you can match, you can create your own. Be your own pirate!
    Winner: Pirates

    Boss-Employee Relations Like countless Americans, I'm not really clear on what a ninja is. Sometimes I get them confused with samurai. But here's how I see it: Ninjas are mercenaries, so they go from boss to boss, being paid to kill so-and-so. When under a certain boss, they give complete loyalty. They would commit suicide before divulging mission information. If their boss orders them to commit suicide, they do that too without a peep.
    Pirates are mercenaries, too. At least, they're mercenary. They work for profit and profit only. Mostly, piracy is a "look out for number one" type deal. Your captain won't look out for you particularly, except enough to keep you from mutinying, and you only look out for your captain insomuch as he causes the whole outfit to be profitable in the first place. If he gets too out of line, or doesn't make enough money, you can always mutiny (as a whole crew) or just leave (as an individual). (Though leaving may be tough if you're out on the high seas. You might find yourself dead first.) Ninjas don't have the option of backing out or changing the people in power, since their code (BUSHIDO, unless I'm mistaken) dictates crazy amounts of honor and loyalty.
    Winner (Company Loyalty and Smooth Workplace Transactions:( Ninjas
    Winner (Possbility for Promotion and Fringe Benefits:( Pirates

    Focus on Objectives Pirates have a lot on their minds. Though their basic objective (Get Loot) is clear, there's a lot of thought that goes into making sure they get the most loot possibe. At all times, they must be thinking about their captain--is he the right captain for me? Is he getting us enough loot? Am I getting a big enough share of that loot? Is the captain, or any other crew member, going to kill me? Am I going to kill the captain, or any other crew member? Do others on the crew feel the way I do? Is mutiny an option? How are other crews doing? Would it be more profitable to join another crew? Not to mention their fashion qualms. Is the "one-earring" look right for me? Red or blue bandana? Tri-cornered hat--cool or tacky? Am I attracted to members of my own sex? What if I had a parrot?
    Ninjas have their clothes decided for them (it's black or nothin'), their mission set out and their pay non-negotiable. Because they have utter loyalty to their higher-ups, they don't waste any time second-guessing their superiors' decisions. They just carry out their mission.
    Winner: Ninjas

    Profitability Anyone who hires ninjas has to be rich, like that guy in the James Bond book. (That was kickass, by the way.) They're a pricy bunch. However, they are a bunch. You're going to end up hiring assloads of ninjas. Dividing up all the pay, they get maybe the equivalent of ten pounds an hour. If they're lucky. Pirates, on the other hand, are all about profitability. If they're not making what they'd like to, they find another crew. Why the hell not? That or kill the captain, if his strategies are unprofitable, or he's keeping too much of the loot for himself. Likewise, the captain makes sure he has the smallest crew possible to carry out his missions, so the loot doesn't have to be divided as many ways. Really profitable pirating outfits won't want to take on any new crew members, if they're doing fine the way they are. There's a lot of factors, really. Damn! I just had a great idea for the Maxis corportation! SIM PIRATE!
    Winner: Pirates

    Fun Factor Let's face it, being a pirate is just more fun than being a ninja. Ninjas require a lot of schooling and often have to give their own lives for the greater good. Who wants that? Pirates are just looking out for their own best interests, so they have more money, and do more of what they want, more of the time. True, there's a higher chance of you being killed by one of your co-workers, bosses, or numerous enemies. But if you survive, you've got a tidy pension to have fun on for the rest of your life. And in the meantime, looting and pillaging is just good times.
    Winner: Pirates
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    sorry, but Ninjas are lame. if i'm going to die, i'm going out shooting and having a good time.

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    corollarider19 New Member

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    hell no iam liking the stealth of the ninja
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    but Ninjas have no style. they wear black pajamas for chrissakes.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    I would want to me a ninja cause of the coumfy jammies and big swords and being able to leape large distances in like three or four bounds... :ninjastea
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i have a sword, too...and mine's MUCH cooler than some silly pigsticker a ninja carries.
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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    I have a sword too. :dance1:

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    ok, let me rephrase.

    i have a FEW swords...from various different ethnic backgrounds.

    Ninjas have a pigsticker...that's it. they have no worldly outlook, and no appreciation for other cultures. pirates do :)

    hell...don't forget, pirates know how to have FUN! ninjas just hide in the dark.
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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    Savannah, GA
    :eek: Woah, you got me beat there...

    Pirates are obviously better than ninjas. Sure, ninjas are better at killing people, but they never have FUN! All they do is train all the time, and then flip out and kill people every now and then. On the other hand, pirates have a good time and get laid ALL THE TIME. Plus they get beer, and ninjas can never drink beer.

    Also, Maddox is a pirate, so pirates win by default since Maddox > all

    Laura, can I see your swords?

    W00t for pirates!!!

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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    actually thats a pretty common misconception... most people put them as just hoppin around in their jammies when actually they were armored quite well. :) however, they weren't say as armored as a samurai hehe

    but i'll give ya that one... ninja's are way tooo serious... ;)

    ahhh the thought of being in the likes of captain jack sparrow... hehehehehe
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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    Oh yeah, I forgot, we also have Captain Morgan! Muahaha
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    rice cracker VVT-i's Cracker

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    You all are definitely thinking of the WRONG ninja clan and the reason you don't see ninjas partying is because they're SECRET parties that you pirate scoundrels aren't invited to! We can even do cool dance moves see ---> :ninjastea . Just think of your women doing that off the dance floor :haha:

    Therefore, ninjas ROCK!!!
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    yeah, but ninjas don't have chicks. pirates do. even when the ninjas DO have chicks, they're limited to their continent. pirates can get any kind of chick, anywhere...as long as there's a body of water next to it, they can land.
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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    I have a feeling that maybe these ninja people don't like chicks... hmmm... :D
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    baahahah...you might be right.

    i'll get you a pic of SOME of the sharpnshinys when i stop off at the apartment later.

    this debate - your point, particularly - was discussed at length on JBO in this thread.

    in that thread - look for posts by Keeper of the Light.
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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i wub my jbo boys.
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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    Plus all Pirates get special discounts at Dr Tweak's Shipyard... YAAAARRRRRRR
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    it requires login, not happenin... hehe i can't sign up for another board....
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    aw damn, that sucks.

    well i'll copy and paste some key points later on tonight.
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    hehe koo
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    well you know what they say about ninjas with big swoards?
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    yep. they're overcompensating ;)
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    quick wit laura..touche
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    gotta stay on your toes if you're a pirate. :D
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    e_andree E

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    Youre a wuss for having to use a gun though
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    don't have to use it...i DO have a cutlass, and i'm pretty skilled with it.

    besides...how would a ninja get to me? i'm on a ship, away from shore, and i have sentries watching the water for ninja invasion.
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    AE102 New Member

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    im too asian to be a pirate, ninja fo me :ninjastea

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