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glow gauge

Discussion in 'Interior' started by numines, Jun 19, 2005.

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    numines New Member

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    glow gauge

    I installed the glow gauge on my 01 corolla, i had one of those no tach cluster and I had to remove temperature needle to installe the glow gauge...my question is... i dont think the temperature is right now... it's a little higher than before. Do I need to adjust that and how can I do it?

    Also i noticed the speed needle is at 0 when i am rolling (assuming i am going at 5 mph) I never took off the speed needle, but i did have to rotate it to slide the gauge in. Do i need to reqadjust it if i never took it off?

    This is picture of the temperature when i turn off ignition after driving

    This is the picture while driving for 20 minutes

    thanks in advance
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    BIG MISTAKE, you don't take those out because now you need to re-calibrate it. I think you need to have a shop re-calibrate it for you to get the right adjustments.
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    AE102 New Member

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    oh boy, big mistake indeed. when installing them gauges, never ever remove the needles. i learn that the hard way :(
    all you have to do is slide it in.
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    numines New Member

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    but if u look at the temp/ fuel part that's in the picture. I dont see a way to install the gauge without taking off taking off one of the needle. but... i DIDNT take off the needle for speedometer, i thought that was the part needed calibration.

    But i did take off the needle for TEMPERATURE.... is there a way to caliberate it on my own?

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    Laz Z Kay "n00B, be kind"

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    Biloxi, MS
    There is a ghetto way.

    There is a max in each guage. After your car been started for a while, I assume your temp is higher than normal, if you can remember where it used to be, move that needle yourself. for the speedo, if you know how much it's off, turn that needle yourself too. For example, if it's 5 mile slower, turn the needle all the way to the end (max), you should be able to feel it's at its max limit, it doesnt let you go any further, it's ok, turn it a little more, like 5 mile in your guage. You should fixed your problem now. It's not gonna be exact, but it's still closer than it was messed up.
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    yes there is because I had one before. My friend was able to turn it all the way up, I think he tilted it then turn. When I took it off, all I had to do is bend the overlay then try slide it. At first it looks like it will break the needle, but it didn't. now I have a gauge with tach and I use blue matrix led so I don't have to fool with those again.....EVER!
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    numines New Member

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    i took laz's suggestion. I think the speedometer needle is fine since it kinda matched my friend's speed when we were driving.

    i "fixed" the temperature one by adjusting the needle while the car was running..

    thanks guys

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