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DISABLING DRL (warranty problem??)

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by bigdaddyk, Jan 4, 2004.

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    bigdaddyk Guest

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    DISABLING DRL (warranty problem??)

    I've read about disabling the DRL'S by clipping the yellow wire. From what I read, is it the end of the wire that comes out of the box that gets grounded? If it is, is there any way to just pull the original wire out of the box, push a new wire in the box and ground the new wire, That way you wouldn't have to cut anything and the original wire could be pushed back in, if you wanted to restore it to original, without it being noticable. I was also wondering, that if you did it that way, would there be any problems with the warranty, since nothing was cut. And does anybody know if the computer or any type of "black box" would record any type of disabling.
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    stinky Guest

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    the black box only records your speed, clutch position, and the braking. A few other things as well, but NOT the drl status.

    Doing it the way you said would work just fine. Most people dont have the time or patience to take that pin out and oput a new one in though. If you can do it then that would work just peachy!
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    DaChozn Guest

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    Like stinky said, if you have the time and patience to do it then props to you. But what most members including myself have found to be the best option is installing a switch that would alloud you to dis/able DRLs when you want. A small switch hidden under the dashboard can only be found if you know where it is or if you're carefully looking for it.
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    imported_AE101 Guest

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    You should also think about the fact that DRL's are put on your car for safety reasons, and if your car comes with DRL's it's illegal to disable them in most US states and all of Canada.
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    dvs Guest

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    With that said, Click here to help ban them. Reason being - Click here
    Imagine driving in the bright sunny day with all the cars' daytime running lights on. That'd be annoying as fu*k.
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    imported_AE101 Guest

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    I really hope you're joking. DRL are there to help other drivers see you, and it would be even more important to have them on those bright sunny days when there is alot of glare. It's well proven that DRL help reduce your chance of getting into an accident.
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    titi Guest

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    I totally agree with AE 101.
    Al the countrys that have DRL have noticed a substantial decline in collision.
    That is why motorcycle had them 30 years ago.
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    lostboy New Member

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    yeah especially to those freakin drivers that don't think they have to turn on their lights at 4:30 ... shit ... i don't see sunlight hitting their cars ... can you believe that some people don't even turn on their lights after dawn? i saw this car i past by ... dind't notice til i was right next to it ... lights off .. sitting in the middle lane like it was ok ... freaks ...

    anyhow ... DRL ... is it the same intensity as during night? should do something to use less energy ... anyhow ... i got the car because the lights turn on by themselves :) and off :D
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    bigdaddyk Guest

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    I have no problem with the DRL's, matter of fact I've driven all my cars with the headlights turned on. I just want to disable this feature because I want to be able to control the lights. At night, they can be a safety issue when you are parked with the car running and can't shut the lights off, which might blind on-coming traffic, or cause problems in parking lots.
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    imported_AE101 Guest

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    I wouldn't worry about blinding traffic with DRL, they only project half the amount of light that your lowbeams do, and if you're parked on the side of the road or wherever, that's all the more reason to have them.

    I wouldn't touch them, but to each their own.
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    bigdaddyk Guest

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    It's not the DRL that would blind motorists, its the low beam lights that come on full power at night, by themselves. By blinding, I mean making it difficult for oncoming traffic to see things such as pedestrians in a parking lot, if your loading groceries. From what I understand, the twilight sentinel, that turns the lights on automatically, can only be easily disabled by doing the grounding of the yellow wire, which disables the DRL's. Once you start the car and pop the e-brake, the lights are on until you shut the car off, which I don't care for. There's numerous times and reasons at night that I would like to be able to shut off my lights, while running my car (heat, ac, etc). I'm not too crazy about shutting off the car and turning it back on, that's too hard on it. From what I understand, the Camry has a shut off switch to disable the DRL/ sensor. I'm hoping they come out with this feature to add, that way I don't have to goof with mine.

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