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Hella Supertone Horn Installed.

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by darrenwang, Dec 25, 2003.

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    darrenwang Guest

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    Hella Supertone Horn Installed.

    One of the horn was installed this morning. Let the pictures do the justice.


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    bewildered_spruce Guest

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    wow, no more of the toy car horn for u... where'd u get it, how loud and how much?
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    alpha-vvti Member

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    Bay Area, CA
    how hard was it to install the horn?
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    [TRD]Rolla Guest

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    wahahhah...how loud is that sucka? how much? where to buy? :D
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    alpha-vvti Member

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    Bay Area, CA
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    darrenwang Guest

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    I bought it on eBay for about $50.

    Installation could be either very easy or with some extra work.

    Easy Way:
    The horn has two terminals. Connect the stock connector to one of the terminal, and ground another terminal.

    Not That Easy Way:
    To make the horn even louder, you could supply the power straight from the battery to the horn. You will have to use a relay to make a switch and need some wire work.

    I tried both way and they are both louder than the stock, but the second way is noticable louder. (Not a whole bunch louder but you could tell it's louder)

    I'll record a sound clip soon.
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    stinky Guest

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    I would mount it lower though so its not peering through the grill like that. Looks like it is loud though
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    darrenwang Guest

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    Actually it wasn't that bad. I used flash while taking the pictures so it's easier to see.

    I guess I could also mount it lower behind the bumper, but that way the sound might be blocked by the bumper somehow so it won't be as loud?
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    stinky Guest

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    You may actually get a revers effect. It could reverberate off the metel for the front bumper and get louder. I know that its mnore the flash than anything, but the bright red thing Im sure would stick out on a sunny day as well.

    Its prolly one of those things that you know you should do, but never actual do. Then when somebody points it out in real life, you tell him how you would like to, but never really get around to it.

    I would do the same thing. I hate the black horn being there and thought about moving it. SO I cant imagine a red one hiding any better.
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    Blk03Corolla Guest

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    Good call stinky I hate my black one too lol. If he is going for that look though he may like it. Some people like to show off there mods but others like to coneal them. I like having my supercharger because no loud bov which I wanted before. Everyone wonders why a rolla whipped them lol. OH wait when I actually have my car to woop people. The 88 tercel is doing so well. haha
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    stinky Guest

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    I wired the horn from my old audi into the horn system as well, so I get the big CADDY sound anyway. But my system was only ....um FREE!!
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    Gherty65 Guest

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    How much horning do u do that, it has to be so loud. tight though. over here in VA if u horn u get pulled over. it's so gay. And u get a ticket called Disturbing peace. :cry:

    o and dont let me get started with the other gay rules like, NOt lowering your car in any way. The car must be at its stock height. No tinted windows unless neccessary by a doctor or very light tint. No Radar decters what so ever. and like a 9000000 pages long list. it's very stupid. :evil:
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    [TRD]Rolla Guest

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    lol...i honk alot...i need a better sounding horn
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    darrenwang Guest

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    Ok, both of them are installed now.
    I just mount them together.

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    bimmernut Guest

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    So is one of those a low and the other is a high tone horn? It may be worth it to me... It need not be louder, just deeper. The "meep-meep" (roadrunner-like) horn is just too friendly in rush-hour traffic.

    How does the second horn receive power (the one that doesn't have leads in your picture)? Did you have to modify the wiring to make both horns sound at once?
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    stinky Guest

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    The second horn has leads as well, they are just under his bracket. I used a similar bracket to mount my horn as well.

    I would guess that he just wired both posatives up to his positive for the horn, and the negative should be grounded to his bracket, or other neg point.
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    darrenwang Guest

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    Let me show you where I did the purchase first. There are more on eBay now for a even lower price.

    According to their information, there are two versions of Hella Supertone. I bought the cheaper one, which has a deepr sound (300 and 375Hz at 113db) instead of the more expensive one (300 and 500Hz but 118db!!!)

    Both horns look identical and have two connectors, one for positive and one for ground. (Maybe you didn't see the leads because they are underneath the bracket?)

    You could just tap another extra wire with the existing wire (the black one that goes to the stock horn) to power the second Hella horn. Or you could make a wiring kit with relay and supply the power straight from the battery. The concept is same as the headlight upgrade kit that Stinky and Jae are selling.

    Let me know if you need any help. :D
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    roll03 Guest

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    Hahahahhaha I know exactly what you mean. I get so pissed off behind the wheel sometimes and I start honking at people.... then I try and hide. I'm actually putting on an air horn my uncle used to have on his Honda Passport. Its too high pitched for such a little car (the rolla). But incredibly loud though...

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