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OK, I have HAD it with the uncomfortable driver seat!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Interior' started by thoots, Nov 16, 2003.

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    thoots Guest

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    Yes, you sound very much like my mother, who at 5-foot-even, would have LOVED how she could have gotten right up to the wheel in these new Corollas. But, lots of folks just a bit taller than you, and waaay up, are having just a dickens of a time getting comfortable. Especially those of us who got used to "sports-car seating," where you really lean way back in the seat, with your knees rather "higher up in the air" than the "sit straight up" position you seem to be FORCED to use in the new Corolla.

    Hehehehe -- this all suggests a new solution to get comfortable with the Corolla seat:

    "A little cosmetic surgery might do the trick -- just cut your height down to about five-feet-even, and the seat should fit you just fine!"


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    snuggles Guest

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    :oops: stop making fun of my shortness! :oops: But are the sporty seats really that comfy??? I've never seat in them before.
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    dominator 04 Rolla 5spd.

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    I stand 6' 1" and also lacked thigh support and leg room in my '04 CE. The seat base has the least back-slope I've ever seen...I simply added a 3/4" spacer (I used a shaved urethane stabilizer bar end link grommet) under both front seat mounts and used longer bolts. It simultaneously added thigh support and leg room, and is quite comfortable now.
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    TRD-MX83 Guest

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    Any chance you can post a picture of this? Sounds like a good idea!
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    dominator 04 Rolla 5spd.

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    I really should learn to open up a picture link of some kind, sometime...Just remove one seat frame floor mounting bolt and match it to two bolts of same thread and diameter that's at least 1/2 " longer. I got lucky at my friendly Yamaha dealer. Then, remove your two front seat bolts, loosen both rear bolts after popping off their plastic covers. You can then add washers (I used a couple of carved urethane grommets I had but nearly anything will do) under front seat frame to desired front lift/tilt and retighten all bolts!
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    thoots Guest

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    Yes, I'd love to see more documentation about this kind of adjustment. One thing really worries me -- what about the "rear" bolts -- with the frame now raised in the front, it would seen that the rear would be a bit "angled" when you tighten up the rear bolts. Did you have any problem with that, or do anything to keep like "bending" things back in the rear?

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    thoots Guest

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    One more idea to report:

    I've tried a few things -- that Saddleman cushion, a couple of other cushions, and I even tried Sharper Image's "lumbar back rest" cushion -- with the "lumbar hump" at the front of the seat cushion, it was shaped pretty darn close to what we might need. But, it wasn't really wide enough, and it was too thick. Oh, well, worth a shot!

    What really started occurring to me is that "really, all we need is a bit of extra cushion at the very front edge of the seat. So, the big idea to report is this:

    Computer keyboard "wrist rest."

    One of those ought to be worth trying -- they're "long enough" to fit across the front of the seat, and they ought to have some kind of positive effect. I bought a "Fellowes" brand rest that unfortunately had far more of a "stiff base" than I've ever seen before, but it's certainly providing some thigh support. And, like most of these things, it has a "grippy" bottom to it, so it tends to stay put pretty well.

    Office Depot has "memory foam" rests that might well do better -- a very nice way to get your hands on a "finished" piece of foam, at the very least. Gosh, I wish it was about an inch longer, though -- it's about an inch shorter than this Fellowes thing. I'll play with the Fellowes one for a while, and see if I'm really using every last inch of the thing as I drive around. If not, my bet is that the Office Depot memory foam thing might be an even better solution -- a little less "firm" than the Fellowes.

    So, again, I hope this helps! Until I get the guts to unbolt that seat, this might well be the best way to go so far....

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    mrcee Guest

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    seating position

    :( Toyota screwed up. The relation of seat to steering wheel is just not correct unless you have arms like a chimp. Metal shims with auto grade bolts should be safe - they do this kind of stuff for handicapped conversions. Have to be careful of seat side air bags though!!
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    lostboy New Member

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    I've had this problem for the longest time and still do ...

    So i got used to no leg support ... i put my feet near the seat like someone who has their elbow on their knees in the thinking man position ... and just let the legs bend and the thighs are in the air ... but after a while you need to stretch so i put my foot past the dead rest and rest my gas foot beyond the pedal for a lil stretch ... if i could just move the dead pedal ... and the end of the foot area forward 2 inches it would help a lot ... i'm freakin 5'8" ... short for the average male and sheesh ... i can barely extend my leg ... this is with the seat all the way 2nd to the last notch ...

    I drive with my hands on the 6 oclock position of the steering wheel ... it's closer to me but not safe if you need to change directions suddenly ...

    telescoping would have been worth it ... if it was a feature i would have paid up to 500 for it ...

    the problem with getting a lower seat is the dash ... it's going to be too high for me .... so seat extenders for thigh support sounds good ... i can't even use the dead rest anymore ... and sometimes my left foot touches the brake now since it's so close...

    good thing i don't drive for over 30 minutes anymore.

    did you guys see the camry and salara... the seats have lil thigh support extensions ... wtf? do it to all the cars ... freaks ...

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