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The new CRX Si

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by milhousse, Jun 16, 2005.

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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    The new CRX Si

    So after 2 weeks of waiting, the car arrives in Winnipeg via rail.
    I get a call from my "contact" who arranged the cheap shipping for me, go down to the auction lot to pick up the car. Pretty excited, been waiting awhile for it.

    Get to the auciton lot, and spend about half an hour trying to find keys for the damn car. No one knows where they are. So I go out to find the car and see if maybe someone f'd up a left them there. Looking around the lot for a nice clean CRX (was spotless when it got to the TO rail yard). I find the car. COVERED in mud. Thanks CP rail. lol no big deal.
    Cant find the keys, get back, and it turns out that they actually towed the car there from the rail yard becuase they lost the keys. So I call the most expensive locksmitch company I can think of to come down and hand cut (using a file and a blank) a set of keys (without doing it from code). The shipping company gets the bill for that one.
    So after waiting an hour for the guy to show up, he opens the door, cuts 2 keys in 10 minutes, and takes off. I go to start the car (it's about 8pm by now, and the mosquitos in the yard are insane!) and it just keeps cranking, wont fire. Now I know it was driven to the rail yard, so there cant be anything too serious wrong. Check the fuel gauge: 1/2 a tank. Check the plugs: all good. Check the distributor: good. All the plugs spark, adjusted the ignition timing (it was WAY too far ahead, shouldnt have even been running before). I'm stumped. So luckily I have a cell on me, call a friend to come down and maybe figure it out. He comes down, does all the same, double checks everything.
    Finally we test the fuel pressure: NOTHING. Check the fuel gauge again. So we figure the fuel pump is gone. Figure to tow it home, drop the tank and replace it with a spare one that I have. Just as we are paking everything up, friend decides to check the underside of the car, just the condition of it. Taps the fuel tank, and we both know right away whats wrong. lol No one says anything. Just get a sipoh out, put in 10L of gas, purge the air from the fuel line, and turns over first time.

    Drive it down the block (well not really a block, this is all outside of the city in slack-jawed town) to the gas station. fill it up with another $15CDN (about 17 or so liters.) (not bad!). Go to start it. Nothing. Purge some more air, starts up fine. Get it home (1/2 hour drive) turn it off, unpack all the parts inside (amazing what fits in those things!). Go to start it. Again, nothing. Well it turns out the 17mm nut where I was purging air wasnt lined up right (fuel goes through the bolt). Lube it up with some gas, tightens on fine, and NOW everything is good :)

    Left workat 4:30 to go get the car, got home by 10:30. Fun.
    Just have to replace the front upper ball joints tonight and then safety it (apparently the safety doesnt require me to fix the windshield crack because it is on the other side (passenger)).

    NOTE: turns out the rail yard has a problem with people siphoning off gas from the cars (either employees or other). So that is probably why the gas gauge was screwed up. If not, new cluster...
    (It had 1/2 a tank of gas before it went to the rail yard)
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    e_andree E

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    Well, at least its running and ya worked it out
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    AE102 New Member

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    yep, congrats on your new car :)
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    Laz Z Kay "n00B, be kind"

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    Congrats on your new ride.
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Thanks all! Looks like I am going to keep the corolla for now as well. Except all my audio etc/ is coming out of it and going in the crx (front and rear speakers, sub and amp, deck). Though with business travelling, I probably wont get back to working on the car for another 2 weeks :S

    Just calculated my mpg today. After 250km's of fairly hard city driving, it was sitting at about 40mpg. not too shabby
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    sweet stuff man congrats..... dang I wish I could be getting 40 mpg lol
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    You should have fun with the car, I used to have a '91 Civic Si (same platform, engine, transmission as the the CRX, big difference is the body) and I loved the car, I still miss it :( But 40mpg?! Damn, I was only getting about 35~36mpg with highway driving, my city was down to about 30~32mpg.

    Congratulations on the car! I'm sure you'll enjoy it alot :)
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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Alright Alright. here are some pics. I havnt taken any myself, so these are from the previous owner (I'm going away in ... 7 hours, have to leave for the airport at 5am, so I wont be back for another week to take any).
    Not shown are the ton of parts that it came with; summer tires/rims (winter on in those pics), rear disc brakes, bunch of engine parts, bearings, some electrical parts, some interior parts, body parts etc/







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    Dr Tweak Mad Scientist

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    Savannah, GA
    Looks nice!
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    not bad, pretty clean, from the pics the paint and body looks pretty good and the interior aint that bad at all...what year is it?
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    AE102 New Member

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    looks like a 92 or 93.....
    and its a stick! whoo!! :woot:
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    I can guarantee its not a 92 or 93. The CRX, in that style, was made from 88 to 91. They had a CRX before 88, but it was a bit ugly (imo), and they did not have any after 91...
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    10 points for teevee247 there.
    It's an 89 si. I didnt like the previous gen, and this was the best one in this gen that I could find for a reasonable price (and wasnt too far away).

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