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For those who cleared their corners, please LOOK...

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by Toyo_Toy, Nov 10, 2003.

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    Toyo_Toy Guest

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    For those who cleared their corners, please LOOK...

    Thanks for looking... :lol:

    How about a favor guys and gals....

    Can someone post a pic of the exact location of the "tab" or "clip" that holds the orange reflector...
    I know it was mentioned on the DIY section, but I just want something more clear.

    Thanks all!
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    CarbonB New Member

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    I also had a problem with this, when you first get the headlamp off look into the turn signal hole.

    There is a speace inbetween the crome and the outside and then you will see a tiny little yellow piece sticking out, get a flathead set it up next to it and pushing it in.

    It will fold and the piece will beable to be pulled down.

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