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Suggestions On DIY Blue Tinting On Licence Plate Lights

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by corolla crooner, Oct 10, 2003.

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    corolla crooner Guest

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    Suggestions On DIY Blue Tinting On Licence Plate Lights

    I was wondering if there was an easy cheap way to tint those little lights. Something like coating the bulbs or the plastic cover with a bluesish film. Where to buy it, etc.

    Anyone has done this on their rollas? My guess is that it can work very well, given the lower wattage of these bulbs,

    THanks in advance.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    Jersey City, NJ
    Re: Suggestions On DIY Blue Tinting On Licence Plate Lights

    i tried painting my dome light red, it was perfect but the paint eventually burned off, as far as making yours blue, i'd get some dark blue transparent vinyl and use that, cuz i do know that it is not legal to do that...
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    corolla crooner Guest

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    well, i will have to check on the legal issues. But I don't see why they have to be yellow. Is there a hazzard to other drivers if they have a different tint? These are just lil' licence plate bulbs forchrisake!

    BTW, I got passed on the freeway by this souped-up Sentra" R" 6 speed the other day. It had those blue signal bulbs. Obviously illegal. I think he noticed I had altezzas and the xenon blue headlamps, and wanted to race. I didn't want to risk a ticket....But thing is these guys immediately think one is a racer, just because of some aftermarket stuff in our cars!
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    Wally-Mart sells little sleeves for light bulbs. They come in a pack with red, green, blue, and yellow, you get two of each color. I've never tried them but I was told they're some sort of heat-shrink material that molds itself to the shape of the bulb.

    They're really cheap, like 4 bucks a pack.

    Believe it or not the first pack I picked up to look at, someone had opened it and stole ONE of the blue sleeves. Wouldnt' that look good on the criminal record...shoplifting at Wal Mart for a 50 cent item.
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    Yup...those work well for your dome light. Had my blue sleeve on mine for about a year now with no problems. 8)

    Never thought about trying the larger ones on the other bulbs. Obviously the fog lights and headlights are too hot for them...note to all!
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    corolla crooner Guest

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    I am going to check those out at wally mart, thanks!!!
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    pkpss Guest

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    I'll try those too since I think my sharpie coat for the console lights got burnt off. :D
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    RollaS New Member

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    from what i've heard.....it's very very hard to get to those bulbs for you plates w/out doing some damage
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    Even the owners' manual says to take it to Toyota to replace them. Will have to look tomorrow and see why it's so difficult. It would make for a sad DIY if we have to post one to change a license light!
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    corolla crooner Guest

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    I guess some light blue sticky vinyl film could work, place outside the bulb assembly, that is if it doesn't look too bad..

    I'll check the bulbs tomorrow and report back...

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