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Interior Paint Issue

Discussion in 'Interior' started by moonshadow, Aug 31, 2003.

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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    Interior Paint Issue

    Well i got my interior trim (some of it) painted red tonight, but i have a minor issue. after i got it done, the center console (below Radio) has some little dots that look like dips in it. i mean its not smooth, noticable in different light reflection. does anyone have any suggestions on how i can fix that. i'll try to get some pictures taken later tonight and show you but i appreciate your help.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    Jersey City, NJ
    well here are some pictures




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    CorollaAudacity Guest

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    Well, i did mine exactly like yours. You kinda have to clean it before you do it, make sure nothing is on it. If you just paint it by spraying, with vinyl spray from dupli color, the paint should come out shooth. For me, it didnt start getting smooth until the 6th layer. I put about 15 layer onto mine. What you can do is just sand paper it i guess, or better yet, get one of those spray from dupli color that could get rid of their paint.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    um i washed it with dishwashing soap, covered what i didn't want painted and then i started spraying, i've done about 6 layers, and it looks a little goopy, i am just wondering if i used really fine sand paper like say 1000 grit will that help and then do another coat. cuz i mean it looks a little odd. do you have any close up pics of yours so i can tell what it looks like cuz my vents came out perfect, just the center console bottom, part below the tape.
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    oxymoron Guest

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    You have to apply really thin coats. You tried to put too much on at once. You can try sanding it smooth and then build it up slowly. Let the paint dry completely between coats.

    By the way, the best thing to use for cleaning before painting is Tri-Sodium Phosphate (TSP). It'll remove just about everything without damaging.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    i did do thin coats, i did a coat every 30 minutes and did 6 coats, its just that it started out with blotches and then they went away after the second coat and what i was left with is the stupid dings in there. do you think sanding will help or just ruin it more.
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    WebMasta33 Guest

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    Not insulting intelligence.... Just pointing out.

    Hold the can 8" away from the surface.

    Start spraying the can before the paint goes over the surface and continue to spray after for a more even coat. It looks like you let go of the trigger consistantly while over the item, and it blotched up because of that.
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    oxymoron Guest

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    What kind of paint did you use? 30 minutes between coats isn't long enough. The paint my feel dry but if it's still tacky another coat can just liquify the the paint again. It could also be that the paint has dissolved the plastic. Unless the paint you used cures really hard, sanding will likely make things worse.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    i did do that, actually it was more like 12-14" away. and i did the rest too. this isnt the first time i've painted stuff.

    also oxy, i used Krylon Fusion, it said 12 minutes or less and its true cuz i tried it on some other stuff before i started on my car. the little dips are still there but since its completely dry, its difficult to tell them unless u look at it really close. thanx guys for all your help
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    intel61 Guest

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    how long did u let it dry? you can get the dips if you didnt level your parts also achint. only thing that was wrong with mine was keeping it level at first, then i had to redo it to even most of it out
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    actually it came out fine after it dried, it looks real nice, i'll post pics after my school server is back up and i can host them again, probably tomorrow
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    intel61 Guest

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    yea, i'd say dont worry about it if you're ok with it, i have imperfections in mine, but i dont see em that easily, so i dont care
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    CarbonB New Member

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    What parts did you mask off?

    It look like you masked off the entire top part where the dials are and left about 3 mm of uncovered area on the panel.

    So it kinda looks like it runs into the top panel.
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    the dial area is totally like OEM, no paint on there. for the two side vents. the vent part was covered, and the little dials that open and close the vents were covered. turned pretty nice actually 8) i'll post pics after my seat covers come in cuz then im interior is done
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    yeye Guest

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    welll i got another Q for u, what was the weather like when u were painting?
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    chr0me94 Guest

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    I want to see pictures with everything back in place. :)
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    snuggles Guest

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    Do any of you guys know how to take the air vents out of the car?? I want to paint my vents black. I just don't know how to take it out and paint it.

    What kinda paint is good for painting the interior??? Is there a special kind of paint to use??

    I have the woodgrain in my car, is there any kind of paint that can cover it??? I know the woodgrain is kinda shiny and glossy, so is there a good paint that will stick to it??
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    intel61 Guest

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    for the side vents, just pull them from the side that faces the door. it will take a little force but they come out. also use krylon fusion paint so it will stick to the plastic, you can find it at your local wal-mart. dont use normal spray paint, it will just peel off after it dries up. also i dont think you would be able to cover that wood grain, doesn't it stick out a little bit anyways. i mean you can cover it but i dont think it would come out good.
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    snuggles Guest

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    I'm a lil stupid, so you're gonna have to excuse me. when you say "for the side vents, just pull them from the side that faces the door." what do u mean from the side that faces the door?? Do i just like grab hold of one of the vertical or horizontal strips and pull it out? I want to paint the actual vent. I don't want to break it and then mess it up.

    so i am pretty much stuck with the woodgrain?? that really sucks. do u think i can break it and then have them give me S or the CE cover??? <see picture>
    what is the *name* for this thing?

    Can i take the woodgrain door peice thing out and paint that?? <see picture>
    What is the *name* for that thing? yeah i know my door insert is not well done. i think i got the wrong fabric. :oops:
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    Gherty65 Guest

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    I think that's normal since the counsule is like made out of plastic and the plastic is not like fully smoth it has dots on it even when it's in it's gray color so the paint will form the orginal look unless u can make it smooth then re paint it which is not that hard prabably.
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    Dimsum New Member

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    Im pretty sure that the wood grain is removable and they(your dealership) might be able to do it for you cause I had the option for putting it in instead of having the chrome and the wood grain trim costed $350 to put in :shock: . I didnt do it though.
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    intel61 Guest

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    ok for the side vents, look at the picture, pull from where the yellow arrow shows u

    and there is a way to take out teh door piece, i just forgot how but its been posted. might have to take a couple of screws off to take the door apart and stuff
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    snuggles Guest

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    There's a door to take the vents out?? that's kinda cute. didn't think vents have doors.
    I want to paint the actual vent, not the border that surrounds the vent. Like i've seen people paint just the vents. <see picture>


    [IMG] Is there a way to take those out???

    Dimsum - Does the chrome trim cost $350 or does the woodgrain cost $350. Cuz i don't see why anybody would want to pay $350 for woodgrain. Is the chrome trim from the factory or from the dealers??? do u know?
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    intel61 Guest

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    good luck painting those, there might be a way to take them out. but still hard

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