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sylvana silver stars

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by Blue_Diamond, Aug 16, 2003.

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    Blue_Diamond Guest

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    sylvana silver stars

    whats up corolla crew?

    i was planning on buying the sylvana silver stars for the regular low beams but i wanted to know when i purchase the 9006 model, what is the max wattage i can buy. I would also like to know what is the wattage the stock lights are on toyota. I dont want to burn out my head light harness. thanx
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    Patsfan123 Guest

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    The stock lowbeam wiring is rated for 55w, which is standard lowbeam. I think they only come in one watage... Some members say silverstars are the best while some including myself are kind of dissapointed in them... A better solution would be to modify 9005 highbeam bulbs (70w) and fit them into the low beam housing, this will give you much brighter lights. If you just want the pure white look go with stock lowbeams but if you want more light output (lumens) then you may want to go with modifying the 9005 highbeam bulb. A DIY is here. You only need to cut the plastic by the metal leads though for the corolla.. There are little plastic tabs on the lowbeam housing that you can break off, and the bulb will fit fine.
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    intel61 Guest

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    i'm satisfied with my silverstars, dont need to modify anything to get them to work. its good cause they wont blow unless i do something or they're defective. if you want stronger light get a harness to upgrade the wiring. if you got the cash buy the HID kits, but silverstars work fine in my opinion
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    imported_Zero New Member

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    i love my silverstars...and they are way better than standard halogens...but they by no means compare to true HID...just look at this pic...7000k HID on the left, silverstar on the right :shock:

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    SSJ_Rolla Guest

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    now those HIDs are bright.....Nice Zero 8)
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    SolidSnake Guest

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    Is it just me or is everyone going through silverstars pretty quick.....I go through them at about every 6 months. For the people that have their DRL's disabled, do the lights still activate automatically via the dash sensor? It just seems that the silverstars don't have much life to them.....
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    imported_Zero New Member

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    i got mine in january and put a good 15,000 miles on em w/out dissabling the drls and they still ran strong
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    RollaS New Member

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    i got my silverstars in november and they just burnt out.
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    SSJ_Rolla Guest

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    I have my DRL's disabled via the yellow wire and it does not automatically come on by the dash sensor anymore.
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    thoots Guest

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    I'm happy with plain old Silverstars. I did plenty of late-night driving during a trip down around Las Vegas and Phoenix -- like going from Las Vegas to Phoenix starting around 1:00 AM. So, I was on plenty of two-lane roads, in the wee hours, and I just couldn't have been happier with the visibility from the Silverstars. And, that was just the "low beams" -- "I wasn't going to do much of any night driving," so I hadn't gotten the high beams yet. :D But, even the "normal" high beams gave plenty of light -- like I say, I was just pleased as punch with how well I could see.

    I've got Silverstars all around now, and I sure don't expect to do anything any different. I don't have my DRL's disabled, either -- heck, I'd be driving with the lights on all the time, anyway. I think having your lights on even during the day gives you about a thousand times more visibility than without them -- I know I've pulled out in front of more than a couple of cars in my days, and I'm sure I wouldn't have, since these got "lost in my front pillar" on the right side, and I probably would have noticed them earlier if they would have had their lights on. So, since I'd really rather keep this car intact for about the next 20 years, I'm game to do anything I can to avoid accidents. So, it's "lights on all the time" for me, DRL's or not!

    Hehehehe -- we'll see how long the Silverstars last!! I got 'em about the first of May this year, so I'll report when they burn out... :p

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    ph0bi4 Guest

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    Can someone post a link to somewhere that i can read more info on the silverstars. price, quality, etc...
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    Baby Lex Guest

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    There's their site for you. You can check places like Auto Zone, Walmart, etc. because most of them carry them as well. 8)
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    i'm still running on stock lamps but if it makes any difference in your mind, sylvania is the company that makes most OEM bulbs and the silverstars have got raving reviews from several places, including shows on TV.
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    ph0bi4 Guest

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    do the come in the bright white/blue color? Not the ricy flourescent blue, but the pretty one :)
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    they are white/bluish in color if i'm not mistaken
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    SF_Rolla Guest

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    ive had my silverstars for quite some time now but something has kept me puzzled... how far out should i be able to see with the headlights??? 50ft? 100ft? is there a chance i messed up the alignment of my headlights when i installed the bulbs??? i've had my silverstars for so long that i dont remember how far my view was before them... :?:
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    hey adrian, you cant really mess up your alignment cuz if i recall correctly the headlamp housing determines where the beam falls so you have to control 2 screw like apendiges to control that. i could be wrong cuz i have never looked at our headlights from that point of view cuz i havent changed any bulbs yet.
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    White Rabbit Guest

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    U adjust em with a screwdriver theres a bolt or screw that u turn, Ive adjusted mine a bit but a few people had started to flash their highs at me, so I had to readjust em but theres still a good increase in light.
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    KingKuei Guest

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    I used to have SilverStar 9006s on my Cadillac before I sold it. They are rated at 4100K, which is above the stock yellow, but not very white. At certain times, depending on what you're looking at or have your lights pointed at, they will be appear much whiter than usual. But at other times, you'll see that the true color is still yellowish. Either way, they look great, light up the road a little better, but they are NOT the equivalent of an HID, neither in color temperature nor lumen output.
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    darrenwang Guest

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    I totally agree. I was somehow disapointed at the silverstar when I first installed them. I guess I expected too much. :lol:
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    See if you can "borrow" someone else's 2003. Both my wife and I have one, I pulled hers up about 10 feet from the garage door, marked around her wheels on the ground using my kid's sidewalk chalk, then marked where the brightest part of her stock headlamps shined on the garage door. Moved her car out, moved mine into the marks I made from her tires (with her guideance since I couldn't see them) then tweaked my JDMs with Silverstars so the bright spot was the same as hers. Now I don't get flashed anymore. Still light up the road a lot better than the stocks.
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    lostboy New Member

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    how long do oem lights last? I don' tknow if i can afford new headlights every year ... but dang .. i can't see worth jack with my oem lights ... they are so weak ... and my left headlight is sitting lower than the other side ... toyota said it's how the car was "mass produced" basically saying that corollas have flaws and it can't be fixed ...
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    The headlights can be adjusted easily. Take it to another shop, have them do it, then send the bill to Toyota customer care with a letter saying what the dealer said, and the name of the jerk that said that if you can find it. They should reimburse you.

    I'm hearing way too many jackass dealer stories to keep that warm and fuzzy feeling image Toyota likes to project!
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    MikeyRolla Guest

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    I bought silverstars about 2 months ago and put them in. I love em. They are really a bit brigher and nicer. The car also looks nicer when you look at it with the lights on. Im happy with them. I also bought cyberwhite bulbs for my turn signals and they are a blue light. Those really make the lights stand out next to a stock corolla in terms of lighting. Im pleased with them. I know you can get both bulbs at walmart. And the cyberwhites are only about 4 bucks for 2 lights. I'm gonna get all sliverstars for the lights and I will be happy.
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    Patsfan123 Guest

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    Bah every car is mass-produced except for exotic cars like Ferarri. If the companies had attitudes like that, they wouldn't fix any car.
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    lostboy New Member

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    yeah ... every car is .. but toyota mech claimed that's the reason why it's fitted so poorly ... when i got my rsx ... the acura dude saw me checking the fittings on the car and everything ... he said that it's made in japan! and that it's perfect ... haha ... i was pissed at toyota ...
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    Yoda Guest

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    quick questions...

    its obvious that silverstars "look" brighter than stock low beams. However, which bulb actually is the brightest (that is, which produces the most visible light to aid night vision)??? what is the unit of measurement for true brightness???

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    Patsfan123 Guest

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    The measurement for brightness is Lumens, and silverstars on our cars are 1000 lumens low, and 1700 lumens for high beams. I dont know what the rating for stock bulbs are though. HID is rated around 3300 lumens for like 4300k beams, the more color you get however the more it goes down.
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    RohllaNewbie Guest

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    damn, i want your hid's! They're so bright that even the picture is blinding me...anyways, i gotta get some rims and tires before i can even start saving up for some hids.
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    Yeup, that's why so many of the blue colored xenon "HID" bulbs (fakes) like to up the wattage on the bulb. Which of course fries your harness, toasts your DRL circuit, melts your headlight housing.....

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