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Discussion in 'Interior' started by JuicyJ, Jul 10, 2003.

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    JuicyJ New Member

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    This morning I was messing around with my 15's cause I usually only use my 12's. And I noticed when I on'y used one sub instead of the 2 at the same time, it was a whole hell of a lot louder.so I slowling crank the volume up, little by little and suddenly it just stops playing. I stoped at a friends house and use there drive way to inspect it and I see a blown fuse. Ok, so I replace it and when I cut on my radio, its crakling. So I'm guessing that speaker is trash now or what? Is there a way to fix it? The only other information I can give you is that I have it in a dual bandpass enclosure with a 600 watt crossfire amp.
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    BizaRRo DereK Guest

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    whats crackeling? just one speaker or all of them?
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    Just the one that I hooked up. Its a 300 watt speaker and I put the 600 watt amp on that single speaker. It makes that crakling noise but I wanna know if I can fix it?
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    baller Guest

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    its probably done for then.. U might of blew the speakers.. I had that problem with my old sound system on my old car. i turned it up too loud and the speaker just got fucked up.. good thing i sold the car and disconnected the speaker when i sold it. so the person never knew . haha i AM EVIL.... heh actually i was honest and told him the right rear speaker doesnt work . he didnt mind
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    ConwayJim Guest

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    If it sounds grainy and fuzzy the speaker is a gonner! Double check your gains on your amp, they should be pretty much close to "zero". Never use your gains as a source of volume, remeber that the only reason why the gain is there, is so that it can match the preout voltage of the Headunit...
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    that could be it. I did have the gain all the way up. I turned it down now, but oh well, its to late. I only have one 15 now. Thanks for the help
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    ConwayJim Guest

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    Yep...that was your problem. What i usually do is fade everything down except for the sub, so that's the only thing that can be heard. Then what i do is lower the gain all the way to "zero". From there i go back to the Head Unit and crank it all the way to the end "highest volume" (you should still not hear a thing).

    Then make your way back to the trunk and slowing increase the gain until you hear clipping/ squaring from the sub (ie distortion). Once you have found the limit, turn down the Head Unit and fade all the speakers back to their usual balance.

    Now when when you crank your system, you'll never blow your sub, because you already pushed it to the limit. If your like me, and are going to be hooking up your other speakers to amplifiers you should follow the same process. This way your system will always sound clean.

    Hope that helps...any other questions, give me a shout anytime :D 8)
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    That helps a lot. But the thing is that I was listening for distortion, but didn't hear a damn thing, so I kept turning it up, then it went out. I guess it has something to do with the bandpass box. I hate those boxes. My 12s are in a sealed box, so thats what I was used too. I never hooked my 15's up until yesterday just to see how they sounded, and now I'm one short. Oh well, life goes on.........
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    ConwayJim Guest

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    Yeah i hear ya! well let me know how your other projects go, and if your not too sure about something, just pop in here first just in case to be certain, or look around on the internet for some more information.

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