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Speaker Box

Discussion in 'Interior' started by JuicyJ, Jul 8, 2003.

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    JuicyJ New Member

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    Speaker Box

    I was wondering if it would be logical to make a box with 4 subs (2 12" and 2 15")? If so what do you think would be the best way to design it?
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    statik New Member

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    I had a system with 2x10" and 1x15" a few years back. It sounded pretty good, high SPL but supprisingly good SQ. It took a fair amount of effort to get it to sound good, since the 15 hit so low. I personnaly would take 10's and 15's over 12's and 15's since you can get a wider band on your bass. There is no reason not to do it as far as I know. What types of amps will you be using to power the monster? What type of subs will you be using?

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    JuicyJ New Member

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    its just in the beginning stages, but I just have a 200 watt legacy and a 600 watt crossfire amp. I plan to upgrade later. Two JBL 12"s and 2 MTX 15"s. So About how big was your box? How long did it take you to make it? And what design? I know I need to have a seald box with for chambers, but do you have any other tips for me? Thanks
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    I'd think you have to at least seperate the 12s from the 15s, or the back vaccum from the 15s is gonna keep the cones on the 12s from pushing forward at all. If you go with a sealed enclosure.
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    Ive just been searchin for a good design and ran up on this
    I think it pretty tight. It goes with the theme of his car. Here a few pics. Its very unique
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    statik New Member

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    that thing is crazy!, As far as boxes, if you do build one big box it needs to have separate chambers. I doubt you will every fit a box that fits 2 15's and 2 12's into your trunk so I would make two or four separate boxes that fit together nicely (thats what I did for the three 12's I have now (for them to fit into my old paseo). The box size will depend completly on the subs you use. The box that I used was 3 cubic feet for the 15" and 1 cubic foot for each ten. These volumes are approximate It has been along time and I have built a few since then. I used 3/8" MPF for all the boxes, and I put lots of braces in the box for the 15". My boxes where all sealed, and had an angled front (the usuall style) The boxes where made to fit perfectly into my old Mazda MX6 (1990). Just remeber once you add a shitload of subs your car will handle differently and be slower. Its going to take alot of MDF to make your boxes which will add alot of weight. I noticed major handling changes when I put my 2 12"s into my old Paseo, the corolla is much better from that respect. Personally I am taking out one of my subs and I'm plannign on making fitted fiberglass enclosures to go into the back sides of the trunk.

    Good Luck

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    SSJ_Rolla Guest

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    wow I have never seen a box like that before :shock:
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    03ToyMan New Member

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    that thing and a couple shots of vodka would give me nightmares...
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    I just did some measuring and thinking. I came up with a box the would look something like this | / \ / \ | if youknow what I mean. In the shape of an M. Dose this sould like a good idea? If so would would be the best design? should I put the 12"s on the inside or oudside walls? I was also thinking about having 2 speakers with the cone facing in the box and 2 out. Or should I go all facing out or all facing in? If I should do 2 facing in, should I do the 15"s, 12"s, or one of each? any help is appreciated
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    statik New Member

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    if you reverse mount them you can have smaller boxes which is really nice, so you may want to consider that. Personnally I tend not to because I still need to use my car to store stuff. The "M" shape doesn't look bad, I have never done it personally but it should work fine. Another idea would be like this _/\_ with the 15" on angles (withthe larger boxes). Are you planning on having the drivers facing forward or backward?

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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    what car are u gonna put that in, seems kinda tall to go in the trunk
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    I'm gonna lput them in the corolla. Theres room, I measured it off. Its gonna be tight though. I don't like to take no for an answer, so I'll make it work one way or another. Just like those people bashing stinky on the e-turbo, think they know evey damn thing there is to know about shit. How many of them at least havea real turbo? Probably none of them and they've probably never worked with one nome the less seen a real one before. All I gotta say is good job for stinky for trying something new insted of sittin on his ass talking bout shit hes gonna do and never doing it like some people. Eough on that subject, sorry, just venting. But anyway statik, thats a great idea you proposed abut the _/\_ shaped box. I didn't even think about that and it might take up less space. I haven't done any dimensions yet, but I'll be sure to do one like the one you showed me. Thanks for actually adressing some of my questions. So many people beat around the bush when you ask questions or tell you "its not gonna work" so I can't thank you enough for your positive response. Holla!!!!!!
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    WHY DO U GOTTA DO THIS, this is what turned vvti.net into what it is, i just asked a valid question, no need to go off on what stinky is doing, it looks a little big, but if u can fit it in, props to you, besides, i just like to state facts and see what it is.

    no offence to you JuicyJ but please change ur post to not starting shit in a thread or else

    HERE IS AN INVITE TO THE MODS TO EDIT IT, i dont want a flame thread and dont wanna see this board go down the hole either
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    2003C-RollaCE, I'm not flaming you, I was just saying, I was gonna make it work. Nothing to do with your post, I have no beef with you. Can't we all just get along. I just want love, peace, and a little :eek: every now and then? Is that too much to ask???
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    i know ur not flaming me, i could care of less bout that, what i mean is that some one else will read it and start sayin shit bout what u said bout anton doing the e-turbo, and the whole thread will go to shit, for that reason i said what i did, but i agree with u.

    this board is very good when it comes to descent normal non flametard discussions. its just some times the adredlin (spelling) starts flowing and ppl go outta control, but the e-turbo thread is the only one i've seen that happen, try and understand my point, the cross thread stuff ends up causing more problems than what its worth and b4 u know it, everyone hates the other guy for something or the other.....

    Hope u understand where i'm comming from
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    Thats understandable. One of my teachers when I was younger always used to tell me opinions were like an ass, everyone was one and they stink, and it didn't mean anything then, but now I truly understand.........
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    oxymoron Guest

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    Do you know what the recommended (sealed) box volumes are for your drivers?
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    xtm "Member"

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    This is just my personal opinion --- unless your car is a DROP-DOWN SHOW CAR, there is NO SENSE in using different sub sizes. You will have waves cancelling each other out, causing an out-of-phase problem (if they are in the same chamber)

    Since you want FOUR drivers, why not FOUR 15"s? at least they're uniform, and It will also look professional.

    Remember-- these are just suggestions, it's still your decision though!
    Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
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    oxymoron Guest

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    I agree with statik that a combination of 10's and 15's will likely work better than 12's and 15's.
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    statik New Member

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    Yeah, I really like the sound of different sub sizes. Assuming you connect the drivers in phase, and your crossovers don't cause a phase shift there should be no wave canceling. All the speakers will be in phase so the wave from the 15"'s would be added to the wave from the 10"s. Problems will most likely arrise if you use ported boxes or passive crossovers, so to make things easier use sealed boxes (as you planned originally) and use a good active crossover.


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