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Toyota V.I.P Security

Discussion in 'Interior' started by SilverCorollaS03, Jun 29, 2003.

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    SilverCorollaS03 Guest

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    Toyota V.I.P Security

    Hey. When I bought my corolla new I noticed there was a V.i.p sticker on it for the toyota security system which was supposed to be an "upgrade" that costs an extra $400 about. Does anyone know how good the toyota system is and if it's actually anything more than just keyless entry/unlock?
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    PilotGuy Guest

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    The V.I.P system is pretty good, it has the disable igntion on it, My mom's Rav4 has it and the inside of her car has a little microphone to listen if someone try's to break the lass. The only downfall of these factory installed security system is that they're all the same.
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    SilverCorollaS03 Guest

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    So the security system isn't bad? That's reassuring to know. Where is the microphone located at and what is the lass? Thanks for replying. :D
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    PilotGuy Guest

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    np, I personally dont have it installed on my Rolla, its on my mom's rav and the microphone is located near the know that adjusts the brightness of the gauges. O and I meant glass not "lass" sry
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    methaneb Guest

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    Look a few inches to the right of the ignition switch and you'll see a few slots. That's where the microphone is placed for intrusion noise such as glass breaking, etc.
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    SilverCorollaS03 Guest

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    Thanks for the info guys...I feel a lot better about my alarm system now. I think there is a trunk pin included too because when I tried to open my trunk w/my key when the alarm was on, it went off. That's what I was looking for especially since I have a sub in my trunk now. When I'm gonna park I think I'll just turn off my sub a few blocks away just to be sure anyway. I know this is pretty off topic but I was washing my car today and on my hood I saw two little small spots on that looked like the paint had been chipped..I haven't bumped into anything so I'm wondering where they could have come from..is anyone having the same problem and should I worry a lot about those spots and rust or anything?
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    moonshadow ||\\|||D)||\\||

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    Jersey City, NJ
    heh, its a good alarm, but nothing compares to a 2-way pager alarm
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    lostboy New Member

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    damn... your car alarm triggers when you open the trunk? mine doesn't ... is it suppose to ? how do you know if you have the ignition thing? Toyota had to set an appointment to install my alarm ... i don't know what it is ...
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    I've got the VIP also on my rolla. I noticed the trunk thing also. It works with the hood too. Theres a little pin to the right of the battery right in front of the fuse box. So that'll trigger it also, I've done it. Also, when I was installing my system, I hit a peice of metal with the 4 guage wire in my engine bay while it was connected to the battery by accident and that also set the alarm off. You should notice a little red led right next to your coin holder where you control your side mirrors. When you arm it or disarm it, do your headlights come on? Mine come on for about 20 seconds the go off. Or if you arm it with a door, hood, or trunk open does your chirp 3 times? I was reading in the manual that a soft impact on the glass will cause the system to sound a series of warning tones, and then a strong one will set off the alarm. Also if some one tries to break in your car, when you disarm it, the horn will sound 4 times. Then when you get in the car, check the red led and by the way it blinks, it'll tell you where the intrusion attemp occurred. 1. If it flashes one time, pause, one time, pause, then it was the shock sensor or trunk. 2. If it flashes 2 times, pause, 2 times, pause, then it was the hood. 3. If it flashes 3 times, pause, 3 times, pause, then you guessed it..........the doors. There stored in the systems memory and will be erased when you start the car. Thats how mine works at least. I didn't know this till now but its a must to know if you have the VIP since you have the ignition kill switch when the alarm goes off. If you loose your remote or whatever, open the drivers door with the key turn the ignition key to on, then press the red LED in (it should be in the out position now). I was always scared I'd lose my remote and have to have my car towed to the dealership, but I read that today. And one last thing, I haven't tried yet but if your car doesn't chirp when you arm it, heres how.

    1. Start with the LED light in the off position (out, how it should be currently), then turn the vehicle's ignition key on then off.

    2. Within 10 seconds, cycle the LED light switch to on (in position) then off (out positon) three times (you should push it a total of 6 times and it should rest in the out position)

    3. If the chirps were off before you started, then you will hear one chirp indicating that they have been turned on and 2 chirps if you turned them off.

    Tell me if you try it how it goes
    Also the in out position is a little confusing
    It says out is off and in is on, but to have the alarm on you want to keep it in the off position. So thats why I always put the position in parentheses
    Hope this helps
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    JuicyJ New Member

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    One omore question, Ill keep it short. Do you have your VIN# etched on all major glass in your car also?
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    SilverCorollaS03 Guest

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    Hey Juicy J thanks for all your advice. I'm on vacation so I haven't gotten a chance to try the alarm thing but how does it work? Does the whole alarm led actually pop in and out of the position? Thanks for all your help, I'll be sure to try it as soon as I get home because my car does not chirp right now.
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    thoots Guest

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    This varies from brand to brand -- the deal I worked with my dealer was to install an aftermarket system, not the Toyota VIP system. So, you just don't know what you've got until you look.

    "Usually," whatever you get installed doesn't include "wiring the trunk." Yeah, if they try to open a door, the alarm will go off, but they can be in the trunk ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT LONG with nary a peep. So.... Any reputable car stereo/alarm shop can hook your trunk up for you. That involves adding a "trunk pin" to your trunk, then wiring that to the system. It's entirely possible that you might already have a "trunk pin," but it's not hooked up. Take it to your dealer, or take it to any other shop you prefer. If they charge you much more than thirty bucks or so, they're hosing you.... :p

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    lostboy New Member

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    Thanks for the reply thoots ... i'll ask the dealer if they can do it ...

    so with the VIP alarm ... you can't just start the car without the remote? when i get in the car and arm it with the remote ... and stick my key in and turn it ... the alarm chirps 2 times and turns off ... i could start the car ... so i don't have that VIP alarm ...????


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