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Who here eats lobster?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TurismoDreamin, Jun 1, 2005.

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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Tulsa, Ok
    Who here eats lobster?

    I'm a big health freak so here's just a little sum sum that will hopefully help you guys on makin a decision on whether or not to eat lobster.....for those of you who love lobster....stop eating it! Apparently, its dangerous for the health. I saw this on TV last night and also found this article that said basically the same thing. Lobsters have high levels of toxins in them....such as arsenic, lead, and mercury.

    Also, did you know that the lobster and the cock roach are somewhat related. They are both biologically classified in the phylum class (phylum Ecdysozaa). Beyond classification which should reflect the lobster and cockroach evolutionary relationship, the term given to lobsters as being 'roaches of the sea' is because lobsters as omnivorous scavengers. Cockroaches will eat almost anything organic and so will lobsters. They clean up the dead and dying plants and animals in their environment.

    So next time you take a bite of that big juicy lobster at like Red Lobster, think of it as being one huge roach on your plate!

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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    hehe yur funny... :)

    I eat lobster very very very very very... and um very rarely. i mean c`mon - everyone likes a lil roach now and again. ;) jk... i've always known they are pretty bad for ya, i mean c`mon - anything that is a scavenger can't be that good for ya. lol
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i hate to break it to you, but LIVING is hazardous to your health.

    i'll take my lobster with a slab of uberrare steak, thanks.

    oh - toss some extra salt in the mix, too.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    MmMmM Lobster... actually I don't like lobster any ways so yeah....
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    AE102 New Member

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    i dont think i've ever eaten lobster before.
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    CPat New Member

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    I LOVE seafood...I don't smoke, I rarely drink, so this is my poison I guess.

    BTW...go to www.encyclopedia.com and look up the word "lobster". You need to check your info. Here's a little bit why...

    Lobsters are classified in the phylum Arthropoda , subphylum Crustacea, order Decapoda, family Homaridae. The arthropods include crustaceans , insects , centipedes , millipedes , symphylans, pauropodans, and the extinct trilobites . Arthropods are characterized by a segmented body covered by a jointed external skeleton (exoskeleton).
    So the only reason a cockroach is related in ANY form to a lobster is because of an exoskeleton. That's like saying that when you eat a steak just picture your uncle Kevin or Larry or that guy you don't really like that you work with on your plate, cause after all...we're both mammals, so that's related, right?
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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    群馬 日本
    The first guy who ever ate a lobster must be REALLY despirately hungry.

    But don't all seafood nowadays also contain high levels of toxens because of the crap we dump into the water?
    I haven't had lobster for a while myself.. too rich for my blood. And I never eat fish cause I never can tell if it's good or not.. smells like fish either way.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    Lakewood, CO
    as long as its fresh its fine... becides that fish only smells like "fish" after its eather been cooked or taken off ice for a wile... sushi doesen't smell like fish... uncooked and so fresh from the ice its still cold.. and it's damn good!
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    statik New Member

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    Yeah any large animal in the sea will have some buildup of heavy metals and toxins because of industrial run-off and hazardous waste dumping into the ocean. Large fish are another one that everyone talks about. Blue crabs are a perfect example of scavenging Arthropods that taste really good steamed with a can of beer and smothered in Old Bay seasoning! :D I would however, NOT eat crabs from the Middle River!
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    xnevergiveinx New Member

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    north royalton, oh
    i haven't ever eaten lobster, i don't eat seafood, at all really...maybe a piece of fish every 6 months or something. i want to try crab legs and lobster sometime though.

    everything in the ocean seems to be polluted with mercury and crap...thats why they tell you not to eat fish more than 3 times a week.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    you shoulda had the crabs Mike and i had in OC...my good god they were FULL.

    ...damn you. now i must have steamed crabs.
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    statik New Member

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    I should have had them, yes you are correct. Why are YOU complaining? Maryland style steamed crabs aren't exactly accessible for me at the onset of craving!!! :p At least you can have them within hours...
    hm... I wonder if they can be overnighted to Alaska... :D

    Tourismo, if you're worried about toxins, check out milk thistle. I hear it's supposed to be the best herb for cleansing your liver of heavy metals and toxins. I haven't checked into it, but it sounds interesting...
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    Lakewood, CO
    alaska aye.. how bout alaskan king crab... yummy I wish I could get fresh sea food here... like when I lived in NY... seafood so fresh you watched it come off the boat as you were walking to the restruant... except never eat east river fish... its deadly
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Well i suggest you take a college course Biology for Majors class....my information is still correct....Kingdom Animalia: Ecdysozoa is the next level of classification...i know that lobsters are in crustacea.....both crustacea and arthropoda are in ecdysozoa....and besides, roaches are in the "subphylum" or class Hexopoda and lobsters are in the "subphylum" or class Crustacea which are both in the phylum Arthropoda which is in the Kingdom Animalia: Ecdysozoa.....thats something you cant get by copying what the encyclopedia says and something i learned from a biology class cuz we were quizzed constantly under this sh*t...it sucked horribly....but lets get technical here...their circulatory systems, digestive systems, body structure (exoskeleton, like you said, and jointed limbs), their hunting and feeding strategies and habits are similar, and only the lobster has 5 head parts....and assuming that the type of steak youre eating is from a cow, whose genus species is Bos taurus or something like that if you wanna look it up....and considering that humans belong to (i hope you know this one) the genus species Homo sapien....you do know that both dont belong to the same order, right...humans are in order Primate and cows are in order Artiodactyls....they're completely seperated from that point on....their superorder, order, suborder, superfamily, family, subfamily, supergenus, genus, subgenus, superspecies, species, and subspecies....all those are completely different so to call eating a cow and human being similar is quite a ways off...btw, im a medical major so careful careful when you feel the urge to get technical sir.....

    edit: btw statik...that is pretty interesting stuff...im still learning about medicines and what not....im not too worried bout it tho cuz i dont really eat seafood...
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i'm sure they could be...if anyone, Phillips would do it...
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    tried lobster once, didn't like the taste.
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    statik New Member

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    ahhh... I'll check into that, thanks..
    they do have Phillips maryland crabcakes in the freezer section up here, they got them last winter believe it or not!

    cravin' crabs.

    Yeah they do have Alaskan King crab legs up here, they're about $20/lb. Yikes! Actually most of the crabbing ships are from Seattle. They take them back to Seattle and process them and ship them back to Alaska!
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    1337Rolla oh my

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    haha, owned. I've caught crab here by hand before.. nothin like $0.00/lb
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    Phozenstone New Member

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    Maine lobster and crabs are the best, and for those who never had lobster or crab in ur life..u guys are really missing out. they are one of my favorite foods. But dont eat that crap at Red Lobster, u have to try it near the ocean where the restaurants get them fresh. I know Maine and Boston are two famous places to eat fresh seafood.
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    statik New Member

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    Thats cool. I've had lobster at Bowemans on Harford Rd. I really liked it!
    I've been thinking about how cool it would be to live in Maine more recently... hm.. I just miss the eastern seaboard. I bet the seafood is better than Maryland's up there, cleaner waters...

    CorollasBest, no ownage here, I've done that too. :p Ever have a huge snapping turtle pull on your chicken neck and pull the floating pier? :D We did alot of crabbing back in the day had alot of fun and stories to tell. Coming home with 2 busshels of bluecrabs is kick ass, especially after being out on the water all day in the sun!
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    e_andree E

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    You could find this argument against all kinds of food:

    Cow: http://www.newstarget.com/000664.html

    Eating meat can be dangerous to your health: http://health.indiatimes.com/articleshow/237837.cms

    Drinking milk can be dangerous to your health: http://www.fitnessandfreebies.com/fitness/myths.html

    Soft drinks can be dangerous to your health: http://chetday.com/softdrinkdangers.htm

    Hot dogs can be dangerous to your health:

    Fruit can be dangerous to your health:
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    statik New Member

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    Yep. true. I don't know who said it, but "living is bad for your health"
    haha. As long as we take care of ourselves, and don't do too much of one thing, our bodies can repair damage caused by toxins most of the time.
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    sure, lobster isnt healthy if it has lived in a toxic environment. Or if it has been in an area with red tide.
    But have you ever looked at everything else around you? over 85% of drinking water in the USA contains arsenic. You consume arsenic in your food daily (mostly vegetables).
    Anything coming out the sea or any body water is going to have trace levels of PCB's, which partition highly into water.
    Ever drink milk that came from a carton (if you havnt, where do you live??). The higher the fat level (even skim milk) the more TCDD's it will contain (highly toxic dioxins, the stuff Viktor Yushchenko was poisened with).
    Fresh water fish in most of the USA and Canada contains mercury.
    Ever have a apple without washing it? You've consumed on average 5 different pesticides, including DERIVATIVES of pesticides such as 2-4D (used in agent orange, agent purple, etc in Vietnam).
    Had a drink out of a crystal glass, or a liquid that was stored in crystal? Crystal contains anywhere from 20-40% lead ... and easily escapes into water.
    To the ladies: makeup? up until recently, a lot of "long lasting" lipstick contained heavy metals (lead, cadmiun etc).

    Breath air? Let's not even go there :)
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    CPat New Member

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    Milhousse, that was awesome.
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    If you think thats cool, take something like even an intro toxicology course.
    you'll be surprised what is in your everday life and food that can kill you..

    for example: as many people know, you can each the same weight in sale and round-up (glyphospate) and the salt will kill you first.

    or: 16 peach cores is lethal to 50% of the population (50% of a sample dies after 16 cores in other words).
    12 tbsp of peanut butter than hasnt been tested or treated correctly (a lot of them) is lethal becuase of a fungus that grow on the peanuts while in storage if its moist enough
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    CPat New Member

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    I will...I'm going to nursing school in the fall. We're allowed one elective, I'm either making it trauma specilist, or maybe I'll do a toxicology class (as long as it doesn't make me afraid of seafood!!!) hehehe.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Yea, some agency...i think it was the environmental protection agency, lowered the amount of arsenic allowed in drinking water a couple years back.....i saw that on the news too....arsenic is allowed in drinking water, always has been....and since i work in wal-mart, i know enough about the produce.....the shiny ones that may look the most presentable are the unhealthy ones which has the most of what ur talkin about....the plain natural or sometimes the dull looking ones are the healthiest....the crystal glass thing is true cuz they stopped using that in fancy restaurants....and as for makeup, things like moisturizers have acids, dna, and urea in them but its still healthy for the skin.....i dunno, i just dont like seafood, saw that thing on lobsters on the news and thought id share....i remember when i had compuserve as my ISP, and they'd have a news pop-up everytime i signed on and i swear, while i was with them, they told me a billion different ways chocolate was bad and good for you....im not saying you should metaphorically compare a lobster to a crystal glass....im bringing it up for your awareness...i kno meat can be bad for you....i kno milk can be bad for you, it can burn through the lining of your esophagus...and soft drinks can do the same....once again, its just another fyi fact, just like what compuserve did everytime i signed on....and damn it milhousse, youre smart, lol....go into MIT man....
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    just ate soem nice fresh lobster from main last weekend
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    Hockessin, Delaware / U of D Dorms
    screw it! I LOVE seafood, especially crabs and lobster. There are so many things in this world that could/will kill me, I could care less about a few low-level toxins in some food. I'd be more worried about the butter I dip the lobster meat in clogging my arteries.
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    e_andree E

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    Definately go for trauma...there is a huge shortage for trauma nurses. You could also consider labor/delivery/post-partum/nursery, which is what my wife is doing, and she is loving it. Theres a huge shortage for nurses period, which is good for nurses that are looking for jobs, but terrible for nurses that are already working because there is more stress because the patient/nurse ratio is too high.

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