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News Federal Bailout and the Stock Market

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DeebsTundra, Sep 30, 2008.

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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    Federal Bailout and the Stock Market

    I can't believe there is no thread on this up.

    Thoughts on the Congress turning down the bailout and the big drop in the market yesterday?

    Do you think the congress dumped the idea to save their own ass or do you think they were doing it for the people?

    What about the market drop. Dropping nearly 800 points in one day is the worst single day loss since the depression.

    Cmon people, this is the one of the biggest pieces of news I think in this country in the last 30 years.

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    1337Rolla oh my

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    I'm hoping it was on the people's behalf that they didn't do it, otherwise I have no clue.
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    Ares Active Member

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    WRD. My generation (im 20yrs old) and the generation after me would be the ones paying for all the debt... This is the reason why I live in Texas, here we have a balanced budget.
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    DeebsTundra Big Tires :)

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    State laws have no bearing on anything pased by the federal government. This is a federal thing and will effect every person in every state.
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    Ares Active Member

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    I know, but it just gives me a tingling feeling inside that Texas does not have debt... Of course, there was a biref moment when the Federal government had close to - if not - a balanced budget. Was it Bill Clinton's time?

    Either way... I should save up and not expect Social Security or any help from the government when I retire... Unless the next couple of presidents can restore the economy. Well, hopefully we can ride this bad weather and see the sunlight before I die. Thats really all we can do, or is it?
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    cgreen38 Common sense, p

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    I hate that we got into this mess in the first place. Bad loans should have never been given.

    That's all I'm gonna say about that. This has become a situation of "damned if you do, damned if you don't".
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    e_andree E

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    Here's the deal, this bailout is not a "fix" for the economy. It's needed right now to put out the fire, then there will need to be more reform in the banking industry after we get this fire put out. This bailout package is the water to put out the fire, you need to understand that. It's not going to rebuild the house, it's just going to put out the fire before the whole house burns down. Get it?

    Oneproblem is that credit is frozen right now. There is no money for businesses to borrow, which is how a lot of companies operate. They borrow money to keep the business going while they await their invoices to get paid back to them. So if businesses aren't able to borrow money, they might not be able to operate and they might not be able to make payroll. The longer credit is frozen, the longer businesses have to come up with money on their own to pay their bills. If banks can't provide credit, they can't collect interest. If they can't collect interest, they can't operate and they will start failing. If something doesn't happen to get the credit market going again, businesses are going to start closing down all across the country. Unemployment will go up and that's not good. People without jobs can't pay for their houses and can't be the consumers that the economy needs them to be.

    So the economy needs this money because the banks need to start lending money again. Our economy runs on being able to borrow money, that's just how it works. So once we get banks lending again (which the bailout is needed for), we can go back and start to reform some of the things that caused this problem in the first place (too aggressive lending).

    Another problem with this is that many people are basing their own opinions on what other "experts" are saying. For every expert out there that is against the bill, there is an equal number FOR the bill.

    My whole issue with the public being pissed off about this bill is the fact that the public, in general, is very dumb and probably doesn't realize how necessary it is for banks and financial institutions to be healthy in order for our capitalistic society to work.

    If these companies go down, we all go down.

    If the companies go down, and the people get bailed out - that won't matter, because we'll all be out of jobs and the money that we save by not passing the plan won't mean jack shit.

    Im glad that the bill didnt pass the 1st time.....it was too quick. It needs to be done right, and I bet that it will pass in the future.

    By saying that you are against the Bill, you are essentially saying that you have no problem with all of these financial institutions flat out FAILING, GOING UNDER, etc. By saying that you are against the bill overall, you arent keeping a level head about the issue. A better stance would be "Im against the CURRENT BILL, but can compromise". One of the main requirements of this bil, among other things, l should be that the mortgage companies will be helped, and not the securities/derivatives.
    The public is going to get hit either way....it all comes down to deciding/speculating which route will hurt the least.

    But you dont seem to realize what will happen to your future if the the fed govt DOESNT get involved.

    If the bailout happened, yes the Fed would be buying these mortgage backed securities from companies (not just banks) and hold the mortgage backed securities on the Fed balance sheet. This would give the companies more money (liquidity) and shift a lot of the risk from companies to the Fed. The idea is to get creditors to start lending money again and pump liquidity back into the market.

    The Fed would by these securities from companies in auctions. They would pool up securities which are backed by similar assets and auction them. I don't really know much more details about the auctions than that. This would be the best way to determine the "fairest" value for the securities companies keep having to write down.

    Potentially the securities the Fed buys up could gain value later in time. The Fed could sell these off and actually make money.
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    I'm freaking out right now because my stocks are dropping like a rock. I agree that the bailout will not fix the economy in the long run.
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    fishexpo101 Get Some

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    I too am glad that this bailout failed the first time around - as you can't push something like this through without weighing more options - which I have not seen happen. Also, I see the wisdom that getting something doen in a quick manner could be beneficial to help get the credit unlocked. Also good point about the credit. Typical person would see this bailout as helping just Wall Street. Many don't understand that the local store around the corner gets credit from Wall Street firms. Like E mentioned so eloquently, if companies can't make payroll - you (and the economy) are basically F*cked. Some may want to punishing those responsible because the fundamental credit mechanism of the market is broken - fine. You'll have plenty of time to spank them, just need to get things rolling the right way before the market gets picked apart by foreign interests - some cases, already too late.

    I can see where a bailout could end up causing more problems than good - NOTE: my opinion. If the Fed buys up these bad securities, there is also a possibility that they could lose more value and be bought back by the same firms that caused the problem in the first place for a profit. Screw that - your average taxpayer should not have to bear the weight of someone else poor decisions. Also, cannot point the finger at any one administration or group - that would be a cop out - depending on how far back you look, this was an ongoing problem, that continually got pushed under the rug until the you couldn't hide it anymore. Example - think of the gross spending in the 90's - state spending actually outstripped federal spending in a majority of the states. The states that stayed within budget, had to kick in a bigger chunk to help even things out.

    Sort of like going to working lunch, having a sensible salad and a water, only to have that one or those couple of a$$holes that get some of the most expensive items on the menu + booze, and expect that everyone should just split the check evenly.
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    e_andree E

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    You agree with who? And if you have stocks in the market, you should be used to your stocks dropping. You wrote that at 3pm, which is after Wall Street was reporting the 3rd largest surge in HISTORY. If youre so against the bailout plan....then dont surprised when your stocks are worthless if the Bill isnt passed.

    And this is no longer (and shouldnt have been deemed as such in the first place) a "BAILOUT"....its a RESCUE PLAN. Americans hear the term BAILOUT and automatically assume the worst. Its actually a Rescue plan for the economy, and yes, in the long run it WILL help.

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