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News Some puerto rican thugs held this guy hostage @ Orlando street races

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pnyk33, Aug 12, 2008.

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    pnyk33 300whp 4afte

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    Some puerto rican thugs held this guy hostage @ Orlando street races

    Originally Posted by smallpox32
    this saturday night, i got a call my from my freind to bring him a jack to fix his car and to come out to watch some races. i decided against better judgement and pulled up to the street races to park to meet 2 of my friends
    As i was trying to park my truck Some drunk ass guy setting the cars off, didn't look, and dropped his hands while i was in the road.
    a racing dodge neon srt 4 smashed into my dodge ram 2500 diesel going very fast. i was parking and trying to get in a tight spot.

    Then a group of Puerto ricans told me it was my fault for the street racing srt-4 being wrecked and beat me to a pulp till i was bleeding everywhere, and i remember a girl jumping on top of me stopping them from beating me up. I cant remember anything until I woke up in my truck with someone i didn't know driving it telling me that "dont do anything stupid because they WILL kill you and your family" because they have your information. And that It was his brothers Car who hit my truck. and Id better pay for it and not pull any **** or they will kill me.

    With one car following from the back they took me to the HESS Gas Station in Disney World, and made me clean up where i mouthed to the cashier to call 911. they did and the cop came, but never came close enough for me to be safe to run over to him and it was to early to get the driver of the neon and the guys holding me hostage.

    i kept calling 911 from my cell phone in my back pocket and managed to whisper"hostage" to the 911 operator while they were talking in spanish from car to car. after that i kept the phone in my pocket so the 911 could listen to everything. they were going to take me somewhere to make sure i wouldn't leave till i payed for the neon and or they got money or collaterall from me, and i dont know how bad they were gonna beat me up.

    they told me "call your friend bro because after we meet you aint driving your truck home and your going to need a ride because you wont be able to drive"

    He told me to tell my friend to come to the "Area" so he could pick me up later, but not the exact spot we were meeting, because it was secret.

    I pretended to talk to my friend on the phone but i was with 911 and they didn't know. they kept asking me what vehicle i was in and i would say things like "yeah bro i told you im not driving my black truck im driving my green dodge"

    i was told to tell him to come to the "area" so I said where are we and he said 2 street names which i procedeed to tell 911 two street names. They ask "Are You at that location now sir?" and i say "yeah dude" and then we saw an officer and i said on the phone "oh **** there is an osceola cop he might pull us over I got to go,

    then the 911 operrator says "WAIT sir, are you in a GREEN TRUCK, and i say, yeah and hang up.

    we get followed for a minute then pulled over by that cop, and then out of nowhere:

    45 seconds later there is a helicopter and 30 cop cars in front and behind me and a cop is holding a gun to the driver door and screaming at the driver "GET THE **** ON THE GROUND NOW" and he is freaking out putting his cellphoneo and keys on the roof. my door is smashed from the crash somehow and it doesnt open so he climbs through the window and falls to the ground where they hand cuff him and then get me out and take me to the ambulance.

    right after, the boys in the neon try calling 911 saying that i backed into him and a bunch of ****. but the cops knew the real story and after i get released from the hospital, i go to the scenes, and identify all of the people involved and the 4 of them get arrested for 3 or 4 felony's each since the Orange county police department was able to find this video on streetfire through a friend of mine:

    *note the neon in the pic is just showing significance of the damage.

    Id like to thank the osceola county sheriffs office for saving my ass in this horrible situation that i came into.

    Im sure there is someone on here that knows these people and will try and find me. But thats the price I have to pay now for going out to these stupid events, even when i was trying to help someone with there car

    and ive said it before in another forum some of these young ricans swear their so bad in their STOCK CARS it makes me so sick when did we start acting like the brothers my race trying to make them selfs look worser . this shit makes me want to vomit making the rest of us look bad that do spend REAL MONEY and dont want to fuck r shit up over who is beter. this younger gen is realy stupid and fucking retarded that i cant believe when i die my kids are stuck with this Abomination OF KIDS THESE DAYS .........im so pissed off right now that if i had a AK47 i would kill every fucking RICER that was their weather if i new u or not
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    SaberJ2X Lurk MOAR

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    Mayawest, PR
    I'm puerto rican, and there some other good puertoricans in this board, but those are the kinda shit scum that gives us a bad name everywhere...

    I hope their sodomized with a white hot flaming pole of steel up their urethras
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    pnyk33 300whp 4afte

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    im puerto rican 2 and i hate it when my people act like this man.
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    its_ikon FIRST widebody

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    benzo36 Bowlaholic

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    I am glad that he was okay. That s**t must have been really scary!
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    Vibe New Member

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    lol its not him..
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    Jesus. That's crazy. Glad to see you're alright. I don't associate myself with any racers or events anymore.
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    tsburt Active Member

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    WOW.....thank god.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    TE31Rolla The Monster

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    Its not deleted, you have to be a member to read the thread. I have read through it and I am just discusted at this whole situation and discusted at the fact that a majority of Puerto Ricans are so proud of themselves and could give to shits what anybody thinks, and do stupid things like this. I get alot of flack from people when I tell them I am Puerto Rican. They just look at me and so yea right or say something in spanish. Then they will say "you dont act like any Puerto Rican I have seen". I mean seriously, do I have to go around 24/7 blasting ray-gay-tone, have pants hanging down my ass, speaking in broken spanish/english, etc. I am proud of where I come from and respect my culture, but I dont need to make myself look like a fool to show how PR I am.

    I just tell everybody I am the most Puerto Rican non Puerto Rican there is:D
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    Mayur Biggest trd whore in the whole wide world

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    haha wow, just wow.
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    its_ikon FIRST widebody

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    this could of been a time where a ccw would of came in handy.
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    asn13oy Stepping Stones

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    With that many people around, it's a little risky.
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    xplicitcorolla99 Active Member

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    las vegas
    every street races there is someone always pulling out guns,when it comes to a fight.i would know because i used to go but anymore.
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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    Guns are overrated. I would bring a grenade and a flash bang.
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    TE31Rolla The Monster

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    Not all the time, I remember back in the day when we could go out, do some runs and nothing will happen at all. And it was always like that till about 1999-2000 when it all fell apart. I mean back then, 2 cars would line up, somebody would win, winners collects money from loser, loser shakes hands, loser says "I'll be prepared next week", and it was over. I have never been to a Street Race back then and have a gun pulled or somebody getting stabbed and killed. I wouldnt even bother calling them Street Races, just a bunch of ricers getting together, blasting the latest ray-gay-tone, and thinking they are the coolest shit cause they have vtec.

    In the words of a Local Tuner Rolo(Puerto Rican) of Central Florida Turbo here in Orlando, "Fuckin Puerto Ricans!!!"

    PS: Before people start saying I am racist, just beware I am Puerto Rican myself and hate the way some other PRs' are making us Good hard working PRs' look bad.

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