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Who here has the most annoying job that can beat mine?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GSE21tuner, Sep 9, 2007.

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    GSE21tuner Formerly rollatuner110. Representing AZLexus.club

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    Phoenix, AZ
    07 Lexus IS350, 04 Lexus IS300
    Who here has the most annoying job that can beat mine?

    I'd like to know if anyone here is especially annoyed at work due to the work environment, the nature of the job, or due to bosses, corporate influence and protocols, or pure bad management.

    I'll go first. Just as a warning, this is a job description/rant I'm going into. I'm an assistant activities coordinator at a hospital/retirement home. That alone already explains why I find the job annoying. I have to deal with patients with dementia, Alzheimer's, inferiority complexes, patients with attention depravity, and other very annoying characteristics. I can go into more detail but that's the gist of it. Recently, I've been made to take over other responsibilities that aren't confined to the activities coordinator job description which it total bs. This is made worst by total disorganization and poor management and people skills of my boss who is in fact an overweight "Peg from Married with Children look alike" and her personal bitch assistant who is also my age. Those two run the entire corrupted activities department and are notoriously known for their bad organization skills. The director of the place is spineless and won't tell her to shape up or reprimand anyone for anything. Those two treat the residents living here and the volunteers here to help like human trash. They take advantage of everyone if they can. I have had several run ins with them and have had serious arguments. I hate being walked on or being taken advantage of. The majority of the workers here despise her and wonder why she still has her job. I think it's due to the gutless director of the place and the 'I don't give a crap' mentality of the corporate chain. I called up my boss and demanded a raise. Now she says she's going to contact corporate about it. As if she's really going to do that or if that's going to do anything... I told her to go ahead. I think I'm going to quit soon unless I get a much needed raise.

    Does anyone have a more annoying job out there?
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    robthompson46 New Member

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    rolla02 Corollalcholic

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    Does dealing with nasty skunk beer that at times drips down your arm, count, and then on top of it a CEO that is so cheap that I am surprised I am still get a paycheck. If it does then this is my job.
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    cgreen38 Common sense, p

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    Tech support call center for a cable/internet/phone company.

    People don't understand the difference between their ISP and computer company. They'll call me with questions like, "My copmutah (guess the race...) has some kinda blue screen on it and it won't let me get on my server." For those of us that know ANYTHING about the internet and computers: a) BSOD means you f**ked up. b) you don't have a server, but we do. Now 1) get your computer fixed, 2) stop looking at porn/downloading illegal music/etc from quesionable sites (AND STOP CLICKING ON ADS!), 3) download AVG, Avast!, or AntiVir and Spybot & Ad-Aware to keep your computer safe, 4) learn the difference between ISP and PC tech.

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    MattAveli Modifier

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    Cold Ass Canada
    3 words...sea king helicopter...lol
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    rainbow_star New Member

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    I wonder what kind of those questions are :D
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    nocpan New Member

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    I'm a tech support engineer, daily I deal with people who should never own a computer, and definatelly not a laptop which is my specialty. Basically my job is insightful and I can develop but most questions I get don't even relate to our equipment, all day long I wait for an actual technical question, if I get one and help a person I feel that I did my job... but its always fun to get to play with equipment which has not been released yet... and I can break them. :)
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    DrunkSaru Unsuspecting Poo Flinger

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    tech support is only semi-annoying. I've done that for a few years and I could have the most ignorant stupid person on the phone but i'm usually cool. I guess I have more patience than others. I think more annoying than that ... to me.. is working at some assembly line doing the same thing over and over again daily to a point where you end up becoming like a robot... I think in that situation, I would get close to losing my mind.
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    nocpan New Member

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    I agree, for a long time I wanted to be a hardware service technitian, I got the skills for it, but after I saw how our repair service works I decided that there is not way in hell I'd be doing a job like that. Basically its a human machine assembly line, same repetitive motion, test, diagnose the problem, unsoder faulty component, clean the board, soder the new one, repeat... my job is much more fun and interesting.

    What questions? stores calling me how to fill out a warranty card, customers complaining that DHL didn't come and pick up their laptop, complaints about the repair service, complaints about Windows Vista ect ect... just dumb ass question, having nothing to do with actual technical support.

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