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My first edited video.

Discussion in 'Videos' started by rhythmnsmoke, May 3, 2005.

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    rhythmnsmoke New Member

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    My first edited video.

    This is not a car video, but it is my first time every editing a video. I love the import scene, but the video is of my passion and it's what I was born to do, and will be doing till I'm 6 feet under. Check it out.

    Kudos to my g/f for holding the camera for me for an hour.

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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Tulsa, Ok
    dayum 15mb!...thank god for high speed...newayz, only thing that I can find that needs some work is theres so much to look at in the video. Even tho we can all see the focus point, its still a distraction to see it in a big picture with all the sparring going on, ya kno. If you cropped it, it would probably emphasize more attention to your focus point instead of all the other sparring thats going on. But hey, it was pretty good. I was like hey i could beat the sh*t outta that master....not really..haha...it was entertaining...good job...im not someone who video tapes stuff much but photography is my passion so its basically along the same wavelength right, hehe?
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    rhythmnsmoke New Member

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    True...True...thanks for the editing pointers. Although I'm not quite sure on how to do that in Movie Maker. Might need some third party software, or not. I also saved it in low res, but the vid quality was just up to my standards. I looked at the file size for the low and high, there is about a 5mb difference. I think I can shrink it even lower than that though. But I'm affraid that you wouldn't be able to tell what's going on.

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