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*N. Korea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by gain guide, May 2, 2005.

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    gain guide New Member

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    *N. Korea

    North Korea capable of firing nuclear-armed missile at US: US official

    AFP | April 29 2005

    Comment: It was in Paul Joseph Watson's Order Out of Chaos nearly two years ago that North Korea already fired a dummy missile which hit Alaska. Plus, don't forget, who armed North Korea in the first place.

    North Korea has the capability of mounting a nuclear warhead on its missiles that could hit the United States, a senior US defense official said Thursday.
    Vice Admiral Lowell Jacoby, the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, gave the assessment during a Congressional hearing.

    Asked by Senator Hillary Clinton whether North Korea had the ability to arm a missile with a nuclear device, Jacoby said: "The assessment is that they have the capability to do that, yes, ma'am."

    He said that North Korea also had the ability to deploy a two-stage intercontinental missile that could successfully hit US territory.

    "Assessed to be within their capacity, yes," Jacoby told Clinton during the hearing on the defense intelligence budget of the US Senate Armed Services Committee.

    North Korea said this month it had shut down its nuclear power plant at Yongbyon and was preparing to reprocess the plant's spent fuel, a move that could result in the production of enough plutonium to build up to six more nuclear bombs.

    Reports quoting a US official said last week that the United States believed North Korea was planning to test a nuclear weapon and has asked China to intervene.
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    e_andree E

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    Yeah, scary.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    I'm not even going to comment on this since I frankly saw it coming and well many other of course but yea somewhat scary.....
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    e_andree E

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    So after reading this....if the US goes into Korea, and doesnt find anything, will people start bitching?
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    most probable....
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    renfield90 New Member

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    I, for one, will not.

    There is hard evidence that North Korea does have nuclear weapons. The U.S. denies it but there was a very large explosion a few months ago that could've been a test. They have enough material for about 10 bombs, have the technology for it, and spy satellites have shown the increase of activity around their nuke plants/bomb making centers.

    At any rate, we're not going in. It's not an option anymore. It was, before they actually built a nuke. Now they are a cat in a corner, and if provoked they will nuke someone, and whoever it is will be very pissed and demand we nuke them in retaliation. We start firing nukes and China or Russia will want to know what the hell we're doing.

    The amount of munitions aimed across the DMZ could flatten Seoul, a city of 2 million people, in about 10 minutes. North Korea has an army of more than 1 million soldiers, plus several more million reserves. This isn't the Iraqi "fire two shots and run away" Republican Guard. It is very different terrain, too, very hilly and mountainous. Tanks won't be able to steamroll their way through the country in a matter of days. Any war would last several weeks, and involve a very high cost of both civilian and military lives. It would also require vast resources from our military that we just can't field right now, unless we withdraw forces from other places.

    The fact that they could peg us is old news. You have to keep in mind that their longest range missile has never been tested. It could very well dive into the Pacific before ever reaching U.S. soil. Of course, the consequences for nuking the U.S. would be catastrophic for them, to say the least. I won't worry about it until our troops are running across their soil.

    We had a lot more options around the time we invaded Iraq. Now we're forced to listen to them on more equal footing, and if they decide not to go to six-nation talks, we can't really do much but ask them kindly to rejoin.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    listening to an interview on CNBS....the interviewee said and i quote, "We don't know what we don't know"...well sh*t, im not paying taxes for our nations intel to continue to be set at an "i dont know"...i dont feel safe anymore! I already have it planned out...If there's word of a nuclear bomb coming and i have enough time, im hiding out at this huge underground storm drain in the center of town about 2 minutes from my house...but i shouldnt have to think about preparations like this....
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    gain guide New Member

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