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Color matching question.

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by ShinmaTsunami, Aug 15, 2006.

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    ShinmaTsunami T-elos Rider

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    Color matching question.

    Ok, I've got a 97 that I assumed was green. I have many chips in the hood from Gawd knows what.... So I look to dupli-color to help me out, right?

    Except, I can't find the right color. I've tried to find a correct color chart for the ae101/102, so far scionlife.com has the most comprehensive guide. Except the 101/102 isn't covered.

    However, when putting a pic next to the 8th gen corolla chart, it comes up with Mystic Teal Mica (760) which Dupli-color doesn't have or carry.

    Any ideas?
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    Corolla DX-R AE100

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    hmmm u can go to automotive paint store and get it match to ur car but it might cost alittle more then the dupli-color... but u'll get the exact match paint in a spray bomb...

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