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Opinions please!

Discussion in 'Interior' started by milhousse, Apr 28, 2005.

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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Opinions please!

    Just doing a mock-up for my amp install (sub will come later when it's warm enough to fibreglass it).
    Just did it in cardboard, to make sure everything is going to fit before I start cutting 3/4" MDF (its either that, or 3/8" MDF, which I dont really want to drill into the side, or make supports for)
    (Ignore the piece at the bottom that doesnt match up, just didnt have a large enough piece of cardboard close at hand at the time).
    Let me know what you think
    It's not completely vertical, the bottom comes out a bit, and it is twisted to the right (front) a little bit.

    EDIT: My ISP space isnt working right now, anywhere that I can host some images so that everyone can see them?
    EDIT2: hope photobucket works....



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    Juri New Member

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    Look good from hear, nice place for it to, out of the way.
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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    very cool throw some plexi ofer it and back light it and it will look sweet just about how I want mine to look...
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    No, I wont be putting plexi in front of it, but I might on the sub (or going to go with three pieces of steel across is (much like the two bars that are on the amp, except they will span the front of the sub)
    Here's what my amp is. Clif Designs (REALLY high quality amp). The two bars on the side will stick out beyond the rest (the top of the amp will be flush with the board.
    The logo and power light up a nice blue color.

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    Denver Rolla 98 impreza

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    ok I was thinking it was like an alpine or something that was shallow... thats a sweet looking amp... that will look cool... yeah bars on the subs to match. :W00t
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    milhousse C U in the car

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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Should look good.
    FYI, if anyone else wants a Clif Designs amp, I can get the AB class ones (not the cheaper class for quite a bit cheaper than anywhere else. Though I only have a limited supply of certain models right now.
    If you want some info, just pm me.
    More info at

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