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Autistic Bbal Player

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Mar 6, 2006.

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    e_andree E

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    corollarider19 New Member

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    there was another story on him on epsn today
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    nocpan New Member

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    i'm sorry i just cant be symphatetic or supportive to people who are in some way disabled and everyone around them are like "oh he/she is soooo great and can be just like normal ppl" another forest gump but in real life... same goes for people without legs "running" a marathon or people without legs going to the prom and "dancing" with their date... I hate the PC world where everyone has to be conciderate and supportive to the point that I have a retarded cross guard at a kindergarden crossing waving the big orange "stop" sign at me in ma rolla even tho no kids are crossing, its the slow kid serving me burger at McDonalds and i'm wondering is beef the only thing in this burger? Special olympics? no no no.... the correct term should be Retarded Olimpics or Mentaly Diminished Event which mocks sporting event called the Olimpics. I can see NBA signing this kid on for the next Bulls game... what happened to the good old days when people with disabilities where treated like outcasts of the society and they stayed away from the day light. I swear if I ever become mentally retarded I will have someone kill me, and if I'll have my motor functions i swear i'll do it myself. And if I loose an arm I will not try to be the best fake arm pitcher just to prove to the world that a 12yrold girl can throw better than me but I throw better than that other guy who lost both his arms.

    Damn i needed to vent that...
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    It is spelled OLYMPICS you freaking retard,
    and i really hope you were drunk or joking cause is thats how you kid wants to be treated if its mentally handicapped?
    and i know for a fact you will not answer that question..
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    nocpan New Member

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    corrected my mistake... I was totally sober when I wrote that, its my personal opinion and I stand by it. I live in a building where the entire 2nd floor has been converted to a mentally retarded patient care center, each day I see them some born like that some after some infection gone bad or medical mistakes even... its a sad sight.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    and you still havent answered my question....
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Irving, TX
    well turbo4afe your question isn't clear either....how about you reword it...
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    nocpan New Member

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    it all depends on the level or brain damage or its lack of function. Remember that story while back about comatose woman who has been on life support for so long and the husband wanted to cut her off but the rest of the family took him to court, they disconnected her in the end and found that her brain was gone for a long time, but if I had my say she'd be off that respirator and on the way to the cementary in a jiffy.

    My grandparents friends had a daughter, she went to camp one summer, got bitten by a tick, they carry certain deseases, she got it, its called ehrlichiosis, shuts down your body functions, even with anti-biotics lot of ppl die of it, she didn't at age of 6 she survived however the lack of oxegen to the brain caused by the virus damaged her brain beyond repair, she ended up in almost vegetable like state, her parents had to feed her, clothe her, changer her diapers, wash her, she couldn't talk, almost complete lack of motor functions, inteligence level of a 2 year old, if properly taken care of she could live a long long life... and she did, she lived to be 20, she got some ful and her immune system couldn't take it, but I think her parents dided long time before, they sacrificed their careers for her, all their savings on possible treatments, lack of sleep lack of social life, they are 25 years yournger than my grandparents and they look just as old. They are joyless beaten down 2 people with no more will to live. And if I had my way that girl would be put out of her misery the moment the doctors agreed that there is nothing to be done.

    I am 100% for euthanasia. Same goes for little lesser cases, like the ppl I see in the lobby then the nurses are taking them ofr a walk, on special full enclosure wheelchairs, drooling at the mouth, erratic movement and muscle spasms, lack of bladder control, need to wear helmets so they don't hurt their heads agains the head rest of the chair, complete blank stare in their eyes... yes I would in a humane and dignified way kill them, if their families don;t want them and send them to a nursing home then they have noone and are unwanted. Precious resouces are going from the goverment, from my and yours tax money to fund this circuis of horrors, that money could go to schools, hospitals, more goverment funded buildings with rent controll, better healthcare ect ect... but no they are going towards keeping failed-human beings from dying, because probaly it would take just 5 hours of no supervision for some of them to die cause that's how much help living they need.

    As to lesser cases, the ones that can actualy leant feel talk and walk but their IQ is 45, they should be sent to nursing homes just like for old people, paid by their families, and generally keeping them away from general healthy population's view and contact.

    damn and I was looking for a real argument say like what about Stephen Hawkin or Lance Armstrong or Christopher Reeve and all you can throw at me is "what do I think should be done"
    -it should start with cuting goverment funding to incurable hoples people with brain damage
    -euthanasia should be legal and supported (but because of the christal bs it maybe will be in 200 years IN us and most of the world)
    -better detection procedures should be implemented during pregnancy
    -abortion should be preformed on the featuses detected to be damaged or faulty

    its tired and I still need to celebrate so I'll leave it at that... feel free to comment, just try not to start with "you are such a retard" cause its already church's best argument to most of my suggestions because its a sin! .... ooo oooo I'm so scared, but atleast I don't molest 6 yr old altar boys, I molest 18 yr old and over girls, preferably after a drink or 2 and night of dancing :)
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    <b>would you kill&quot; your daughter/son when he was 13 years old after getting bit by the tick and getting the desease ehrlichiosis?<br />
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    would you kill your kid if he/she was mentally ill?</b>
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    nocpan New Member

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    Given that my daughter or son had no chance for recovery, had pernament damage to the brain and nervous system, and basically needed full time intensive care just to stay alive and by alive I mean keeping the autonomic system from shutting down, and it was perfectly legal, I would have a doctor perform euthanasia. And when I get around to drafting my living will despite that my attorney already told me its illegal just in case law changes and my brain will be gone already I will put a clause where I want to be euthanised (yes it means killed, put to death) when there will be no chances of me recovering from brain damage and will forever have severe brain disfunction (aka I will be retarded with iq of 40 and lack of further learning ability).

    I'm not following any religion and have completly different view on the soul, but what makes you in this world is essentially your brain. I can cut off your arm and you will still be you, I can remove your kidney, remove several feet of your colon and you still will be you, if I cut off both hands of a concert pianist he will still be a musician because it is all in the head in the brain. But if I destroy and damage the brain the person that was there before is gone, he/she might still look on th outside like it but its not.

    How would you feel if your daughter and son yesterday said "hi daddy, I love you so much" and today they were a twisted grotesque figure with empty eyes which don't recognize you and drooling mouth from which never again will cohearant words come out? and they will be like that for ever, a lump of flesh controlled by the autonomic nervous system with occational nuron firing in the brain causing muscles to contract for a while to form a smile, and you think "oh they are in there some where she/he still loves me" but the truth is that this as well and jerky movement is random and involentary.
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    e_andree E

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    Youre an idiot.

    To put a family down for loving their children and doing everything possible for their child shows what kind of hearless, idiotic person you are......who I can guarantee doesnt have any one in his life to love. You dont have kids, so you can speculate all you want, but you are fucking clueless. Go back to drinking yourself into a drunken state and passing out. It will do the entire world a favor.

    The sad sad truth here is that you complain on this board like no other about the stupidest, most trivial little things, while mentally challenged people across the world are grateful for being alive and for making the most out of their lives, which is more than you could ever say for yourself.
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    nocpan New Member

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    Eric, I invite you to come here over for dinner and see for yourself how self aware they really are, I highly dubt that they can even comprehend what living is, far from it being gratefull for anything. I can't recall complaining about anything on this board including this which is basically stating my opinion. Personally I feel that if the state and goverment can take about 30% of my earnings and put it to some use this is definately not it. Schools are under funded, hospitals are in bad shape (except for the private ones) and a sweep of rent increases is comming over NY and these unproductive, forever in need, never to be cured or brought to a normal state beings are given home, food, health care, free medication, and financial support. My employer doen't give me health insurance so when my wife got throat infection I had to pay for the doctor and the anti-biotics out of my own pocket, and trust me both ain't cheap in New York, but the people who don't work, can't work, are are in need on constant care so that they don't die get everything free.... I'm sorry but I just think its wrong that its comming out of my pocket.
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    e_andree E

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    Its no use arguing with you. Its obvious that you dont give a shit and are selfish.
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    jtweezy New Member

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    Irving, TX
    thank god he's not a doctor...
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    nocpan New Member

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    But I do care, I just watched a long documentary on channel 13 about a kid who had leukemia, he was 13 and in the end the cancer (leukemia is cancer of the blood) won, he died in very bad and in undignified way gasping for air on stronger and stronger painkillers and finally the doctors convinced the mother to sign a DNR(do not rececitate) release.

    I really felt bad that they couldn't help him and I'd like to see more research done so that young kids like him don't die. Hell he was brave going through all the treatments and examinations, and he fought till the end. But this is different. He potentially could be cured, there are people who had lukemia and got the chemo and radiation and everything and won and are living with no cancer.

    I'm not racist or sexist or homofobic (which a lot of people are) and not ethno centric, I love all races (especially the girls :) ), but I will never find it acceptable to have human beings with serious brain damage and neural disfunctions being treated as "normal people". There is a reason that hospitals do not take organs from people like that for transplants, there is a reson that even with low key disfunction people like that are sterile (by mother nature's choice). We live in a socitey that strives to promote equality in a world where no one is actaully equal, but this is fine untill we hit this small obstacle where the person in question was born and is alive but their development is stopped at 3rd year of their life and they are gonna be at that point untill they die, its like having a gigant baby, sometimes a 45 year old baby which cries, wets itelf and needs to be fed to live and some need air bottles to breathe.

    I will support aid to starving kids in africa faster than I will support them. I will spport AIDS vaccine and cancer vacinne, stem cell research, cloning and abortion past the 6th week. But this is wrong and wastefull. A mere dog or car or a gold fish for that matter will present more comprehencion than they do.

    There is a guy what lives bit further than I do, but sometimes I end up taking the same bus as he does. He's one of the lighter cases, probably is autistic. When the bus arrives he waits at the edge of the subway enterance while all people form a line to get to the bus, when the bus opens the front door to pick passengers he runs towards the bus covering his ears with his hands and screams, when some one gets in his way he knocks them out of the way with his raised elbows then slides the card through the reader and runs in the same fassion to the back of the bus. Through out the trip which to my stop is 30 min he mumbles and says phrases that don't make sense, once he tried to change seats and tried to sit beside a really fat woman that took up little more than one seat and he couldn't squeeze in but he tried, and he pushed and he wiggled and the woman got annoyed and raised his voice at him, kinda reprimended him not knowing what he was, she was jamaican like most ppl in my nigberhood those women can talk fast and sharp, he started to scream histerically and waving his arms like crazy ("which he was") in a full packed bus, it was scary and like from some Nightname from elm street movie, 40 some year old guy trying to trash the back of the bus in blind rage, then out of nowhere he sat back on his old seat started to suck on both this thumbs and rock himself to sleep.... more than half the bus exited on the next stop, I got up the the driver and stayed at the door step untill I reached my stop. Now do you call that normal? or a person well adjusted to fit our society? I say no! and he never should have been on this bus, but he is each day for all I know, probaly even has some job, but his mind is not 100% and in a split second he can turn violent and dangerous, what if he started freaking out standing by the driver and caused the bus to crash... ? i wouldn't want that.

    And I am sure you wouldn't want that either, but the differnce is that you were not on that bus, what if that was your child comming from school and sitting next to him while something switched in his brain at that moment and he smacked your kid in the face breaking their nose, or what is he caused the bus to crash and you kid died in the crash, you wouldn't want that now would you? (see I can use kins in my arguments too :) )

    It is easy for people to say "oh I support them, they have a right to live, they are people just like me and you" when you don't live 7 floor up from them, when you don't see them every day and when you know that they cannot be helped, they cannot ever remember you and need skateboard helmets on their heads so that they don;t bang their head against the wheel chair they are in.

    So far I have not heard any inteligent arguments against my point just attacts on my character and just dumb name calling. Think it through, I still leave open invitation for anyone who wants to see that "freak show" which I have on 2nd floor and judge by yourself if you still have the same opinion.

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