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Engine 01 motors crappy?

Discussion in 'Powertrain' started by gksspot, Oct 23, 2005.

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    gksspot Guest

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    01 motors crappy?

    Ive been reading a TON on different forums and places about the 00-02 Corolla and have seen a lot of people complaining about burning oil quite fastly and they all had under 75k miles, having sludge problems in the engine, or throwing a rod, and or ultimately having to get their engines replaced. Ive noticed some people on this forum that had to replace their engines and some of them went with an 04 engine. Is there a reason Toyota changed engines in 03 after a couple years?
    Since Im looking at buying a used S around 4 to 5 years old I will be buying a car with about 60 to 90k miles... is the Corolla reliability overrated?
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    prrolla New Member

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    i have an uncle who works for toyota in PR as a mechanic and he told me that the 1zz is prone to oil problems, especially if you dont keep up with the oil changes. something about oil buildup in some ports and causing parts to starve of oil. but im sure with proper maintenance i.e like flushing motor with seafoam or something the motor should be fine.
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    steve403 New Member

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    my 02 has 70k miles and it runs like new. I change the oil every 3k miles. If your going to buy used, make sure you open the oil cap and try to look into the inside of the engine. If you see black sludge, means the engine was not kept clean. If the inside is yellowish, the engine has been kept good.
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    mingww New Member

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    my car is around 140000km right now, nothign biggie with it. at least any of above probem does not apply to me.
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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    My car has 120k miles. Runs fine and all. Just gotta fix the beating i gave to it as soon as parts come on that's all.
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    gksspot Guest

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    I guess I wont be buying one unless the owner can show documentation of regular oil changes. It came up a ton on the edmunds.com forum and Ive seen it some here. The idea of buying a Corolla is so that IO dont have to replace and engine... and since Im not buying new it is a major concern cause I wont know how thorough the previous owner is unless they kept track!
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    Darkness Guest

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    it's mostly the 00-02 mr2 spyder. I have one sitting in my driveway with a blown piston ring. here's what happened...

    My Brother was driving down the 605 freeway. Then all of a sudden the car went from 70 to about 20mph. what happened was the piston ring gave out making the car leak oil from the cylinder head. Flooding the header, clogging the Cat & Pre-Cat (damn ass ULEV Vehicles). The pre-cats obsorbed the oil and started to break down. clogging the piping and the the Cat back exhaust. after that. I saw the ceramic inner-lining of the cat all over the exhaust tip. We took it to toyota. All they did was check the dip stick And said "There is no oil registering on the dipstick. $1600 For a tear down ad analysis." It's About lower than 2 qquarts of oil in the entire car. All this happened on Oct 18. We got an Oil change for the car on october 8... So basically in about 10 days we burned/ Lost about 2 quartz of oil. Went to my friends shop and heard the same thing from a man driving a corolla. Same story minus the Pre-catalytic converter Breakdown. As Much as I love the 1zz it's because the engine has weak Piston rings. if you blow out your engine or Are having problems with burning oil It is most likely the #3 Piston.

    Just sharing my stories with you guys since I noticed the Thread name. Kinda figured it had to do with burning oil. It's not really crap... The Internals on the 1zz aren't really made for racing but more for being "economical" :-D

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