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Music/Movie d00m :(

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by falnfenix, Oct 21, 2005.

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    video games + movie deal = sucktacular. it's guaranteed.
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    Pred Guest

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    d00m :(

    More like gay stupid movie.. this is a waste of time... it says based on Doom3 when its not even close!!! Somewhat of a spoiler below.


    Ok so I was expecting transported hell demons running amuck all over this mars research facility.. I was really expecting some hardcore skeletons with rocket on shoulders, imps jumping everywhere and the classic zombies with guns.. Here is the real deal, There are no "hell demons" there are just experiments of zombies turning into super evil imp looking zombies.. now to me this is just plain stupid. If you are going to make a movie about a video game and turn it into something it totally isnt, it ruins the entire video game and movie and any further productions of such. I am for one pissed and will be writing the producers and whoever the hell else was involved in this film, Carmac is a big douche bag for selling out this shit to universal! ... OH and let me add some discrepencies, Doom does nto include Sarge, the title Sarge or handle is from Quake, on Strogos not on Mars (which is actually suppose to be a moon). Over all Two thumbs down, I am an avid gamer and have been playing Doom, Doom II, Doom 3, All quake series since each came out and I still play them all for fun now... This movie gets an overall GAY rating from me and 'The Rock' should die cause he has no acting skills.
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    kickarse Guest

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    Yeah... except for the last CG FF movie...
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    WOW this was a horrid movie.

    i mean...i realize i needed something to do...but jesus...
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    nocpan New Member

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    most game based movies sucked ass big time, with mybe exception of MK1 and Resident Evil and Tomb Raider, rest was pretty much bad and worse, I didn't go an see it since I figured it would be bad....

    Making a movie based on a video game is tricky and requires someone to actually hammer out a script which would include everything that was in the game, nicely put into a movie format with plot and everything, fighting games pose a real challenge since they have no plot to start with, its pretty much shoot and kick or punch whatever is inforont of you. They could stop trying and maybe make some decent sci-fi movie, cause lately I haven't seen much and I began to order old 80's stuff from amazon cause that was the day when they went simple and straight to it.... bad guy, hero, lasers, guns, rockets, and some chicks half naked with wild 80's hair do's which lasted in unscratched condition thought numerous explosions, mud dives, fights, slime and evil cyborgs wanting to kill the humanity
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    sxlostv1 New Member

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    Los Angeles
    most of the movies the rock was in sucked
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    xStartiKax Guest

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    the only reason i was able to get through the whole movie was cause i was drunk. i don't really know what happenned in the movie but i'm pretty sure i wasn't entertained. the guy playing Reaper was hot too, that helped me stay awake
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    well i guess i just saved a bunch of money by not going to this movie thanks ladies
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i wish i had thought far enough ahead to have alcohol in my system and someone to drive me home. i probably wouldn't have fallen asleep if that were the case.
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    Legit01Rolla Active Member

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    DOOM sucks!!!! i thought its gon be more BRUTAL N SHITS!!!!!!!!
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    hhahaha...sorry you wasted your money. this thread HAS been here for a week, though...
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    ob1murry New Member

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    I think you guys are getting too worked up about it. I saw it, yeah the movied kind of sucked, big deal ,tons of movies do. But you guys are also upset because the movie wasn't close enough to the game? It's not a producer 's job to make a movie that sticks close to the game, it's their job to make an entertaining movie, which it really wasn't. What your saying is like saying that titanic sucked, which plenty of people would disagree with, because it was more about the two people than it was the real story. Yeah the movie sucked, but not because it didn't stick close to the game, it just sucked. If it had stuck close to the game, it would have sucked even worse, because literally you would have walked around alone the whole time, no talking, just grunts, yells, and gunshots.
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    PsyVash Guest

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    Your Titanic reference is horrible. The characters in the Titanic were not based off of anything. Although the ship in the movie was based off the real Titanic. Making a Doom movie without real demons is like making a Titanic movie, but having the ship making it safely to the U.S.

    And yes, it is a producer's job to make a movie stick close to what it is based off of. We aren't asking for gamelike cinematics in the movie where it's all in first person. We're asking for the story to at least remain somewhat what the game is about. You take the demongate and demons out of Doom and it isn't Doom. It's another action movie. Next we can make Bloodrayne, but instead, she isn't a vampire....she'll be a werewolf.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    I don't think its horrible, the point is they werent based off of anything, and the movie was very well recieved, so deviating from the "original" obviously isn't a problem. And no it is not a producer's job to stick close the game, it is a producers job to make a movie that people want to see, and enjoy. If a producer makes a movie that sucks total ass but is identical to the game, and another makes one that deviates from the game, but is fantastic, I wonder who people are going to hire in the future, and who will be regarded as a better director, and who all around did a better job. That is the reason movies say "based on", as in not exactly the same, not "a movie version of the game". And like I said, if it was more identical to the game, it would have sucked even more. No interaction with anything except a demon that you shoot instantly, fun stuff.
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    weapon Q Guest

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    The thing that pisses me off so much about the video games to movies deal is uwe boll(alone in the dark, house of the dead, . Why does someone keep giving this guy money? All his movies have been box office bombs and yet, they keep giving him video game movie rights. Even though he usually gets some somewhat decent actors, the movie is still crap. The next movie that is coming out from him is Bloodrayne, and it has already gotten bad reviews. Then he's going to be making Dungeon siege. Not sure how you really make a movie out of that, just pretty much a generic, group on an adventure killing thing movie. Then he also has Far Cry, generic guy kills people on an island. I enjoyed the early video game movies, MK, RE, and Tomb raider, but these new breed ones don't really have anything to do with the game. Blah. I am all up for video game based movies, but something needs to be done.
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    PsyVash Guest

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    The characters in the Titanic were not based off of any real life or fictional characters. Therefore, they could choose whatever story they wanted about the two teenage loverbirds.

    The main character in Doom is based off of a character in a video game of the SAME NAME. Why change the story.

    I'm gonna make a movie based off of Grand Theft Auto. Except the main character doesn't steal cars, he sells them as a used car salesman.

    You're trying to tell me that it's okay to take the name AND logo from a video game, but have the movie lack any connection (other than the fact that it took place on Mars) to the game.

    Slapping the name Doom on this movie was an attempt to get more people into the box office to watch a movie that had NOTHING to do with the game. F- for effort.

    And by the way, since you're so slow, I'll explain it to you easier. No one is asking for the cinematics of the movie to resemble the game (which according to you means no interaction and randomly shooting demons). We're asking for a movie BASED on the game. Do you know what "based" means? It means the movie uses the video game as a foundation. Tell me, what did they use from the video game as the foundation for the movie? Guns? and Mars? Nice try.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    HAHAHAHAHAHA, it's fine, you can disagree with me, I don't care. However it is a movie, and your getting worked up to the point that you are willing to insult someone, on the internet no less, because you don't garee with them, that says an awful lot about your character.
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    PsyVash Guest

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    The fact that you think I'm getting "worked up" is hilarious. It's funny that you would think you have that kind of effect on someone.

    Waaaaaaa, you're insulting my character. Cry more. If you think that the "you're slow" comment is an insult, lock yourself in your bedroom. You aren't ready for the real world.
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    Pred Guest

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    you both are righ tto a certain degree, DOOM was supposed ot be BASED off the video game. The thing about DOOM was, they changed the entire plot of the video game, when you do that.. you can't say its BASED off of the video game. This is just another gay action movie with the Rock in it. I am still pissed and hope that Half-Life is a much better movie, along with a hopeful Quake movie based off of Quake 2 or 4.. Anyone know how much money DOOM has made sine opening day?

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