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drinking too much

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by nocpan, Oct 5, 2005.

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    nocpan New Member

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    drinking too much

    It more of a comment than plea for help,

    since my boss started going off the deep end at work I have been hitting to bottle harder lately.

    I actually cut down a bit lately cause I have been gaining weight but past 3 months I have been drinking almost every eavning, about 1/3 or 1/2 of a bottle of Johnny Red, or Georgi, or some of that Russian Baltika 9% beer... what ever just to forget about the day I just expiienced and the day that will occur tommorow....

    the fact that i'm born Polish doesn't really help cause to get like pissed half unconcious drunk I need over a liter of vodka consumed straight in short period of time.... meaning this has been hitting my wallet hard as well...

    i' m looking for a new job... but what to do. I work for an asshole, i need to money, I have expensive habbies like my rolla and paintball... once i played paintball at skirmish after gulping 10 Mad Dogs (shot of vodka with rasberry syrup at the bottle of the glass and 4 - 5 drops of tabasco) i nearly fained after first 4 games and sweated like buckets but drank the same eavning...

    I'm drunk now... well after tall glass of gin straight, and since the gin is gone I switched to wiskey and coke... i'm beginning to think that i have a problem...

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    ratsnrop New Member

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    Ever consider switching to something that won't damage your liver... like pot?... Ok, so it wasn't really funny... I know that you use drinking as a way to forget, but I know there are other things that you could do out there... You could always chase women... its just as expensive, same ammount of alchol consumpption, except if you do it right, you'll still be sober.

    Ok maybe not... in all seriousness, have you considered seeking professional help? I was hooked on pot a few years ago, but that stopped when one of my friends that I would session with checked his happy ass in to rehab... scared me shitless so I just went cold turkey. Just try to stay active. I realize that everything I say is always easier said than done, however, it takes alot to just even ask for help... you're taking a step in the right direction, so no one can really fault you for that
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    kickarse Guest

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    Go to AA
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    CPat New Member

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    in traffic a.k.a. S.FL

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    nocpan New Member

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    I don't think I'm that bad... I mean I drink only at home only after a tough day and after sex.... I quit smoking so that's out of the question after sex....

    looking for girls? well i still do... but i'm sick with near pernament desease called marriage..... contracted it like 2 and a half months ago... :p i think cheating this early in a relationship is kinda bad....

    plus i just found out that I gotta work for my current boss for another half a year or so.... cause he;s sponsoring me.... and I had a shot of working for columbia univ :p
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    e_andree E

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    So which is it? Youre drinking 1/3 to 1/2 bottle every night, or just after a tough day?

    And werent you already married before? And cheated on her too?

    You dont need AA, you need a psychologist
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    nocpan New Member

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    here is the break down,<br />
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    i drink after a heavy day at work, I work for a law firm where associates are only in the title, I act the role of a law clerk with an AS and BT in Computers<br />
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    I was married to a bitch psycho latina, cost me lotta money to get divorced, i married my gf of 3 years, I actually think you met her at the MD corrolla meeting like back 2 years ago, CPAT definattely knows her.<br />
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    And yes when I drink I need a lotta alcohol just cause I have high resistance dicated by genetics and my over all body mass (190lb at 6 feet). Once I had a drinking contest with a guy that come over my party, we started on rum and wiskey and coke, after those were gone, w cracked open a well frozen 2 L bottle of Smiroff, shot by shot we emptied it.... after it was empty we started on the leftover of another vodka which the rest of the party was drinking... he left standing and I watched an episode of red dwarf at 4 am then went to sleep, i woke up at 3 pm next day with slight hedached....now do I have a tolerance or what?<br />
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    and yea if i had health insurance i'd visit a shrink
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    e_andree E

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    Not much more tolerance than a few people I know. If you drink after a heavy day at work, I see no problem in it. I come home and drink a few drinks while watching tv after work too...on my days off I crack open a beer or two or 5.....unless its causing problems in your life, or you feel like its having a negative effect on things, you dont really have a problem problem.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    get help soon dont let this ruin your life and ur job
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    nocpan New Member

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    my job??? dude, my boss keeps several bottles of strong stuff and atleast once a week he will have couple deeper ones during the work day and encourage others in the office to drink too... sometimes he gives me like 50 bux and sends me to the store to get him couple bottles of wine or some cognac

    so far my drinking did not impear my life or work... since i drink well after i get home eat respond to some e-mails and maybe tend to my amazon and ebay auctions... i also learned not to drink day before a paintball game... that mistake i will never repeat, I sweated so much the thermal lense i got fogged up in between the layers and i was so dyhydrated i barely made it back driving from Jim Thrope PA to Brooklyn NY
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    James Bullshit Police

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    ZZE110, MA70, JZA70, AE92 GT-S x2, xB with a rollcage, 900 ft-lb Dodge Ram
    well, you'll know as soon as you need to stop, most decent human beings realize when their life is going dow nthe shitter and they need to clean up. doesn't sound liek you're there quite yet though. i hope you're doing okay man.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    to me, it sounds like you like drinking and you are proud of drinking, and you wanna share with us how much you drink, and nothing we tell you will change your mind about drinking.

    how about join the gym? nothing more relaxing than the gym...i go 5 days out of the week, and i know i have a more stressful job than you.
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    ratsnrop New Member

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    Threre's always 2 sides... It could be worse... and it could be better... its what you make of it.. that's how I always saw it.
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    xStartiKax Guest

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    mmmm Baltika
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    e_andree E

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    So whats your intention here....you post up saying you are drinking too much, then you defend yourself throughout the entire thread about how its not such a big deal.

    Did you write the original email when you were drinking? If so, that will explain a lot. EDIT: Yes, you wrote that when you were drunk. Truth comes out when youre drinking.
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    e_andree E

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    How do you know your computer consultant job is more stressful than his job at the law firm (also computers)? Thats a pretty cocky comment on your part.<br />
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    Would be like me saying MY job is more stressful than yours.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    i meant longer hours (75-80 hours/wk)..sorry for the "cocky comment"
    and yours could be;
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    nocpan New Member

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    ok i had to cancell dinner at a restaurant with my wife today because i worked 9 to 7:30pm today.... my boss left at 6 after screaming at me that he will fire me if i don't learn that when filing electronically papers its notice of motion, proposed order, declaration of rjw and exhibits and then memo of law separatelly in that order.... i'm home its 10:18 i'm on my 3rd glass of Fundator Brandy.... my parents keep me supplied with the good stuf from the diplomatic store.... i'm stressed and bitter.... i'm counting the days when i can leave that god forsaken firm
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    e_andree E

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    Seems like you like to brag about how much you drink, and Im still not sure what your intention is here
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    iam lost as well waiting for a good response
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    bzride Guest

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    ok.. it seems to me that you recognize your problem.

    if you recognize it.. you can stop it. :roll:

    you've outlined all your issues here very clearly.... only you can decide when it's time to change.
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    e_andree E

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    No, he only recognizes his problem when hes been drinking.
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    nocpan New Member

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    I am sober now :) and I can still brag about how much I can drink, its a polish thing

    But other than seek nearest AA group I just want to see how bad I'm down, i know that drinking everynight or every other night is not good... but pretty much its the only thing that lets me fall asleep after a long day...

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