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Hands-Free Phones...dangerous too it seems

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by romeotango, Aug 27, 2005.

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    romeotango Guest

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    Hands-Free Phones...dangerous too it seems

    It's just been released. A recent study has declared that driving around and using hands-free cellphones pose just as much danger as regular cellphones. Really now? Are you telling me that a human being, who has displayed enough dexterity and knowledge to operate an automobile and consequently obtain a drivers licence, is unable to do so and speak at the same time?!? Watch out Family! The next thing you hear is that a study has been released that drivers are severely hampered by driving and speaking to passengers! Can you imagine having to install a barrier in your car to bar off the driver from the passengers?
    Give us your take on this...
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    ...are you really that naiive? people in the states barely drive properly. they're too distracted by, well, EVERYTHING here. i honestly wish we'd go to a "pull over and talk" law. maybe THEN people won't hit each other while trying to talk on the fucking phone. i mean, if it's THAT important, you're not going to be concentrating on driving...you'll be concentrating on the conversation at hand. if it's not important, why bother talking?
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    tunerperformance New Member

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    and thus this is why newyork passed a law if your on a cell phone it has to be a truely handsfree meaning no wires so thats why you have bluetooth you can do everything from your phone if its capable but i do agree with falnfenix ;)
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    romeotango Guest

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    You guys misunderstand. The result of this probe says that these people can't TALK and drive at the same time! Wireless hands-free or not! There has got to be some SERIOUSLY low levels of intelligence out there...Karl Benz once declared that no more than 500 people would ever learn to drive. I, and the other 499, agree wholeheartedly! LOL!
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    SO2fullofit Guest

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    I think most people are just idiots.
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    alby13 New Member

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    we are social creatures...
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    nocpan New Member

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    To start with almost every person I seen driving and talking on the cell has not been using a head set or speakerphone, 2 women and one truck drive almost plowed into me cause of that. So yeah it is dangerous, some people are more emotional on the phone, they use hands and get all frustrated ect... yeah they should know it and not get into the conversations untill they get home, honestly I have a cell phone, I don't have a ground line at home, and I never talk over 300 min a month, I guess I just skipped the phone generation, I use messengers and text messages, I'm not a hazard, but I see ppl talking like crazy on the cell phones, everywhere, it is basically getting out of hand, I alk into the bathroom at work and a guy is taking a dump and talking with his client on the cell (WTF?) In school everyone has phones on during class/lecture, I dread the day they will make networks avilable on the subway in NYC, when I get one the bus to get to work I see at least 5 ppl on their cells, WTF u got to say that's so important at 7am in the morning?!

    bottom line is: anything is dangerous without tolerance
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    e_andree E

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    So whenever you have passangers in your car, you all dont talk to eachother?
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    Hockessin, Delaware / U of D Dorms
    oh I can definately fart, as long as the windows are down.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    knowing my limitations with keeping my attention on the road, barely. i don't have phone conversations in the car, and i generally lose track of whatever i was trying to say to any passenger i might(rarely) have in the vehicle. i know i can't drive, talk, chew gum, fart, whatever at the same time.
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    e_andree E

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    You have a point, but I can easily argue that talking to someone in the car is worse, since many tend to look at the person they are talking to, and speak with more emotion when talking to someone in person.
    This would lead to looking at the person in the rear view mirror, or turning your head to look at them, and the possibility of speaking with your hands...etc.

    I agree that speaking on a cell phone while driving is ridiculous and takes some of your attention away from the road.
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    AlaricD Guest

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    jeprox Active Member

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    i can drive, chew gum, fart - all at the same time... BUT - i *cannot* eat and drive at the same time. :)
    i have speakerphone on my cell and i use it all the time. i find speakerphone are really convenient. i guess it just depends on the person. some people needs full concentration while others can drive perfectly fine at 100mph and chit-chat on the phone.
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    nocpan New Member

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    it also depends on the type of driving you do, I can go in a straight line on a highway and talk to someone to pass the time, but I absolutelly can't talk to someone phone or in person when say looking for an address in an unknown part of town.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    some poeple just cant multi task
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    romeotango Guest

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    There's just NO excuse for crashing while talking on a cellphone. The problem with a lot of people is that they do not take driving to be the serious thing that it is. The way most people look at the road while driving is COMPLETELY wrong and therefore everything else that follows is completely out of whack. Driving a car has become so matter-of-fact that there is no effort put into it. Driving is a science, an art, AND a habit all rolled into one. Master all areas of it and you become one of the greats.

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