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Why rice up your ride?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 2004CE, Aug 12, 2005.

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    2004CE Guest

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    Why rice up your ride?

    I'm just curious why people spend so much money on a Corolla. Don't get me wrong, I own one myself and it's a great commuter car. But a race car it ain't.

    IMO, it's a waste of money to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to make a Corolla "faster". It seems that it's a near impossible task to work with a car that's meant to be a grocery getter from the drawing board.

    I have a stock 2004 CE and I've smoked many Corollas (non-XRS) despite them having fart pipes and body kits. I just think it's plain stupid.

    The XRS is a nice car. It's decently quick and nimble. However, it costs the same as a Dodge Neon SRT4 which will rape the Corolla in reverse.

    I'm not bashing the Corolla, I just think it's ridiculous that people try to make a silk purse out of sow's ear.
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    Mr.Rx7 Guest

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    ^ corollas can be fast but they require a jdm swap IMO, 20v, 4agze, it doesn't matter as long as the engine is swapped. But yes it is not a sports car, 97's look the best out of all of them. Fartpipe=no horsepower increase. VVTI shit totally sucks, I have no idea why they did that, I'd rather have my old 97 4AFE back...
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    2004CE Guest

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    <div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
    <div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
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    ^ corollas can be fast but they require a jdm swap IMO, 20v, 4agze, it doesn't matter as long as the engine is swapped.

    </div>Every ricer who gets Mommy's Corolla handed down to them talks about an engine &quot;swap&quot;. I'd have a better chance of winning the lottery than ricers actually DOing it. The 4AG family was a decent motor during it's time. You will literally spend a butt load of money to get decent power out of it.<br />
    <div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
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    97's look the best out of all of them.

    </div>2001s own it.<br />
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    VVTI shit totally sucks, I have no idea why they did that,

    </div>Emmissions get tougher every year. The 1zzs get a LEV rating.<br />
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    I'd rather have my old 97 4AFE back...

    </div>Hmmm... let's see, 1.6L 90hp vs. 1.8L 130hp<br />
    4AFE = 56.25hp/liter<br />
    1zz = 72.2hp/liter<br />
    That's a tough one.
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    xplicitcorolla99 Active Member

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    whats the deal with the word rice on import car?.so if a american car with farting noise exhaust and bodykits is that considered rice?or just plain american muscle,if so why cant the import cars be import muscle?...anyways its true why fixed up a corolla i dont think its worth the money spending but everybody have there own passion or just be different with everybody and fixing up a corolla is challenging and same time expensive because not much company makes corolla parts(depends on what year is the corolla).
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    Mr.Rx7 Guest

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    For some reason when I had my 97 auto it seemed to pull harder than this 2000. Traded that car in with 116,000 and got this one. 4A's are hard motors to pump horsepower out of when naturally aspirated and cost $$$. You can easily get 200hp out of a new gze motor for 1/2 as much.

    :Body kit's seem like a waste of money IMO, I'd just want some power in the corolla to drive on the interstate easier along with getting into heavy traffic.
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    CPat New Member

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    I think people just need to figure out whick WAY the want to go with a car. It's like an outfit. When you get dressed in the morning, you don't pick out each piece seperately just cause you like that individual item.

    You choose everything together so it coordinates and looks great as one complete piece.

    The same idea with a car. You can't do this, this, and that just cause you like those idividual items, you have to make everything work together so when you get done you have one fantastic ride.

    I've noticed that a lot of people who are doing a car for the FIRST time, usually wind up ricing it out because they haven't figured out that concept. When they do, the car starts to come together, and everything looks awesome.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    if you use that term in a derogatory way(i see it as food...nothing more), then yes, it applies to any car that looks like poop, despite the owner's belief that it looks the best evAr.

    and once again, cpat, i agree with you 100%.
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    James Bullshit Police

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    cuz modding a car that's handed down to you is cheaper than buying a new car.

    why rice? because some people are into the show car scene, and that's just the style

    why not rice? because i like having a clean looking sedan that has (hopefully) more balls than the next one, or civic, or 4banger accord/camry.... besides driving around in a yellow car with 300 lbs of extra body parts and a shitty suspension like a fucking 16 year old isn't my style, and never was even when i was 16.
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    Corolla DX-R AE100

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    all i can say everyone hav there own taste... some ppl might think altezza taillights, big body kit and big wings look good and some ppl might not...
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    anonymousracer Guest

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    I agree with this... I listen to a lot of the up and coming drivers(mostly 16-17 years olds)and their idea of a "fast car" is an intake and a fart can. Or they will talk about a turbo or an engine swap, yet have no idea how a turbo works or how much work an engine swap entails. Hell, even I was guilty of this, my first "mod" I considered was some blingin' chrome 17s... luckily I didn't have the money then to buy 'em. Then they talk about racing their friends or brothers in their automatic civics and integras. I even remember when A LOT of people on the corolla board complained about not having altezza tails and were so happy when they finally got made. Glad I never got 'em cause I would have gone back to stock by now. Who still puts altezzas,windshield washer LEDs, aluminum wings, and undercar neons on their car?

    My corolla was and still is slow but I drove it around like I owned the road. Had a couple speeding tickets and few close calls. One night, I was "racing" another car and lost control. The result... a very nasty 180 degree spin on the interstate that crushed the passenger side quarter panel and pushed in that side's suspension/strut setup. Luckily, no one was hurt and no other cars got messed up. It's all fixed now, however my insurance company dropped me then and I had to get a new one. Now I drive my corolla like a granny(sometimes I even go below the speed limit)... and having a faster car sitting at home does help! :D Once I owned/drove a faster car, I saw no point in driving the corolla to its limit anymore. But I don't drive the mr2 recklessly either... have yet to get a ticket in it!(knock on wood).

    I don't care too much for "pretty" show cars... cars are meant to be driven and enjoyed, not trailered around and shown off.
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    TravisB New Member

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    I agree with that, I don't know why people try to make the Corolla a super-fast car. It can be done, dude in Europe had a 600hp Corolla... but that was using two engines I believe.

    If you're going to go for speed, the Corolla probably isn't the best choice. Although, I do see a reason to do stuff to the corolla looks wise... lowering it, rims, etc.. it just makes it look so much better.
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    mtxjohn New Member

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    you guys talk about the best looking one...2003+ hands down. The interior looks like that of a much more expensive car. You can even get leather as a factory option. my 2002 looks..cheap inside..in comparison. Granted its put together than a domestics, a looker it isnt!
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    PsyVash Guest

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    I hate this logic.<br />
    <br />
    Let me first start off by saying my Corolla is stock (parts and all) except for the black headlights and grill.<br />
    <br />
    I hate the &quot;why do this when you can buy that&quot; logic. That can apply to EVERYTHING. Why buy a Corolla and fix it up when you can buy a SRT4? Why buy an SRT4 and fix it up when you can buy a Supra? Why buy a Supra and fix it up when you can buy blah blah blah blah. Some of these people bought what they could afford and worked on saving what they could to make it faster. Do you think that if some of these people could have afforded nicer, faster cars, they wouldn't have bought one? Or better yet, how about the people who own more than one car like myself? I plan on modding the Corolla because I have the money to. Or the others who, even though they have more than one car, like modding their Corollas because they like the body style.<br />
    <br />
    In my case , I could have gone with buying a straight outta factory rocket (I was looking at a SRT4), but where the hell is the fun in that? I'd rather spend my money on dropping a B18 in my CRX (done), build the motor(in the process), and work on a car meant to &quot;get groceries&quot; and turn it into something that hold it's own with V8's (and even the SRT4) for FUN. Because that's what it's all about. FUN.<br />
    <br />
    As far as your comment on rice, yes I agree a lot of it is REALLY bad. Excessive body kits and tin can exhausts don't do it for me either. Some do it for the showcar scene which I'm not really into. But, if that's what they want to do, leave them be.
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    dominator 04 Rolla 5spd.

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    Well said, jeprox. Some dude who's gf owns a Corolla asked me why I didn't choose a Civic if I had 'planned' to mod my car... That made no sense to me. I chose the Corolla because it's a high quality car, with an excellent, advanced and efficient powertrain in a state-of-the art but basic and affordable chassis/body. I've improved it's performance and handling with functional mods to better suit my demands and voila! I now out-accelerate my buddy's expensive 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix Supercharged 3.8 gas-guzzler with my dependable 1.8 N/A...
    If one likes to add wings and fancy tail lites to any model car, that's fine with me as it just adds variety on the streets. To each his/her own...
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    KonigRolla New Member

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    okay my question is what the fuck are you doin on VVTi in the first place if your not lookin to mod your Low end model CE?... its not like we popped up on your screen ass hole , you had to come lookin for a corolla site ? and now your bashing people for fixing up there cars .. and your lil comment .. about an srt4 rapping all those cars .. is BS cause i was at the track last friday and everybody and there grandma was out there with an srt-4 and every single one of them was gettin there ass handed to them buy and all motor EG ( and since you prolly dont know what the fuck that is its a &quot;civic&quot;)and to say no matter what you do to a corolla it will never run with an srt-4 is totally bs as well .. and some of us dont want to go out and spend 24k on a srt-4 or and already quick ride cause theres always gonna be something faster no matter where you go .. or what you buy .. bottom line is this .. you pull up to a stop light behind a corvette in the left lane and a civic in the right .. and the civics spanks him who gets more respect .. the guy who payed 45k for his corvette or the guy who payed $13K and put 10K worth of motor work in his civic???? i dont know about you but id rather have a car that will drop someones jaw .. rather than a car that someone see's and knows right off the bat is fast .. but whatever man your intitled to your own opinion .. i just think you sound like every 16yr old kid after they seen fast ans the furious .. yellin and screaming about how bad they want a eclipse or a supra .. sound the same to me about the SRT-4 .. i put $100 down that my 96 corolla will still be running strong at 300k miles .. and the Dodge will be lucky to make it to 150 with out major work .. garanteed !!!!
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    1 PHAT TOY Guest

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    2004CE why are you on this forum if all you can do is bad mouth and put people down??? Whats your back ground?? Where do you live?? I have been showing my rolla since 96 with 31 trophies. I think you should be banned just for bad mouthing Corollas. It's people like you with closed minds and no brains that make me think your parents should have used birth contol.. Just so you know I have a 94 rolla full show also a 78 Camaro that will smoke you on a drag strip and in a show. So if you don't have anything constructive or nice to say, don't say it...
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    dont get me started on dodge's quality.. and to get to the point of rice or whatever the heck you want to call it.. it all comes down to the person.. so what if someome wants to put apc stickers or a trd badge on his or her car. we all do something stupid like that in our lifetime its a learning experiance
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    Systemidk Guest

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    hey, 2004CE. i dunno why u gettin so pissy about ppl doin what makes em happy... so u like puttin ppl down for what they wanna do. u sound like the type of person that thinks u know everything and whenever something doesnt go ur way, u bitch. u gadda chill and learn to respect others for their passion. my guess is that u aint liked by many. lol
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    2004CE Guest

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    And how does your black headlights help your car perform better? Anything done for looks that doesn't add performance, is RICE.

    So you'd buy a chisel and use it to do the work of a hammer?

    There is NOTHING you can do to a Corolla to ever play in the same level as an SRT4.

    So why don't you?

    I'm talking about dollar/dollar. Dollar per dollar, the SRT4 will rape a Corolla XRSGTRSTI-TypeR.

    Tell me how smoked headlights, clear corners and altezza ricer lights make it go faster?

    No sh1t. However, there is a difference with getting a SLOW as hell grocery getter and trying to make it seem like it's something that Andretti drives around a track.

    The only modding you're talking about is RICING.

    There's no fun on modding an SRT4 up to 300 - 450hp? I'd hate to see your definition of fun if your example is taking a car that runs the 1/4 mile in 17 seconds.

    Good for you, so are you now in the process of dropping a 2jzgte in your Corolla? You putting in a Motec exhaust? Be careful, you don't want to have to get the mad scientist to fix the blown welds on the intake.

    Fun to laught at. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!1

    I let them be, it's their 1st ammendment. It's also my 1st ammendment to laugh at their stupid looking asses.
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    2004CE Guest

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    corollarider19 New Member

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    i dont drive a rolla
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    2004CE Guest

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    JspeXAE102 Well-Known Member

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    I think its time for me to add my input.

    Well I for one would rather have a car that is reliable and with moderate performance than a car thats fast and breaks down all the time. I dont race my car on a daily basis, but I do drive it to and from school and work every day.

    And you're the guy who brought up street racing, and what "really counts on the street." You're starting to sound like vin diesel in that dumbass ricer movie (so whos the ricer now, guy), but I am strongly opposed to streer racing. I do however run Solo2 in STS class about once every month, with minor engine, suspension and wheel mods I have matched times with SRT4's, celica, spec V's, 240sx's, running in the same class.

    Same thing could be said about civics and integras, most of them are not necessarly fast stock. And a lot of them are modded, some become ricer mobiles while others become track machines that dominate their classes in autox, drag, etc.

    And I do consider "riceing up" a car a derogatory term used by ignorant people when they are refering to any modified import. It'll be like me saying you rednecking up your car if you modify a mustang. Because on the TRACK we respect the cars other drivers owns despite what it might be.
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    James Bullshit Police

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    ZZE110, MA70, JZA70, AE92 GT-S x2, xB with a rollcage, 900 ft-lb Dodge Ram
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    Montana Guest

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    Why are you trying to insult those who choose to "rice" their Corollas? Everyday I drive I see a couple tacky corollas but who gives...

    What does it matter to you what people choose to do with their cars?
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    jeprox Active Member

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    you own a corolla and you say you're curious why people spend money on their rollas to make it go faster etc. you say the srt-4 is fast, blah, blah, blah. you say the corolla is a grocery getter and you call this not bashing corolla. ooook.

    people tell you why they like to modify their cars coz you said you are curious, but for every person who posted something, you have some kind of a know-it-all reply.

    every person is entitled to buy a car that he/she likes and every person is entitled to do whatever he/she wants with the car. if you don't like that, if you think it's ridiculous, if you think it's stupid or whatever... well too bad and so sad. you don't like it, too bad - it's a free country.
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    igorien2k New Member

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    you obviously know nothing about tuning 2004CE.
    i used to own a mitsubishi mirage(same chassis as an evolution. i've actually gotten together the money to get some serious performance out of it, aka turbo/engine swap. but then i realized that when you mod cars EVERYTHING breaks. especially with forced induction. i'm sorry, but if you expect me to mod a supra, i doubt that even you have the $$ to rebuild that engine every few thousand miles. yes, it might be fast, but not practical. the corolla has an almost identical engine to a celica GT and an MR2(do u think those are slow too, i think it was meant to be a performance car). it is apparently very boost responsive and reliable, and i hope that i dont have to spend rediculous amounts of money to keep it going even with serious mods. why dont i buy a stock evo/srt-4/eclipse? cuz i'd love to see the look on your face when you get beaten by a civic or a corolla one day.
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    CPat New Member

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    in traffic a.k.a. S.FL

    I was just about to write almost the same thing to this thread. Well said Chris.

    People have lost the love of the game. It's not about making it the fastest out there, it's not even about having the nicest ride in the world. It's about doing what YOU love and making art out of something most everyone else thinks of as a tool to get from point A to point B. The fact that this has come to the point of an argument about which ride is BETTER is very very discouraging to me about the entire tuner group.

    Something very very important was told to me when I turned 16 and joined my first car club. "When you find yourself entering a car show for the trophy and not for the love of the show...you need to put a for sale sign in your car and sell it, cause you've lost the love of it all."

    Maybe some of you need to think about that. It seems like a lot of people have completely forgotten what this is all about.
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    PsyVash Guest

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    2204CE, keep talking because your only making yourself look like an idiot.

    First off, who says it's all to make my car go faster? I like a certain style of rims or I think blacked headlights look good on a car. I'm not putting them on to make my car faster you moron. I'm putting them on because I think it makes a car look good. It's all a matter of taste. Personally I think double-decker rear spoilers and Voltron Street Fighting Kombat Body Kits look like shit, but if some dumbass wants to do it then fine. With your stupid ass logic I can't even tint my windows black because that is considered a modification on my car and that's RICE! OH NOOEEES! I'm making SUBTLE changes to the Corolla like adding some rims, giving it a little drop, maybe in the future add a supercharger to it because:

    1. I have the fucking money too and I already own 2 other cars, both faster than my little commuting Corolla.

    2. I want to give it a little pep. If I wanted to race I wouldn't be doing it in the Corolla. I think it gives the car a little more spirit, not becasue "IT'S MAD TYTE YO! LET'S GO RACE SOME FERRARIS NOW".

    OHHH LOOK! Here is your fucked up reasoning! But why mod an SRT4 and spend that much when you can buy a SUPRA!? Look retard, you obviously don't get it. You buy what you can afford (in my case I bought it because I needed a better commuter car, V12's don't exactly get the best mpg) and you do what you want to do to it. None of us think our corollas are drag cars, but we mod because we like the way it looks and we want to add a little more spirit into the car. MOST people in these forums like modding only in moderation and not that fucked up shit your thinking.

    Also I didn't buy a Corolla over an STR4 dumbass. I bought a broken down CRX and an engine and put it together rather than buy a straight out of factory rocket. I did it because I enjoy the look on people's faces when they see the CRX run as fast as it does.

    Just nevermind, it's obviously too much for you to grasp. You're just a typical troll who thinks people who mod their cars do it because they think they can now drive with the likes of Andretti. No Corolla owner in their right mind would think adding blacked headlights to a car makes it look or feel faster, but rather look better, you dolt.

    Turn off the computer, go outside, and play Hide-and-Go-Fuck-Yourself. In the play called "Life", you should have been casted as the abortion.

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