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No more mechanic

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nocpan, Aug 8, 2005.

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    nocpan New Member

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    No more mechanic

    I'm sad today and kinda pissed off. My mechanic of past 4 years, most honest and decent guy in the bussiness just lost his shop on friday, the landlord (some rich chinese mafioso wannabie) decided that the warehouse he is renting will be converted into a marble import export bussiness. And he told my mech that either he gets out or he'll call the cops who will vacate the place for him prolly damaging the equipment in the process. First the asshole told him that if he gives up the smaller part of the garage he will extend his lease on the other bigger half for a year and now 6 months later he gave him a 5 day ultimatum. Fuck that!!! first i feel sorry for the guy cause he did such amazing jom on cars, body work, transmision, electrical, suspension, all in one stop, he always critisized me from adding aftermarket parts cause he was 100% oem guy but did top noch job on everything, replaced my windshield when it cracked for $140 with the new windshield, when car was broken into new code alarm for $150 with install, and side window that was busted for $40, free oil changes, did my asp pulley install for 80 bux, and when i got my firt rolla he got me the 14 inch maxxims i ride on till today for free and a camry spoiler.

    Anyone in NYC knows where a Greenpoint mech with full exquipment can set up a shop, I really want to help this guy, now all he has left is his dealers licence.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Littleton, CO.
    damn man sorry to hear that, he deserves better than this due to the fact that he's one of the few honest mechanics out there and stuff man... hopefully he'll get a new place man
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    e_andree E

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    Well, if they wrote out a contract, he has legal courses to take.
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    nocpan New Member

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    Eric, this is NY its like a fucking jungle, land lords toss ppl's stuff out of the apartment and destroy their homes and 2 years later at depositions in lawyers office they swear by got that those ppl weren't tenants and they lived there without their permission. I told Jerry that he should sue the asshole but now he's like really depressed, all the equipment is in his summer home upstate ny, i mean he said some stuff just didn't fit and its out on the driveway, 2 hydrolc lifts, spring compresors, acetylane torches and arc welders, paint guns, compressors, tools, car parts, his 2 project cars (one was a sweet 1980 jag he was restoring it) <br />
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    I really feel bad for the guy.

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