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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bittersweet, Aug 6, 2005.

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    bittersweet Guest

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    There's a few good ones out there. It happens to the best of us before we find some one worth our time. Don't give up on em.
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    nocpan New Member

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    this has a look of another women flame thread but:

    see first of all, girls who usually get guys who misstreat them and are mean and abusive towards them actually need that, want that, they are drawn to that kind of personality and despite the fuckedup treatment they get the keep comming back for more, its a kind og subconcience bondage. Normal person (guy or a girl) get burned once, maybe twice, start recognizing the warning signs and never turn into that street again, but people who go throught 5 - 10 bad/abusive relationships in a row and reject the ones that promise commitment and security basically want it, for whatever reason, they can't keep a commitment, they want to be the victom, they need other ppls pitty, they need some form of punishemnt... what ever... and in you case sometimes they like to pass it on, switch roles, get all that bad emotional energy out on someone that is generally good and decent and go back to soak up more...

    I had a girl like that in HS, first we would sit outside when cutting classes and having a smoke and she'd sob and whine how each guy always hits her and one almost raped her ect ect... so i felt bad for her, usually took her for some coffe, maybe a movie or some dinner, we'd talk she's smile and be happy and i figured that i'm dong something good, and then she'd come again whining how she got hit, and how some guy wanted to have sex with her while drunk blah blah blah... and i'd do my confort bit again, once i asked her out on a date... she said no cause of some bs reason (just getting out of a relationship or something...) then she faked that she been in car accident and had memory problems... then she's ply me pointing guys out who abused her in the past trying for me to get in their face... at some point i saw what was going on and back... far far away
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    Can someone explain this to me because I am confused.

    Why do some girls complain how they are mistreated or played by some guy who just wanted to get into their pants, yet do the exact same thing to another guy that comes along. And why does it happen to guys like me who takes them seriously and actually wants more out of it than just sex. I don't understand it. It makes me want to dispise all women but I know not all of them are like that.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Littleton, CO.
    Dood believe it or not I also started a thread on this exact same thing a while ago and man it does pisses me off when women complain about guys being dicks blah blah blah etc but what I've come to realize is that most women out there don't know and most likely most (not all) will never know what they want.... why? I have no idea man but for now just try and make the best out of it, hell I know I am but of course with limits and stuff (just me though...), so yea man don't stress urself over it the world is so messed up now days is hard to find a good girl that is worth giving ur heart to or at least that she takes a relationship serious for w/e time it lasts.... so just chillax and let the good times roll :D hehe I love American Pie lol :D
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    mtxjohn New Member

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    what he said!<br />
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    Eventually you'll find a girl thats &quot;grown up&quot; and doesnt act like someone you'd see on Jerry Springer. Personally I'ne met a LOT of girls who just didn't know how to react to a guy that was genuinly *nice* to them...because most guys aren't. They freak out and think there is something wrong with you if you arent a complete @ss*ole...when you find a girl thats tired of playing games...not only will she want to be treated right (and she'll actually call you back promptly) she will pretty much demand to be treated with respect and show the same for you.<br />
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    For your own self-protection and sanity..its just dating, man. Take it easy and have fun. Don't get too serious with everybody, just play it cool and don't get wrapped up. &quot;if you make every situation a life or death one, you will die many deaths&quot; Sometime one that is a keeper will show up, and she'll be easy to spot. Everyone needs time to be single and have fun and &quot;find&quot; yourself..even girls lol. I did myself a favor and looked for smart girls...since I'm older it had to be grad students. I was lucky and happened to live near Cornell univ..you wouldnt beleive it but the smartest people most often DO NOT have big egos at all..its the trashy girls that think a lot of themselves (probably hiding insecurity)..and the really smart, amazing ones just act right in just about all aspects of their lives! FInd one that has her OWN life so she won't be dependent on yours.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    there's a reason you should date WOMEN, and avoid the girls you're apparently dating. we're not all that bad, you know.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    hahahaha...no, i'm not, but i'll clone myself just for you...how's that? ;)

    (by the way...thanks :) )
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    I know that's why I said some not all. By the way are you single? lol
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    awww I like that. if you ever become single again, let me know
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Littleton, CO.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    PsyVash Guest

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    VVTI dating service?

    Just be patient man. I got lucky after numerous shitty encounters. It happens to us all. Funny thing I've noticed is that in most cases, like mine, it happens when you aren't really looking.

    BTW falnfenix = cuteness. Nice try.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    women are confusing.. i gave up on them thank god iam with a good one now
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    <img src="http://vvti.net/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Wink" />
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    No lie about that. Ever since I saw her pic changing her oil almost made me wet my pants =)
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    PsyVash Guest

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    Ewwwwwwwww, okay I must admit that watching girls (like mine) work on cars and getting greasy is kinda sexy. And yet, they can be a "girl" when they need to be. Hard to find a balanced woman like that. :D
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    yea ur tellin me its either one end of the spectrum or the other
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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