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lets talk about whats going on...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lilbeastie18, Aug 4, 2005.

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    ob1murry New Member

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    you say this yet offer no proof, your an idiot.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    > i still believe that we never did land on the moon...haha..but i did back up my arguments. the same way you don't believe my articles, i dont believe yours..fair enough.

    > so bush "invaded" Iraq cause he cared about the people is what you are trying to say? why not do something about the countries that suffer from food hunger??

    > when were WMD found? i really haven't heard anything about that..alot of other countries have WMD..are they next?

    > that's the mentality that makes most of the world hate US. Thinking that USA is better than others and thinking they can control everything.

    > it was a question.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    I'm not even gonna top toe around it, for you to say that makes you an idiot. I happen to work for NASA and for you to sit there and say that the agency I work for has been lying to you for 30 years is just bogus and the rudest thing I have ever heard. Look at the things that have beend one since that, you honestly think that we didn't land on the moon? I guess Challenger and Columbia were also faked? Because if we didn;t have the technology to land on the moon, we sure as hell don't have it to take supplies to the ISS and shit, so those shuttles must have been fake.

    Yeah I guess the fact that trrops were in Afghanistan for years before we invaded, on humaitarian acts mean we don't help other countries. The thousdans and thousands of punds of food dropped there means we don't help people. And the fact that at the G8 summit when Bush was getting shit for not helping, a representative from Africa stood up and said they don't want help because the US is giving too much aid and it is resulting in laziness.

    Read my post about the talk of Sarin Gas. Once again, I don't think you can't just define a WMD as being only a nuclear weapon. It's just a weapon that causes mass destruction, I think anyone would agree that massive lost of human life is mass destruction. Biological weapons kill mass amounts of people hence, why I think most people would agree that Biological weapons are WMD's.

    Where the hell did you even pull that from? Once again your using your opinion as fact, your opinion is that the US feels that way and does it, and now your acting like he said it, you can;t use your opinion as fact.

    And just for the record, Yes, I do belive the next president will keep troops there, because regardless of if they agree with the war in Iraq or not, I don't think anyone is dumb enough to believe that pulling out all the troops would help at this point, I think it would result in total chaos, worse than any of us could imagine. Plus, I believe that the republicans will win the next election anyway, because I really think the Rudy Guiliani will run, and he has too much of a backing for any democratic hopefull to match, at least in my opinion.
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    PsyVash Guest

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    Haha, it seems some stuff never change in VVTI.net. I'm not going to get into the politics of it all but I am going to address one comment.

    Have you even left this country to examine the views that others have of the U.S. or did you read a recent survey from [Insert Recent News Propaganda Here] relating to the topic? My mother, along with her mother, 7 sisters (3 of which still live in Baghdad), and 2 brothers all born in Baghdad can tell you, anything you hear about "they all hate the U.S. in Iraq" is complete bullshit. My aunts who still lives there worship the ground those soldiers walk on because they can be alive again, instead of living in a state of constant fear. If you think that we all of a sudden made it bad because we started this war, you're more ignorant than you think. Are innocent people dying there now? Yes, but do you know what it was like before? With the horror stories from my mom and grandma about the abuse received for being a Christian WOMAN in that country, how dare you say any of them feel anything other than relief that we are there.

    For the record, I oppose the war as well, but for reasons I'm not going to get into. And believe me, it's hard having my view against the ENTIRE family.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    no answers to my questions?

    EDIT: i am not doing this to stir an argument, its just that i am leaving for Europe in 2 days for 3 weeks and i wont be able to respond back. :)
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    e_andree E

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    e_andree E

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    I know that you started this thread, but honestly, you have not added a single ounce of knowledgable comments to the topic at hand.

    And all Ive been asking of you is to tell us what you have done so far to get your "views" known to the goverment......or are you one that cries out for change, but doesnt do anything to help out to make that change happen?

    There are too many people that are against the homeless being hungry.....but for hell if they go out and feed the homeless or help out at soup kitchens.
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    e_andree E

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    Exactly.....but thats not good enough for a lot of people
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    e_andree E

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    Id love to hear what you have to say about the US faking the landing on the moon. Because I watched a whole special about all of the "specualtion", and every argument that was brought up was 100% debunked. So go for it!
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    lilbeastie18 Guest

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    lol at these people telling me to offer proof knowing all to well that regardless if i offer it or not you still will not change your ignorant politcal views IMO, and and you guys are doing is wasting time, lol
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    PsyVash Guest

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    What makes their political views more ignorant that your own? The problem with your view is you CAN'T offer proof because it is all speculation. Stop trying to sound like you're making a difference in this world by standing up and saying "enough is enough" when you haven't done anything. Talk is cheap, if you want to fight against the war, then do so. Write letters, join movements, just don't come in here and scream soldiers are fighting a war for a country built on lies and exploitations because that is an insult to the original men who fought the rules of England. How the hell do you know it was founded on lies and exploitations anyways? Stop saying it's useless to provide proof. I want to see where your proof is for such a stupid remark.

    Someone watches way to many Michael Moore movies.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    the landing on the moon was a joke...the "haha" part thought gave it away..but whatever..so ob1murry can write you an email E.

    anywayz: http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/ameri...n.ap/index.html

    they love america..

    ob1murry: the mentality part was referring to E's suggestion that USA should invade all the countries that have a potential in creating weapons of mass desctruction.

    psyvash: i lived outside US for most of my life. Europeans don't really like the way americans are handling the situation. 2 of you said you have been outside the US: in Baghdad. ok. you saw things first hand per say. i do realize it must be awful there, but again, there are other places that suffer like that.

    my ending point of my argument since i have to get ready for my flight: In MY OPINION, there is another motive other than "caring" about the Iraqi people so much that US had to deploy every resource to iraq to solve THEIR problems. To me that motive is oil/money. that is my opinion, and i tried to base it on links, and experience.

    --Have a great summer..

    PS: the thread originator hasn't said anything? what the hell..haha..
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    PsyVash Guest

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    Look at your source:

    That's like going to a KKK meeting and coming to the conclusion that all whites hate blacks.
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    e_andree E

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    Yeah, and they love Fidel Castro instead.....haha. Yeah, good example!

    Saddam Hussein has always been on rocky ground with the US, and I didnt say that we should invade all countries that have the potential of creating WMD. But if the leader of the country is against the US, and has the MENTALITY to use them against us, then yes, we need to do something about it. The UN agreed with that as a whole as well, just not with the timeline.

    Yes, other places that suffer like that. But what other countries have a dictatorship like Saddam?

    And in MY opinion, its not oil. The threat was there, we neutralized the threat, and now that things are starting to settle down and the Iraqi government is starting to take hold (yes, the Iraqi Government, something that Iraq hasnt had), the US forces need to start to thin out.

    You have a good summer too! Enjoy your trip! And yeah, the thread starter has no idea of the topic at hand.
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    lilbeastie18 Guest

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    lol look at these bush dickryda's !!!! ^^^^^ lol get a life guys
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    kickarse Guest

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    Why do people insistently post topics that they know is going to spark controversy?

    Unless all here didn't realize beforehand, a forum is not a place for a debate. You cannot see facial expression, tone of voice, gestures, etc...

    It's pointless and foolish, and I for one would like to see the thread closed... Especially since lilbeastie who started this whole thing with a nice piece of flamebait has yet to add anything important or of substance to the whole conversation. Nice going ;)
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Us get a life? You just rooted through the site and brought up a thread that is almost two months old, and we need a life? I think it was obvious everyone who posted in this thread just kinda of agreed that others had different opinions and that it wasn't worth the argument. I'm also sure that everyone would agree that you deserve no credability with a post like that. I'll bet your the same person who tells all the pro-bush people that argue with you "Tough shit, the constitution says I can have my own opinion." yet we who have a different opinion, have no life, and are wrong. Remember the right goes both ways, if we can't have a differing opinion, neither can you. The constitution applies to both sides, not just yours. You act like the constitution and laws are only good when they are helping you and hurting the opposition? You imply that we shouldn't support Bush, and I think a damn good guess as to why would be because you disagree with the war, and think "Bush is the real terrorist!" all while sitting at home in front of your computer spitting on the constition and the rights of your fellow americans, because they don't agree with you, seems kinda hypocritical. I don't think any conservative on this site (whoever they may be) would be against you having a different opinion, but you can't expect respect from them for your opinion, when you don't respect theirs.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    A forum is a perfect place for a debate providing people can be mature and respectful about it. LIlbeastie appears to have no knowledge on the subject though and just keeps flaming people. I can honestly say I am glad he isn't on my side. It's people like this that make sides look bad, everyone has them, republicans have people like Ann Coulter, the democrats have people like LilBeastie. I know that after his last post, no republican on this forum could respect anything he has to say, and I find it hard to believe that any mature Democrat could do so either.
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    kickarse Guest

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    I thought lilbeastie was a chick?

    Anyways, forums are definantly a place you could debate. But to do so properly is impossible. This is why we have these long drawn out discussions reiterating the same things over and over again.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    I have no idea what they are, just protocol to use the masculine tense when you aren't sure. Either way, (s)he is an idiot.<br />
    The problem is people like lilbeastie. Read the thread, everything was fine, people didn't agree but no one flipped out or anything. People like lilbeastie ruin shit for everyone because they are too immature to handle it. They just walk in and throw around unsults, then walk away thinking they won because they insulted someone who refused to stoop to their level, and kept it civil, it's disguisting.
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    PsyVash Guest

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    Just keep on protesting in the comfort of your room since you feel so strongly against the war.
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    kickarse Guest

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    <br />
    Very true!
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    Silver_Nitrate New Member

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    honestly there is no one to blame but us. When we got attacked, we needed revenge. So we supported Bush. Bush did what he thinks will make him win another election so he ordered the attack so we can support him. Now our love ones are dying and our contry is slowly coming to its demise. Economy down, oil prices high, rate of employment high, level of poverty high. We did this to ourselves. Our damn prides clouded rational thinking. There are terrorists all over the world, You cannot stop them by killing them. It is like a 7 headed snake, you take one and they multiply. So honestly I don't think we should be complaining about people are dying and enough is enough. We did this to ourselves now we have to pay the price.
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    e_andree E

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    Lilbeasties a male, and its obvious he doesnt have any clue as to what hes talking about....he feels a certain way about something, but obviously doesnt know why, or at least cant explain it
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    lilbeastie18 Guest

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    nice corollas everyone...
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    kickarse Guest

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    And loves to spam!
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    back on track people

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