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Al Qaida Warning

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Aug 4, 2005.

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    ob1murry New Member

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    You can't even spell Afghanistan so I'm not going to take you seriously at all, because you can't even spell the name of a country we are at "war" (I say "war", because we techinally are not at war with the country, rather people occupying it) with, so your obviously an idiot. You also misspelled Al Qaida, which is even more pathtic since it is spelled in the title of the thread. People like you act like you know what is going on better than the government does, and you can't even spell the name of the country correctly. I work for the government, as do many people I know, and with my security clearence, I have heard and seen things you wouldn't believe, I can't even imagine the things that are going in Iraq and Afghanistan that we will never know about, so don't act like you know the whole story, because no one does.

    The US is less safe now than we were before we invaded Iraq? Now there have been no terrorist attacks since we invaded, and while that doesn't prove that we are safer and that the war is helping, I find it hard to believe that if we hadn't invaded Iraq, we could have had less than 0 attacks. There isn't even a point to asking the question, because it can't be proved either way.

    How can you act as if Bush has made the country less safe, look at the facts. Many people blame Bush for not reading the memo about Bin Laden attacking, however he did read it, and it was vague, just said that planes would be used, and gave no date, now how can that be prevented? Yes, Bush deserves 8 months of blame for the attacks, but Bill Clinton deserves 8 years of blame, even his former advisor, Dick Morris has gone on record several times, and said that a memo almost identical to the one Bush recieved about planes being used in an attack, but guess what...he didn't read it. Perhaps if Bill Clinton had done what George Bush is doing now, when terrorist "drove" a boat full of explosives into the USS Cole, or when terrorist bombed the WTC, we could have avoided September 11. So Yes, Bush is partly to blame for things that occured, but if you want to point the finger, point it where it deserves to be. Don't act like in the 8 months Bush was in office he caused the intelligence failure, look to the previous administration.

    Blow the terrorist up with a bomb? Once again this quote just screams "MORON". Your right though it's not that simple, so what's the only other way to do it? Take them Ice Cream, and ask them to stop? I don't think so. The way to stop them is to make them, and like you said, it's not as simple as dropping a bomb on them.

    But you are exactly the type of person I am talking about. You went and saw Fahrenheit 9/11 , and bought into everything Michael Moore said and you act like the movie can be used as factual evidence.

    I have covered the people starving in Africa angle previously. Your an idiot for thinking we don't do anything there. We have actually been asked to CUT BACK, because they feel we are trying to help too much.

    Read a book that was not written not by Micahel Moore or Al Franken, learn to spell, and then come back and argue with me.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    That is quite an intelligent remark, but how does it pertain the topic at hand?

    Also just because I'm curious as to why you say that, not disagreeing or anything. But how can you judge all of mankind based of the little amount that we know about our own past? Several hundred years is nothing compared to the amount of time we could have been around. True that in those hundres of years empires have risen and fallen, but we have made advances, Cavemen used to club women on the head and drag them to caves in order to get wifes, I mean we are a little more civilized now, the empires that rose and fell didn't even have silverware.
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    AlaricD Guest

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    *1 technically
    *2 you're
    *3 pathetic
    *4 clearance
    *5 Michael

    I suppose now we are at liberty to dismiss your arguments given that they, too, are rife with misspelled words. Your ad-hominem attack on mtxjohn has backfired.

    Additionally, one thing you should have been taught about your high security clearance is that you should not flaunt it. (It's also well-known that the more someone brags about the "secret" information he is privy to, the less likely he is to be privy to that information at all.)
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    kickarse Guest

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    The simple fact that any argument on war or the reason's behind it are really in vein. Looking at the bigger picture and all. Do we need even 100 years to figure out that mankind cannot rule themselves properly? We have all of recorded history, mankind to build up a dreadful track record of rulership and authority over themselves.

    While it's nice to see humankind helping one another it's always, politically speaking, for a selfish reason. Even if we don't know exactly what that reason is. There's always a greedy motive.

    It's becoming quite clear, even if some don't want to admit it, that the reason Bush went over to the middle east is for the oil. That area has the most oil reserves in the world. While yes it helped alleviate Saddam's oppressive rule over the people, what have done to help isnt much better in relativeness.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    Well by your own theory, your post is pointless too, because I am positive that the word "ad-hominem" as you said, is not hyphenated. Also never did I brag about my clearance, just said I have seen things that other people haven't, so I can't imagine what people with a TS clearance see. If you would be kind enough to read my post again, the argument that he could not spell wasn't the backbone, it was secondary. It is also something quite different to misspell words in a grammatical and typographical sense then to try and make a political statement about how we shouldn't be one place, when you can't even spell the name of the country. Had he misspelled something as the as "teh" or something it would have been different. And finally don't act like you have any idea what I am privy to, because you have no idea and for you to assume that you know because of a broad statement only shows pure immaturity.
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    AlaricD Guest

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    Don't act like you're privy to anything. Ever hear the expression "loose lips sink ships"? By letting it be known that you know secrets, you are jeopardizing those secrets.
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    dragonitti Guest

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    I heard that not to long ago, on the radio too. Funny thing was, the Cuban's turned him down, because they were like..."No, you will screw up our business".
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    dragonitti Guest

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    Yeah, now we take them shopping for expensive diamonds, and work on their cars when there is a problem. And even do their dirty work....so much for being civilized. I think I would rather just club them over the head when I want them to stfu....lol.
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    ob1murry New Member

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    I think your misunderstanding what I am saying. But I'll admit that it is my fault, because I am not explaining it very well. I am not trying to say i am privy to secrets, in fact far from it. I am saying that I am privy to things that are not readily made public, far from being secrets. I work for NASA, so I had seen infromation on the Columbia accident months before it was released to the public, as well as several things that will probably never be made public, not anything like national secrets. Everyone is privy to information not made public though, obviously you know things conducted within your own business that I don't. The point is that I see it on a government level, and based on the small things I see that aren't public, I can't imagine what people with a Top Secret clearance see. I am in no way shape or form trying to say that I have access to information on the level that I think you thought I meant. I'll be the first to admit that in comparison to other government employees, I see Jack Shit. So sorry for the horrible explanation if you took it any other way than that.<br />

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