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more eclipse problems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by toyotaboy, Jul 14, 2005.

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    toyotaboy New Member

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    lith, IL
    more eclipse problems


    Something is abnormal in Normal, Illiniois. Mitsubishi is halting sales of its 2006 Eclipse after reports of flawed brake systems, which could cause failure, surfaced from the company’s Normal plant. The company filed a report with the National Highway Traffic Safety AdMinistration, indicating nearly 1200 cars could be affected by the glitch, with 44 already in the hands of consumers. Officials say the problem will be solved in production by the end of the week, and that Mitsubishi technicians will make house calls to check consumers’ cars.

    Can't mitsubishi motors just call it quits and go bankrupt already?
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    that is one ugly car...
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    Hockessin, Delaware / U of D Dorms
    ^ Sure is.....and its FWD and N/A. Its too bad Mitsu made the GSX so unreliable because it would have been a heck of a car.
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    ChristianVA New Member

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    Is it ugly?..i actually like it! =)
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    phillipguru Guest

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    You people are always knocking other manufactures cars like you were birthed from toyota and raised int he tahara plant in the toyota neo nazi realignment program.

    Turth is, every manufacture gos through ups and down with cars, most jap manufactures peaked in their car designs in the mid 90s, just now they are coming back. The evo and sti were brought out here, the g35 and 350z, the new rx8, the supra is coming back out, mazda speed miata the new IS is coming out, the s2000.....

    The slump is over now hot sports car competition is out, and of course their will be mistakes. I think people in most boards need to respect all cars. Maybe im a taoist when it comes to automobiles. Truth is the new mitsubishi maybe be ugly in alot of minds but it truly is a wild design ugly or not, its a revy 3.8 liter with variable timing. It will probably hang with s2000s on the freeway and probably even smoke my LS4 on the freeway.

    People are always so negative and stupidly brand loyal its annoying.

    I was looking at vr4's, civic si's, bmw obd1 m3's before i landed the LS, taken in the whole picture people
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    red 03 corolla s Guest

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    props my friend....i am a car enthusiast myself, i respect all other car manufactures, not just japanese but american car company's as well...even tho most of them will end up bankrupt pretty soon....one car that i particularly like is the new CHEVY cobalt SS, supercharged ecotec engine...i was told that for under 20k you can get one these rides that dose the quarter mile at a blazing 14.2 FROM THE FACTORY...now thats sweet
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    red 03 corolla s Guest

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    and for those who say that car is ugly, wake up this is the 21st century
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    toyotaboy New Member

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    lith, IL
    I love the look of all mitsubishi cars, I just hear they have transmission problems. I don't like that mitsubishi motors is like a billion dollars in debt and they just keep borrowing money.. sure even toyota has it's problems, but I'm sorry.. brakes failing is a really bad mistake (much like the recent chrysler minivans and KIA minivans engines catching on fire). This is also the 2nd brake problem now (you'd think they'd catch the mistake and fix it for good?) I think chrysler is the only company I really HATE all around.
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    phillipguru Guest

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    think about a gm quality assurance team, they let 30000 cars go out of the lot with brake issues, mitsubishi let out 44. with 1200 still awaiting sale. thats nothing.

    if you hear mitsubishi has tranny problems, then toyota honda buick ford saab have tranny problems, hell if you know 5 people that have tranny problems with mitsubishi it still doesnt meen they all have problems, 90% of transmission failure is bad fluid anyways
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    umm..have you seen one in person? i have..and it is ugly...

    "this is the 21st century"?
    Oh thank you captain obvious...

    it's not all about power you know...who cares if the eclipse will smoke a lexus is300..the other guy will still drive a lexus...

    i am a car enthusiast myself; that doesn't mean i should love every POS they come out with.
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    ChristianVA New Member

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    yes and you know who mostly manufacture these transmissions. The Japanese! Most remember i said most not "all" are manufacture in japan but one thing i know Saab trannys are manfactured in japan all of them!

    and one thing i also saw the new eclipse up close its actually pretty sleek.
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    CorollaULEV Guest

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    I don't know much about other manufacturers. I do know a lot about Toyota vehicles and I do know that they withstand the test of time VERY well. I get the feeling that Toyota made the vehicles to last beyond the next 15 years. This isn't the case with other manufacturers I've worked with.

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    Bones New Member

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    Agree with everything except the Eclipse beating the S2000. Too heavy and Mitsi. has never been great at putting the power to the ground. The S2000 is just too much go for most of the cars out there these days.
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    phillipguru Guest

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    well i was giving a comparison in fact i seriously doubt since the eclipse is so new if their has even been a ecplise/s2000 run at all.

    but this thread is about over according to the viking


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