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The racist, import hating site, www.anti-rice.com!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 20valvemonster, Jun 28, 2005.

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    20valvemonster Guest

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    The racist, import hating site, www.anti-rice.com!!!!

    Wanna know who hates Tercels, Paseos, Toyotas, Imports as a whole and doesnt like people of color..go to this link and see what the fus is about. Im posting this on as many Toyota forums as I can to show you what some people out there think of all of the above. They went from dissing Tercels and Paseos, to me, to people of color to all imports being ricers and slow! I took the initiative to set them straight and wage a let it be known campaign against them! Screw www.anti-rice.com

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    e_andree E

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    That site is a few years old man. Old news!
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    kickarse Guest

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    lol... get over it
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    20valvemonster Guest

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    Not old news. That thread was done recently and had some personal references made...not fresh dogs...

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    statik New Member

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    Hey it's just a car, no one can "dis" (disrespect) a car.

    Don't get all bent out of shape...

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    so they're picking on you, and you're sticking around on that site KNOWING that they're picking on you?

    ...um, ok. no offense, but they do have better cars than any corolla could be. as they say, there's no replacement for displacement...

    furthermore, if they're a bunch of racist bigots, WHY would you set yourself up for insult? just leave quietly and forget the board ever existed, dude...
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    e_andree E

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    No, their attitudes and actions are old news. Its been going on for years.

    Get over it.
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    James Bullshit Police

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    ZZE110, MA70, JZA70, AE92 GT-S x2, xB with a rollcage, 900 ft-lb Dodge Ram
    maybe he feels like standing up for himself.

    you guys shouldnt be bashing on this guy for having passion...
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    sure, but he's one against a community.

    it rarely works...and all that'll happen is his own embarrassment. trust me...in situations like this, i know.
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    statik New Member

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    There is nothing wrong with modifying your vehicle, chevy, dodge, or toyota, as long as you are being true to yourself. It's all good as long as you are enjoying your life.
    If people are making a big deal out of it they have unhealthy emotional and psychological problems.

    There are too many people that think just because their car is domestic, import, turbocharged, or just faster than someone elses that it is better. Then they stand up tall and boast or argue that their car is better than yours. Somehow this makes them feel like they are actually better than you. But are they really? Because they own or finance a mass produced machine? NO. They're not. If they think they are better it's probably because they are EMPTY.

    You race someone and they beat you, roll down their window and insult you.

    Yep, that makes them a better person.

    Fuck, most of these cars we are playing with will become recycled scrap metal in 50 years. In 50 years most of us will be at the end of our lifecycle. Everything returns to the Earth. So just remember when that guy is laughing at your car, in a 100 years his body will be decayed and his car will probably be recycled into nails. Who's winning now? No one.

    There are more important things in this life than having a faster car or being thought of as posessing power over someone or something.

    You can say the same thing about racists, just change the subject matter. Except that their "superiority" is imaginary.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    600hp plus man thats a hell of a tercel
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    e_andree E

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    I dont disagree that the members of that board are racist bastards....but one man wont change their views. Its the problem with society these days.

    Instead of bitching about them, how bout you introduce your ride to this board, and www.vvt-i.net, and enjoy your stay!

    What did you do that your tercel to prep it to be able to handle 600+ hp, frame/axle wise?
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    rolla96dx New Member

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    well.. i'll just throw in my 2 cents.. ok.. he's hating on ur ride (and yea, sounding like he might have a different definition for chillen in the hood), so what. v8 guys hate on us, we hate on them, they hate on honda, hondas hate on us, we hate on hondas, hondas hate on v8's... muscle car guys are maybe a lil more serious than the yota and honda guys battle, but thats what happens when your talking 50+ years of smack talking from the gear heads. those old cars were whoopin ass and burning rubber before we were born, and their owners were talking just as much shit. thats never gonna change. just don't take it serious. its the freaking internet anyways.

    and its true, there is no replacement for displacement. no matter what you do to your car, they can do it too, with more cylinders and displacement to do it with.. the only thing that a lot of those guys fail to see is the value of weight. thats why my friends (now totaled) civic with 100 something horsepower could up and walk with a mustang gt for a nice dance.. not to mention a whole lot of other factors as well but...

    but here's the advice. if the guy has such a fast car, then race him. do like any other racer would do when somebody talks shit about their ride. embarass em. thats what i'd do at least..

    and calm down! its the freaking internet! on here you can talk all the shit in the world about anyone everywhere! i could call e_andree a pint size prick that wouldn't know his dick from a hole in a ground. does it mean its true. no. does it mean i would say it to his face, no. does it mean i even mean it (really, no. but thats the only person on this thread i know so, didn't wanna talk shit about a stranger, i got morals ya know). so chill out, calm, down, and leave the anti-rice guys alone. let them go spend $2000 for a set of pistons the size of my head, try to make their motors high revving to try and hit some magical numbers, and blow their engine to pieces because they decided bud-light is the perfect accessory to engine building, especially when it comes in kegs....
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    burbod01 New Member

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    i think you should join the board under a different name... gain their trust by bashing the shit out of whatever race they bash... then slowly start adding in bashing whites along with everyone else... the key is start slow, with one or two that can't be exactly identified as an insult to whites (like they think you are being sarcastic, so they agree with you)... then slowly increase it.... it'll be fun!!
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    e_andree E

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    It seems you didnt read that thread.
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    20valvemonster Guest

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    Some mixed responses...

    To all the people that understood my point, preciate it. To the people who didnt agree with me....your entitled to that opinion. An to the people who wanted to kick knowledge, but it flew over my head for a number of different reasons.....thanks for trying.

    'I can stop being me, that what it is,
    'I cant roll like a bitch, thats the other cat,
    'I will do whatever I got to do, that might not be you....
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    e_andree E

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    Then hed be no better than them!
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    johnny657 New Member

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    i hate being a jerk, but for the most part, the posters on that forum had some truth in their criticism (at least in the first two pages i read).

    the thing that caught my eye about this post was 'racist'. ok, that part is true; some of the posters on that site were blatantly racist, using the n-word and other arcane stereotypes.

    but beyond that, i don't see how you plan to effect change in a group of bigots when it sounds like youre being one yourself. being a minority myself, i understand its important to take a stand and make your voice heard against the ignorant; but the way youre going about it just makes things worse. when you succumb to their level, it doesnt make you any better; bragging about your car, posting on corolla forums to try and elicit cries of support, talking like youre mr. big in a forum like that will get you nowhere very fast...race and racism set aside...i dont see how your logic works...if your tercel, corolla, it could be a honda, heck, even a lawnmower, or whatever; if it were so great and fast, people would hear about it being legendary. people would hear about you through word of mouth and you'd probably get more respect that way than to show up at a private car meet and start demanding it.

    in conclusion pride isnt an effective device when defending your own arguments. btw, 'legends' don't brag about themselves being legends.
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    e_andree E

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    Very well put.
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    scrotarolla Guest

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    Old site! You are crying over a bunch of rednecks who are expressing their views against doing stupid stuff to their rides - I see mustangs and other cars subjected there too. Rice is just that - doing something really stupid to a car for aesthetics and no functionality whatsoever, except making their masculine shortcomings shorter. Kinda like all the money spent on fart pipes and wings and HVS systems that "look cool," but do nothing for performance, except lighten your wallet.

    Get over it and start doing some research. Stop putting stupid expensive crap on your car and save your money for the smart mods. Stop polishing a turd, so-to-speak, and start with a car that's already fast and handles well stock. Even though it costs more, you'll save money in the end and still blow the ricers away. Sure, you bought a Corolla because you like it and you want to make it the best it can be, but stop fooling yourself. Rice companies are thriving because idiots spend more on parts than their cars are worth. You'll never get back what you paid if you ever decide to sell it.

    Get on with your life. If you don't like the way other people act or view society, stay away from them. And before you go spouting off about others take a good long look in the mirror - when you point your finger at somebody there are 3 pointing back at you.
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    stevo Guest

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    I kno wut 20valvemonster's goen thru. I've ben subjugated to that kinda racist remark n shit. But, this is only a place for him to vent sum of his emotions. Racism DOES create STRONG emotions in ppl, we can't help that. I dnt kno, this site, may haf ben a safehaven for him...sumwhere where he could get sum support or sumthen.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    best statement in this thread so far.
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    scrotarolla Guest

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    Thread? I was replying to the original POST. I read this whole THREAD. What did I miss?
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    how about we calm down
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    e_andree E

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    His beef is with the remarks made by those in this thread specifically http://www.ageoflegends.com/~antiri...der=asc&start=0, not antirice.com

    Yeah, they represent anti-rice.com, but hes not pissed off at the "anti rice tickets", or fart can muffler remarks. Hes upset over the blatantly racist/stereotype remarks made by those in that thread.
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    e_andree E

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    Whos uncalm?
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    scrotarolla Guest

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    Sorry, I wasn't getting hot, just trying to clarify. Wasn't trying to lash out at e_andree either. BTW, e_andree was right - I didn't read THAT THREAD. Sorry bro.

    I'm just tired of hearing ricers (I'll retract that derrogatory statement if anybody here fits the stereotype and is offended by it) complain about people making fun of them. I'm also tired and sore about racism continuing and the "black thang" and why I have to be careful where I live because I don't have a dark tan...no, I'm not white, I'm GREEN. :D
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    scrotarolla Guest

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    Ok, I read it. I stand by my statement. I saw nothing wrong over there in that thread - typical bashing, not a real flamewar. Mr. Tercel "I Keep it REAL" should not have been there and is probably one of them striking up entertainment and getting the good ol' boys riled up.

    Nothing you guys should be worried about. Stay away. Turn your head. Move on. Now if those damn Honda ricers would stop pulling up beside me and maddoggin' me at stoplights...
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    xodyss Guest

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    WTF did you just write?

    i barely understood it...there were far too many spelling errors.

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