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Tech Un-penetrable

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by dragonitti, Jun 15, 2005.

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    burbod01 New Member

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    You made plenty... don't kid yourself.

    personally, I liked the "Let me guess, your mom, dad, uncle, and everyone else in your family is considered an advanced user."

    It seems to me that the thing BBX has on their side is that this type of program is relatively new... keeping it within a select group of investors has kept it out of the hands of the people who really want to attack (maybe this is why you don't allow for easy access to demos)... if those people knew the ins and outs (as eventually it will happen), new ways of infiltration will pop up. Were the tests that were done to see how penetrable your program was done with the methods of today? or with someone's advanced knowledge of the program? I would think when early security programs came out there was a time period where hackers had to go back and learn the programs the wanted to beat, and everyone who was involved in the security business was considering it a victory.

    Not to say you aren't doing right or well, but it seems like yours will be similar and will eventually succumb to 1) hackers and 2) larger software security companies catching up and surpassing you with similar technology... if it is the only one currently on the market.... according to Alaric there is another one.

    Again, as someone who doesn't know anything about IT, I've not been versed in whether or not there are other programs like yours also out, but if you say so, I guess I should take your word for it.
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    kickarse Guest

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    Okay... hey Trav i left you a message on your cell phone... I didn't get your email till this morning and I Was in the meeting but... just email me when it's up...


    I am pretty much self taught everything.

    Network+, A+, CCNA+, Cisco... I took Networking classes, Advanced Mac training, PHP, CSS, C++, VB, java... 7 years in the field.

    Geek enough to be running Linux on my Mac and PC.

    The program is an Advanced IDS of sorts... Pretty much a Layer OS that resides in the same ram space as Windows. This is why it can be independent, not relying on windows resources. Pretty sure that through it's alog's it monitor's for any activity, bit for bit, or some other way, if through some sort of heuristics/signatures it realizes that it's malicious then it terminates the code, no matter where it is. This is so because it doesn't rely on extensions but bit's of data/code. Anything accessed, even memory could probably be scanned and tested.

    Well at least this is the way i'd do it.
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    laz Member

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    Geek! ;P J/K I was in the meeting, and the product looked very impressive. It was different seeing it in action than reading posts. The live meeting worked well, and Travis gave a good presentation.

    Hey I run Unix on my Mac...oh wait, never mind! But I also did learn a lot of the sutff I know on the field.
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    kickarse Guest

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    dragonitti Guest

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    Hey kickarse, no worry. I'm going to do another meeting. Only time will tell though, I have a LOOOOOOOOT! of work ahead of me. I have to modify the manuals, I have to test new features, and I'm also preparing to go to Morocco to train the gov. on our software.

    Laz can justify that you will see something NEW and I will not waste your time. I told Laz that, I'm practicing in giving my presentation to you guys. So, that when I give them in front of (potential million dollar contract) Clients, I don't screw up. So, feel free to critique my demo to you, and if there is something that I stumble on, let me know. But as much as I may stumble, the software doesn't. It works as I stated. And like Laz said, READING and explanation is NOT nearly as informative as actually SEEING it run before your eyes. True to the slogan "Seeing Is Believing".

    Like I said, I'm going to be real busy, but I will schedule another meeting. I will see what I can do to squeeze in some time this weekend, (when I'm not working on the TC), and do another demo for you.
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    Turbo4afe Guest

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    going in 3 years now as a webmaster, database manager.
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    dragonitti Guest

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    Hey that's cool man. Web design is a cool field. I have all the neat tools like the entire Macromedia Suite, Adobe Illistrator, Photoshop Deluxe...etc. I have very little time to play with them though, so I'm not that knowledgeable with it. I even have the big graphics program 3DSMax. I never get time to play with that either.
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    dragonitti Guest

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    I just wanted to double check to see who was all going to be or would like to attend in the next meeting. I am hoping to get that started sometime late next week for the people from this message board.
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    kickarse Guest

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    me... but it can't be at night... I don't internet anymore at the house... Thanks again trav
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    dragonitti Guest

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    What about during the weekend? I can give one to you over the weekend if you can get internet access. Maybe at a friends house or something if all possible. PM me your e-mail address again, I seem to can't find it.
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    aSiAnRiCk New Member

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    Boynton Beach, FL
    The title of this thread makes me horny for some reason
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    dragonitti Guest

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    Haaahaaa...thanks for bringing some humor into the thread. It's been pretty serious up till then....lol.
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    dragonitti Guest

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    Another successful demo completed.

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