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corollas + import scene....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by midniterains, May 28, 2005.

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    midniterains Guest

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    corollas + import scene....

    so after a long while and vvti being down, it looks like the corolla modding scene has died down quite a bit, but just from the looks of this sight. in addition to this site, out of hte street you dont see as many rice rockets running around. after we swapped engines in my 00 i sold it and got a 68 ghia, but i had to sell that because we moved up to san jose.

    it's irritating to see all these civics and shit half asssed work all over the place with extremely annoying exhausts. i find myself more into the classic cars now than ever, simpler wiring, more parts available, and nothing can top a classic car look. i look on and see the guys that are still working on your cars to make it something of yourself, and thats cool, its just this scene isnt my taste anymore. some import cars out there do look classy, sporty, and extremely senor bad ass, but it seems most of them are just retarded. so good luck to you guys, i'll still be lurking around with whatever amount of knowledgei still retained with corolla, and will help out whenver.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    ahhh...so you're in San Jose now. good to see you're still around :)
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    We're still growing man.... I'm sure when the performance parts for the Corolla come out we will grow faster. Now days all that people are interested in are cars that will go fast :D
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    James Bullshit Police

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    ZZE110, MA70, JZA70, AE92 GT-S x2, xB with a rollcage, 900 ft-lb Dodge Ram
    later zenos, and good luck. even though these "bla bla bla i'm leaving the site" sob stories are getting old.....
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    midniterains Guest

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    i never said i was leaving, i was just saying what i said. but thanks.
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    TheOne Guest

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    i have to agree people's taste do change. i used to be one of thoes guys with the loud car. now i am a sleeper type dude. much more quiet and faster, without wakeing up the niebors. i have learned that you car does not have to make alot of noise to be fast. plus you should see the eye's of thoes orther guys when suprise,suprise i blow pass thoes guys:)
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    e_andree E

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    You cant really base it on these web forums.

    I was gone for a few days, and when I came back and hit "new posts", this board came up with 390 new posts in three days. The other vvt-i.net came up with 362 new posts.

    Both boards are pretty even in regards to traffic. Theres also other corolla boards out there as well. Just look around!
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    xtm "Member"

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    Panorama City, CA
    yeah, the car "modding" scene has toned down (in general) Not just the Corollas... I don't see alot of modded Civics anymore...
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    well what do you expect? it was a fad...we are definitely on the tail end of it.
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    dodolaje New Member

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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    i think its just more people are gettin into speed rather than looks, theres still alot of people around me that are moddin there cars for looks and speed...
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    trackstar Guest

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    The modding scene has become quiet and the excitement isn't quite there anymore.
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    e_andree E

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    I honestly dont see how its toned down any. Especially the euro scene.
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    BloKKem New Member

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    I agree, if anything I think it is the same as its always been if not stronger. It think whats happening is there is so many modded cars that were used to them and tend to not see them as modded anymore since its so normal now. Originality is what is dying down, very rarely do you see something that really catches your eye, but I will add that Corollas in my opinion are very original. For example in Colorado Springs I have seen only 1 other Corolla that someone has tried to do something with.
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    starion88esir Guest

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    I am picking up a 64 Mercury Comet 202. 38,000 original miles. 200 ci engine. Gotta love the classics. I'm also waiting to get a 63 AMC Rambler Ambassador 990. :)

    But I still enjoy my Corolla, just wish it was faster. Don't really give a shit about looks. I see a lot of the 03+ Corollas running around semi-riced out (wing, stickers on the side and exhaust). :shrugs: Whatever makes people happy.

    Have any pics of the Ghia? I love an aircooled ride. :)
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    I disagree that the import scene is dying down. It really depends on where you are in the country, or even your city. I'm in NYC for the summer and I see a ton more modded cars than I do typically in Atlanta. I also see more modded imports in DC than I do in Atlanta. I dunno why, but that's just how it is. While I'm up here, I'm going to work on importing some small parts, like interior pieces, for the car, because there are so many options up here.

    Just because you and your friends may be growing out of the import scene doesn't mean the entire thing is dying. It's ok for people to move on to bigger, more powerful, or more expensive cars as they get older, because that's what you're supposed to do. At the same instant one person decides they're moving on, there's some kid out there who gets a rolla as his first car and decides to mod it, so the movement continues.

    As far as the site dying down, alot of people that typically post at VVTi.net move over to VVT-i.net when the site goes down and vice-versa.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    its all in where u live
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    Killercocopuff New Member

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    sting Guest

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    just to share my two cents...

    to my fellow vvti folks, pls visit our site, click the site my sig, the corolla or import scene for that matter ain't dying... some vvti member's are there... and glad they continue to post...

    most of the peeps here have swapped into hi-horse engines... there are those who have 4age's, 4agze's, 20v black top's, 20v silver top's, red top's, blue top's, 3stge's and the likes in their engine bays, there are those who are JDM crazy and lovin' it to the max... both old school and new shool...

    the rollas and other yotas aren't dying... but at the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their opinion and thus should be respected... here in grupo toyota, we live and die toyota, we love our toyotas... but we welcome non-toyota owners as well... no bashin' and dissin' other peeps' rides... we watch out for one another, am proud to say we have the biggest population... we will always support one another... the respect for each member is vital that's why the club is strong amidst of past issues or concerns... we won't fade any time sooner... thank God...
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    I would have joined grupo toyota a long time ago, but alot of the posts I can't read, so I feel like I'd miss out on alot of good info.
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    CLe Guest

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    i got tired of tryna please other people with how loud or body kits or stereos...im jus doin it for the love of the car, nothing else...maybe thats why i toned down on my criticisms for other "ricers" since it does take alot of courage to drive cars wit mods...iono about u guys but i still have fantasies about my own black turbo civic goin under a semi..ahahhahaha
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    sting Guest

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    pardon for the language barrier, since i'm always around, i wud gladly assist u bro... tagalog is deried from spanish <img src="http://vvti.net/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Big Grin" />
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    legobrainboy Guest

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    actually, we have several non-filipino-speaking grupo toyota members and they're having a blast at the forums because whenever they get into a thread, whether technical or otherwise, there's always at least one person who starts translating the important bits in the previous posts and most everybody else starts posting in english.

    i guess it helps that 95% of filipinos speak english as a second language.
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    phillipguru Guest

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    the car scene or import scene is not going away, car enthusiast have been around for a 100 years will they will continue to be around. The fad of massive exhaust sound has been around just as long, and the ghetto style mods have been around just as long. People in the 50s used to take off mirrors and do other stupid things to try to make the car fast just like a kid with a civic hatch might put 8 2" holes in his rear bumped because he things he will get less drag. The turth is the scene is getting wilder, more advanced, faster, and more and more money. Much like street racing blew up in the 50's and 60's street racing blew up in the 90's. Movies about it always seems to come out around the time street racing peaks. Just like those weather movies come out when nasa finds some stupid comet heading our way. Its just the way the world works.

    Now the scene changing has probably nothing to do with why people leave it, the scene always changes, it changes a million times when they were into the so called scene. But you do have to recognise people grow out of childish things. People settle down. Settling down for somebody might just to be working on older cars for pleasure rather than gettting the highest rev and hp out of their honda so they can take it to race night.

    Racing is very much an american thing, almost everyone loves a fast car. But trying to make a fast car, trying to get accepted by the scene gets old really quick.

    Respect peoples descions about things, if some guy who can only afford a $30 ebay muffler and he puts it on and it makes him feel happy, and maybe even cool like he can now be accepted by other people who are into their cars like he is that is awesome. We dont like it, I know i dont. Where am i going with this i dont know.

    But wtf do i care, you guys have corollas and i drive a g*d d*amn 250hp v8
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    lilbeastie18 Guest

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    no its just that the cost of living has gone up...and we can thank arnold and those fuckers in WAS DC for keepin wages low and making it easier for the rich and harder for the poor every year
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    phillipguru Guest

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    this has nothing to do with what anyone is talking about, more money into the scene meens more money in the industry, that means more people are buying, which in turn meens people are spending money

    if you look around, since bush was re-elected and the terminator became kind of california nothing in my life has changed the slightest bit and before you go rant on about some uneducated bullshit, i dont vote, so dont say im pro this or anti that, i just dont give a crap about politics in general, but i do follow
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    sting Guest

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    exactly what kompanero said...
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    e_andree E

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    True, but theres too many people out there that dont want to work....THEY make their cost of living too high. Thats a different argument though.
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    Epiz_untamed Guest

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    dito ako sa LA puwede ba akong sumali
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    If my car with 250hp went up against yours, mine would grissly bear rape yours in the ass without any lube.

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