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duwayne mcclendon

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by falnfenix, Apr 25, 2005.

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    well he originated his shit here...and my question is, who are you that you're suddenly taking a stand against him?
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    rolla02 Corollalcholic

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    You dont need to tell us he is a scam artist, most of us know him from C3 and even farther back (dont know I dont go back that far). There are a few of us on this board that might post here as well
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    cubarican Guest

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    I know most of you guys know he is but i'm just trying to keep people informed. There are some that don't know still that need to. As for who I am takin a stand.....
    I am one of the many who has been taken by his scams. I can care less where he originated, i'm sure it wasn't here, I just know he needs to be stopped.
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    cubarican Guest

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    duwayne mcclendon

    Remember this guy-- Goes by the name Quick usually. ELC Motorsports, C3 racing, Now tctunerz, and probably more than I care to know about. This guy is a scam artist to the fullest degree. I'm sure a lot of you know this and for those who don't be warned.

    I am staging an effort to get this guy off the market and possibly behind bars pending some federal investigations. If you have been ripped off by him please help me get him behind bars. I figure if he has been doing this for roughly 5 years now going from forum to forum selling things that don't exist or not shipping things people have paid for (like a 3500 dollar turbo kit someone got screwed out of) he's probably swindled over 1 million of our dollars to date. In the last 4 years alone he has moved at least 6 times in an effort to dodge repricussions.

    If you have any kind of information about him, especially e-mails or faxes regarding transactions with him where the product was not recieved and monies were not returned please e-mail them to -- takedownduwayne@yahoo.com --

    Please eliminate any personal information i.e credit card numbers and ss #'s as I am not responsible for them nor do I need them for my investigations.

    Thanks for your help, lets get this guy where he belongs, behind bars!

    Visit these links for more info and some interesting stories about this guys dealings
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    e_andree E

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    1 million is very very high.
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    cubarican Guest

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    you have to realize that c3 and elc were not his only scams he has at least ten that I can think of on different forums and who knows what other scams he has going that we don't know of. Combine that with at least 5 years or more of running time it may not be there but hes probably close
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    as far as we know, in the realm of car parts, he started in the corolla communities. we know all about him, thanks.

    by the way, if you're going to fire off a number as high as a million(which is pretty friggin astronomical) actually make sure that's the number. ;)
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    cubarican Guest

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    if you know so much about him why haven't you done anything to deal with it??? You stand by idle while he continues to take peoples money and don't give a rats behind because you know what- it never happened to you. What about the guy who lost 3500 for a turbo he ordered or the guy who lost 1300 from a body kit and a few other parts? Its like saying that you saw a man kill thousands of people but your alive so who cares, as long as you dont die let him have his way. Take a freakin stand and send his ass to jail because thats where he belongs.
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    Vamp Gunmetal 2001 Corolla S

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    Gunmetal Grey 2001 Corolla S
    A lot of people have tried to get him, but haven't been successful. It's also hard when that person is in a different state.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    how do you know it never happened to me? what if it did? what if i'd already tried to get him and NOTHING worked?

    jesus dude. yank the stick out of your ass and realize that i'm challenging you to make an airtight case. if i were truly being a bitch to you, you WOULD know. i'd make a point of it.

    good god. i fucking wished you luck for chrissakes. i'd like to see the guy go down, but since nothing has been done to me, i CAN'T do anything about it. i'm not one of his victims, therefore i CANNOT take a stand on this issue, aside from challenging the people who HAVE been hurt to actually do something about it, and make VERY good cases. spouting numbers does you no good...saying he's stolen a million dollars is a bit astronomical, don't you think? he's apparently not living THAT high on the horse, based on what people have said around here. $100k is probably a more reasonable number.

    i'm done with you until you realize that i'm trying to HELP you.
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    burbod01 New Member

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    instead of trying to get your money back legally, why don't you do it the duwayne way and scam him somehow?

    he wouldn't be able to do anything... then the investigation would turn to him... like the wendy's finger lady
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    burbod01 New Member

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    but he set up an email address and everything... don't be done with him (plus its fun to see you rant)
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    gotarheels03 New Member

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    Hockessin, Delaware / U of D Dorms
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    agreed. so buy something from him, then take him to small claims court. otherwise, you're SOL.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    the point is, he thinks he's shpeshal for "taking a stand"

    yet he's not mentioned if he actually was a victim, or if he's trying to be a "hero" - if he's the latter, then he'll fail miserably.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    who knows what his deal is
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    rolla02 Corollalcholic

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    Like said before the only way to deal with him is to beat him to a bloody pulp or just do a drive by
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    plu Well-Known Member

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    let me jump on the bandwagon here....

    We don't like heros here. Heros suck ass. Go Away and mind your own business! Oh and if you are ripped off by duwyne, tough luck dude cuz tons of people got ripped off by him too and they ain't get nothing in return for it 5 years ago so STOP WASTING YOUR TIME!!!!! Suck it up and move on cuz it's your fault for being so trusting.

    but seriously, let him help. It looks like he is only trying to collect information to make a case because most people ripped off are not doing anything about it. He may have a chance if it is presented to the right people and how big this scam is is shown and it is shown that it is not just a few isolated scam cases. I rather have people helping then people telling others to give up. So he posts this everywhere big deal, if it saves one more person from getting ripped off then it is worth it, right? It's his time and effort. And yea that scammer needs punishment, but I also feel like he is going to get away with it again same as 5 years ago.
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    cubarican Guest

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    I've thought about that but I won't stoop to his level. I'd rather see him in jail.

    falnfenix I wasn't tryin to be an ass I was just saying, maybe you haven't been victimized by him maybe you have but that doesn't mean that you can't do anything about it. If you know people who have tell them to get me info, thats what I need to make a solid case. I can't do this with just my experience gettin ripped off. I've tried that. Thats what my reference was stating.

    plu-- I am not a hero nor trying to be one. I am trying to get info to support a case, thats why I posted those web sites, I am glad you see the point that if one person is saved from being victimized then at least my efforts were worth something. Trust me on this I am not a very trusting person but I got scammed in the begginning back in the c3 days when he first started (or at least before a lot of people knew about him), I wish I would have known then so now i'm tryin to let everyone else know.

    I don't wanna be any kind of hero- I just wan't this guy in jail. If that makes me an idiot or a bad person so be it but i'm doing what I have to. This guys been around to long for me to see anymore people get scammed. Sorry if I pissed anyone off i'm just sick of him and I wanna see him behind bars badly.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    i would think that you could get many states involved
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    RacingSolution New Member

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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    this won't send him to jail. you can only get him for your situation...not everyone else's as well. i'm with you on being sick of seeing this shit happening, but you can't knock him down for everything he's done...i don't think the courts will support a case that large in small claims court.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    i dunno if you take the man to civil court and sue him... i think that he would win
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    e_andree E

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    Go back to that site in a week, and see who is still owed money. Bet ya youll be surprised.
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    cubarican Guest

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    i'm not taking him to small claims. I am trying to have him investigated by the ifcc. Its a fraud center coordinated with the fbi that investigates and prosecutes people involved with internet fraud schemes which is what he is doing. If anything they can at least get him for faulty business practices and force him to shut down shop and revoke business licenses and such. Maybe not jail which is what I want, but at least stop him from defrauding people and save a lot of people money who were going to use his "services". People will probably not see a dime out of it but at least he won't be around to scam anyone else.
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    cubarican Guest

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    this is why I want people to report their incedents to the ifcc, if there are enough negative reports about him it will spike a large intrest on the ifcc's part to investigate him and take action. If he is convicted of internet fraud he could face hefty fines and hopefully imprisonment.
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    i think it would have to go global to really spark their interest.

    but what do i know. i'm only some random chick on a forum.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    laura is a smart girl iam sometimes amazed at her general knowledge
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    vortex Well-Known Member

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    Westminster, CO
    hump that leg CR. :)

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