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I have a question about limited slip

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by burbod01, Apr 16, 2005.

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    burbod01 New Member

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    I have a question about limited slip

    So if I were to drive a car without limited slip differential, then get into the exact same car plus LSD, what would I feel different?
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    LowRolla Will work for turbo

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    Oviedo, FL (orlando)
    Ok simple. Take any car that is 2wd for this example. When that car is under full acceleration, say from a standing start... there is an inherent tendency for the wheel with the least grip to spin, so all power coming from the engine will then take the path of least resistance to that spinning wheel and you therefore get wheelspin and no traction and a problem accelerating. A Limited-Slip differential counters that tendency and gives the wheels the same amount of power, not allowing the one with less grip to take all the power. The result is less wheelspin and therefore, better acceleration.

    However, as for what you would 'feel' - that all depends on the car, hp, surface, tires, and driving conditions. In a stock automatic corolla on dry pavement, you'd probably feel nothing. In a Mustang Cobra, the difference would be very noticeable.
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    burbod01 New Member

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    so it really would only come into play in wet weather for a corolla?
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    rolla_dink Guest

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    It comes into play in many areas. In wet weather even a LSD driven vehicle can spin. If there is enough power to the wheels both will spin. Acceleration out of a corner is smoother and the typically wheel spin out of a corner is made so the car "pulls" itself out of the corner. Also it helps control spin so you get a more controlled launch.

    There are a couple of LSD, internal clutch driven and gear driven. The gear driven are the more durable type and for our cars are as much as $1300. LSD is really for the serious tuner and racer. It really isn't a necessity for the cost if you are not going to use it.

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