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Scavenger Hunt: Help Needed

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SkyAce2004, Mar 25, 2005.

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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    Scavenger Hunt: Help Needed

    Alright, spring break is just a couple days away, I have a friend coming down, and I want to put together a scavenger hunt so I can bring all my old friends back together.

    I need help putting together a list. The age group is 17-19 and we all (for the most part) have cars. But I’m only thinking 3 teams.

    I want to get this shindig started around 8-9 PM and last till midnight, so a list of about 100 would probably work.

    I’ve looked and looked on the internet, but couldn’t find anything for the age group ill be going out with. And if it is, it’s just waaay too illegal.

    So, I’m asking. Can you guys help me out with putting together a list and ideas?

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    TRD Rolla New Member

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    post me the link to the illegal ones then ill try to get some ideas plz
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    <a href="http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/scavengerlist1.html" target="_blank">http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archiv...engerlist1.html</a>
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    e_andree E

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    Hahah...gangbang is only 50 points?

    Have them take poloroids at different locations in your city...or give clues to different locations, and they have to figure out the clues, go to that location, and take a pic.
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    prism lsi 97 Guest

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    Also if they have an extra item in the pictures like a frying pan, spare tire, etc. and/or maybe hopping on one foot while taking the picture adds to the fun. Then they all have to meet back at a place and time or else there pictures wont count. Then who ever has the most points at the end wins some kind of prize. The better the prize the more motovation they will have.
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    the prize will be: old friends getting back together again.

    im not to keen on the treasure hunt deal, with the clues. I just want to make a list say, find this/do this/get this, take pix, or some other proof
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    my list so far:

    Scavenger Hunt items:
    1. Get service without shoes or shirt - 15 pts.
    2. Trade pants with a stranger - 20 pts.
    3. French Kiss a stranger - 20 pts.
    4. Get a bum to sign a pizza box - 20 pts.
    5. Get help from someone - 10 pts.
    6. Get a bee sting - 30 pts.
    7. Autograph a cow - 20 pts.
    8. Get clothes-lined - 30 pts.
    9. Do a "Shopping Cart" - 20 pts.
    10. Piggy back ride from cop - 50 pts.
    11. Lick a mannequin's ass - 10pts.
    12. Trick or Treat a house and get a treat – 15pts.
    13. Take a bite of a stranger's meal at a restaurant - 30 pts.
    14. Call and ask operator for Adolph Hitler – 20 points
    15 Get a burger king crown – 5 points
    16. Get a Put-Put gold putter – 30 points
    17. Get kicked out of a store - 20 pts.
    18. Kiss your partner's bare ass - 15 pts.
    19. Get kicked in the privates from a kid - 20 pts.
    20. Run a half mile without pants - 40 pts.
    21. Do 5 naked push ups - 25 pts.
    22. Change pants with a stranger - 15 pts.
    23. Eat a boogie - 20 pts.
    24. Wedgie - 10 pts.
    25. Get an old lady to flip off the camera - 10 pts.
    26. Go into a restaurant and order just water – 10 pts. Don’t Tip – 30
    27. Walk through a drive through – 15 points
    28. Get 3 different menu’s from restaurants – 20 points
    29. Skinny Dipping in a stranger’s pool – 30 points
    30. Make a kid cry – 15 points
    31. Take 2 servings of Ex-Lax – 20 poits
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    pic inside of a cop car
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    SkyAce2004 New Member

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    too easy, my mom is a cop....haha

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