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New sport motor bike.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by slvr2000fdvspec, Jan 22, 2005.

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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    go take a motorcycle safety course, this will benefit you in many ways..
    1. your insurance will be cheaper
    2. you learn a LOT more, 90% of motorcycle accidents are self-taught riders
    3. you dont have to take the riding portion of the test at the dmv, and trust me, it's way harder than the msf test
    4. you learn on bikes less than 500cc, which is already a lot of power for a beginner, and if you feel that it's too powerful for you, you can ask for a 250cc or so, and if that's too much for you, stick with the corolla, or go toysrus and ask for the new huffy bike

    after you take msf course, and get your permit for you to take written test at dmv, go get the written test done, it's pretty simple, i passed it on first try with 1 error, just answer the questions in the fashion "what if this was me, what would be the best thing to do"

    then go to dealerships and shop around for bikes, everyone that tells you big bikes aren't meant for beginners, that's a bunch of bullshit, my friend was a total stranger to bikes, then one day, he wanted to ride, went to take msf, got his license, went to suzuki, and he bought a used gixxer7 on their lot, which is a 750cc bike, LOTS of power, good thing he's still here today, cause that bike was powerful, one flick of the throttle and you're gone, i dont even have to go into 1000cc bikes, but the thing is, be aware of your limits, and your bikes limits and also, it's not how you ride, it's how other drivers drive

    i started out on a 500r from kawasaki, pretty good bike, 6 speed, i took it up to about 140 and it still had a lot of power left, 2 months later, i sold the bike and went to 600cc, and i got a yamaha r6, has a lot of power, but still a small bike so i can take corners pretty good, i can tell you, 600cc is ENOUGH power for the streets, no matter where you live, you can take 600cc bikes all the way up to 160mph, but you will be scared shitless before you get there, one little rock under your tire, or pothole, and you're another one that says goodbye

    do your research, get GOOD gear, and before you buy gear, check it out in store before and try it on, for me, my head can only fit arai and kbc helmets, i cannot fit shoei, which is considered ONE of the best brands out there, for jackets make sure you have back/shoulder/elbow protection, and get some nice gloves, thats the basics for gear, if you wanna go hardcore, get boots and riding pants

    http://affinity.progressive.com/pro...ortsnetwork.com - free quote for motorcycle insurance

    some good places to look at for gear

    www.helmetharbor.com - for helmets, DUH, great prices, fast shipping, i bought my kbc vr-1 euro from there and it got to my house in 3 days
    http://www.motorcycle-superstore.co...?WT.mc_ID=52001 - bunch of crap
    http://www.motorcyclecloseouts.com/ - kinda like a ross for motorcycle gear, but all brand new stuff
    http://www.newenough.com/index2.htm - mostly jackets and boots

    http://www.powersportsnetwork.com/e...urce=Overture46 - read up on bikes here, lots of good reviews and thoughts

    have fun riding, be safe, and watch out for crackhead drivers
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    wukong Banned

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    lol.... 10k will get you a instant death bike!
    Have you ever riden a bike before? and do you even have any gear?

    i don't get DMV. You have to take the bike test with a bike.... But you can't buy a bike untill you get a liscence.... so unless you know someone with a bike. Your screwed....
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    falnfenix Well-Known Member

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    going on what wukong said...take a class or something...most states require it to get a license anyway...get the class, pass, THEN get a bike once you're comfortable with it.

    a good starter bike is a Yamaha Radian...can't kill yourself as easily on them.
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    vibe2003 Guest

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    New sport motor bike.

    I want to get a new bike and i was wondering if you guys know anything about bike, so that i can get some info about which one is good for me. thanks.
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    Cape Coral, FLorida
    wut r u lookin for? speed? reliability? price? ......
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    wukong Banned

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    a nice 300cc bike.....
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    vibe2003 Guest

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    i'm looking for speed and reliability. price should be around 6-10 grand.
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    Bulletproofswordsman JDM Oroku-Saki

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    whatever u do dont gun it on your first try.......you may never live to post again
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    alby13 New Member

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    actually if you go to a dealer you can buy a bike (because my buddy did) and he promised them that he would go to dmv and get his license within 30 days.<br />
    <br />
    also in the training classes (at least at the one i took) they have training motorcycles for you to ride and if you pass the class you don't have to take the riding portion of the test. just the written. then you get your license. easy as that.
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    alby13 New Member

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    i don't understand why anyone would do that. i hear people do that all the time, though.
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    wukong Banned

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    *smacks self...* holy crap i totally forgot about that. I feel retarded now lol....

    I call bs on that in bold. Why would a dealer trust a complete stranger." goes to local toyota deal " i don't have a liscense but i promise i will get it".......
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    CPat New Member

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    in traffic a.k.a. S.FL
    why on Earth would you get a 300cc bike? You're gonna outride it in a month or less. A full grown adult should be able to handle a MINIMUM 600cc's.

    Other than that, try to buy a used bike first, if possible, cause you're most likely gonna dump it at some point, and you don't wanna do that to a brand new bike.

    Oh, and for Gawd's sake, CARRY THEFT INSURANCE ON IT!!!!
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    alby13 New Member

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    how can you call bs? this is the truth. there is nothing to call bs on. i don't know if he had to sign some legal document or whatever. i just know what he did which is basically buy the bike without his license and was going to get the license within 30 days.
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    dopeee Guest

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    my friend works for kbc helmets, if u want some more info pm me.
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    e_andree E

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    Vibe, buy all of your riding gear first, and then take the MSF course and get your license. If you are committed enough to go through that entire process, it will show ya that you really want a bike. Also, look into insurance rates 1st.....some people go through the entire process, and then realize that they cant afford their insurance rates.

    Then look into a Ninja 250 to start off with.
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    slvr2000fdvspec Guest

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    screw a ninja 250, i'm a 17 year old kid that's stupid and will do anything to scare myself, and i started out on a gixxer750 just fine, once you get on the bike, you wont want to try anything stupid cause you will know it can take your life in an instant..just dont rip the throttle, learn slowly, and learn emergency manuevers, like swerving, stopping quickly

    RIDE LIKE YOU'RE INVISIBLE, damn cagers always say "i never saw the guy"..

    and when you get insurance, no matter what, get uninsured motorist and liability at LEAST

    check out www.bike-line.com
    if you're in military, check out usaa
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    e_andree E

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    So vibe, did ya buy a bike?
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    COROLLA1ZZ New Member

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    u needf a good starter bike. I think get a katana 600 or 750. You can pick one up from 3500 to 4000. It is a fast bike but not to fast. I had mine up to 150 mph.
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    James Bullshit Police

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    ZZE110, MA70, JZA70, AE92 GT-S x2, xB with a rollcage, 900 ft-lb Dodge Ram

    mmm usaa is the shit, i do all my insurance/banking with them. :D
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    97rolla-s13240sx Guest

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    yo dude is you get a gixxer 600 or 1000 i can sell you a jacket, helmet, and gloves that match the bike- pm if interested
    oh yeah all top of the line equment-HJC,joe rocket pm me for pics 225 for all
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    wukong Banned

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    im frustrated looking for a new bike. Might be lookin used but i don't know where to look. I meen like an autotrader thing.
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    2wheelson95 Guest

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    well everyone.....

    i just got home from a 3 month stay at the hospital due the the fact that people no matter what age that have no idea about motorcycles are bad driveres!!!!!! 8 oclock thursday night (april 21) of this year i was cut off by a 19 year old chick in a white jetta. not only did i have to lock my brakes up n lay my bike down...but i also slide underneath the jetta head first(thank god i always wore my lid) ive been home now for three weeks. but my body is banged up pretty damn bad! for starters.... my whole body has road rash on it, mainly my arms n legs but on top of that which healed pretty fast i broke a good amount of bones. lets see here.... i had a compound fracture of my tib/fib(lower bones on my left leg) fractured left foot n a brokin toe same foot. my pelvic bone was brokin n 10 different spots and i had to have an external fixater stickin out of my stomach area for 10 weeks. mind yall durin my lovely stay of 5 weeks at the hospital n 5 weeks at a nursing home i was not able to get out of bed. no sittin in a chair no gettin up to go to the bathroom, no rollin over on either side or stomach to sleep. NOTHING!!!! Also from being trapped under the jetta for a very long 45 minutes the catalitic converter was burning my left flank ( lower left back) to the 3rd degree!! lets see what else, i had three brokin ribs that punctured my lung and i had a ruptured spleen that was removed becuz i was bleeding to death internally. my left shoulder blade n left collar bone was fractured also! Now you better believe i count my blessings that im alive , not paralized in any way and i didnt loose any limbs. Its no fun to have a tube stuck in your private area for u to urinate for 3 months either....nor needing to use a bed pan to ....well i shouldnt have to explain what a bed pan is. oh n did i mention needing to learn how to walk all over again is a blast. i went from a wheelchair to a walker n now i use a cane for support. even though im out of the hospital, i still have to go back for a 4rth surgery on my leg becuz the 2 screws thats keeping the titanium rod in the bone of my left leg have to come out so my bone will grow back together! so much fun i tell yall! dont get me wrong all my boys still got there bike n thever been in wrecks but none as near death as mine was . i do miss ridin everytime i see one of my boys bikes or someone ridin down the street! oh n while the medics were tryin to use the jaws of life to lift the car off my head( my helmet kept me wedged under the car) yea the jaws of life slipped n fell back down on my helmet! and to top it all off.......THE BITCH GOT OUT OF HER CAR AND SAID, " THIS ASSHOLE WRECKED MY CAR" so almost 4 months,30 lbs less , prolly almost $500,000 in bills from everything imma tell everyone ima never ride another bike! and for those of you who prolly think i was acting up doin wheelies n such or goin 130 mph....wrong i just pulled outa my apt complex and was maybe doin 50 mph!! so all of yall who ride or want to ride please please please be safe n dont act like assholes on the roads! if anyone else has anymore questions for me just hit me up on my email!
    thx ,
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    Well I was gonna put the whole article in here on how to ride a bike but damn thing tells me it's too long so I'll just include a link...... I just bought a 00' 600 Gixxer which is a sweet bike and I'm taking MSF classes soon too so keep the safety classes in mind before going out to ride and stuff in the big streets...............

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    aSiAnRiCk New Member

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    A bit late on this but I'm in the market for one too

    I don't want to buy a brand new bike as I know I'm going to lay it down soon enough. At least if I get a used one, I can lay down the bike, laugh about it and move on :D

    I think I want to get the 600 f4i as a starter bike ... then eventually i'll move up to something nicer :D
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    the 600 f4i is a great starter bike man, nothing too powerful but not too weak so something that you'd defenetly enjoy riding

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