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Already stupid baseball fans

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by e_andree, Apr 15, 2005.

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    e_andree E

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    Already stupid baseball fans

    When will fans learn? Sooner or later, alcohol will not be allowed at sports events. The fan shouldve been arrested.

    BOSTON (April 14) - Gary Sheffield kept his cool just as another confrontation between Fenway Park fans and the New York Yankees was heating up.

    Sheffield was fielding Jason Varitek's two-run triple along the low right-field fence in the eighth inning of Boston's 8-5 victory Thursday night when a fan swung a short uppercut in his direction, appearing to graze the side of the slugger's face with his right arm.

    "Something hit me in the mouth. It felt like a hand," Sheffield said. "I thought my lip was busted."

    After Sheffield picked up the ball, he shoved the fan before throwing the ball back to the infield as two runs scored. Another fan's beer also sprayed in Sheffield's direction.

    "I tried to get his hand out of my face so I could continue on with the play," he said. "To get punched in the mouth, you don't expect that in a baseball game."

    Sheffield then whirled around with a cocked fist, shouting in the face of the first man - but restrained himself and did not throw a punch. A security official quickly jumped over the three-foot wall to separate the two.

    "It could have been worse if I didn't hold my composure," Sheffield said. "I almost snapped, but I thought about the consequences."

    The fan was ejected from the ballpark but not arrested.

    "I guess there's always one idiot in the stands," New York captain Derek Jeter said.

    Fenway hasn't been a friendly place for Boston's chief rival. The fans boo Alex Rodriguez, razz Jason Giambi about steroids and generally make life unpleasant for the Yankees.

    "People here yell at you and throw things at you, all kinds of things all game long," center fielder Bernie Williams said. "But what that guy did was different, totally unexpected. It was dangerous and something should be done about it."

    Tense Scenes From Fenway

    During the 2003 AL playoffs, two Yankees players got into a brawl with a Red Sox groundskeeper in New York's bullpen.

    Relief pitcher Jeff Nelson and outfielder Karim Garcia were charged with assault but agreed to a deal last October that called for the charges against them to be dropped in six months.

    "We have two great teams and two great baseball cities and a lot of emotion," Boston manager Terry Francona said.

    The near-fight between Sheffield and the Boston fan Thursday night was the latest problem between fans and players at a sporting event.

    On Nov. 19, players and fans exchanged punches in the stands near the end of a Pacers-Pistons game in one of the worst brawls in NBA history. The mayhem left several people injured and prompted a police investigation.

    Last September, the Texas Rangers got into a fight with fans in Oakland, and Rangers reliever Frank Francisco was arrested after throwing a chair into the stands that hit a woman and broke her nose.

    And on Sept. 28, Dodgers outfielder Milton Bradley was ejected after he slammed a plastic bottle down in the front row of the right-field seats after a fan threw the bottle onto the field. He was suspended for the rest of the regular season.

    Edgar Renteria's RBI double in the eighth broke a 5-5 tie, and Boston took two of three from the Yankees to even the season series at three games apiece.

    Members React

    Randy Johnson gave up three homers for only the 12th time in his career, and Francona and Red Sox hitting coach Ron Jackson were ejected after questioning calls by plate umpire Greg Gibson.

    Johnson left with the score 5-5 after seven innings and Tom Gordon (0-1) fell behind before getting an out. Johnny Damon led off the eighth with a single and scored on a double by Renteria, who had made the last out for St. Louis in Boston's sweep of last year's World Series.

    "We have to give Sheffield a lot of credit," Damon said, "for him to restrain himself the way he did."

    After an intentional walk to David Ortiz, Varitek hit a ball down the right-field line that hugged the curved wall and led to all the trouble.

    Varitek's two-run triple gave the Red Sox an 8-5 lead.

    Sheffield led off the ninth with a double off the Green Monster and the Yankees loaded the bases before Keith Foulke (1-1) ended the game by getting Ruben Sierra to foul out to catcher Varitek, who made a nice catch on a difficult play near the stands.

    Renteria, Jay Payton and Varitek all homered in the first four innings off Johnson.

    "I didn't settle in until after," said Johnson, who allowed five hits.

    Hideki Matsui drove in three runs for the Yankees with a single and a double as the teams wrapped up a nine-game stretch in which they faced each other six times.

    The last time Johnson allowed three homers was Aug. 15 against Atlanta.

    New York took a 5-4 lead in a four-run fourth, when Bronson Arroyo issued three walks.

    One of them led to the ejection of Jackson, who was upset after Gibson called a bases-loaded, 3-2 pitch to Sheffield a ball. Francona rushed out of the dugout to argue and Jackson, who followed, was restrained by several Boston coaches.

    Matsui followed with a two-run single and Rodriguez put the Yankees ahead with an RBI single.

    Varitek's third homer of the season tied it in the fourth. But with two outs and a 2-1 count on Bill Mueller, a pitch that appeared to be low and inside was called a strike by Gibson. That brought Francona out of the dugout again and he also was ejected.

    Francona returned to the team Monday from a four-game absence after undergoing tests for tightness in his chest that team physician Dr. Thomas Gill said probably was caused by a viral illness.

    Notes: Arroyo allowed runners in scoring position in each of the first four innings. ... Johnson had at least one strikeout in each of his seven innings.

    04-15-05 00:41 EDT

    Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    There's baseball for you ladies and gents... is just like that basketball game not too long ago where that fan got in a fight with the player etc... I dk man alcohol shouldn't be sold AT ALL at any games. It's a sport for pete's sake man you're supposed to support health and what not and alcohol doesn't really do that if you ask me.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    well there lucky it didnt turn into a full out fight.... the security was on top of things
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    e_andree E

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    Theyre lucky Sheffield kept his composure...
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    well i dont think that he was going to really haul off throw a haymaker in the middle of a live ball... when you look at the replay it doesnt really look like the man really hit him and i have no idea what the hell that man was doing anyway
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    e_andree E

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    After he threw the ball into the infield, he turns around with his arm ready to swing....
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    stupid people seriously, it's only a stupid game why the fuck do people get all overworked with this kinda shit?
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    e_andree E

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    Pretty soon they are going to be putting the fans farther back from the field.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    hopefully they will I mean wth is only a stupid sport nothing more than that and people make it look like their life depends on wether their team win or lose man what f'ing idiots...
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    renfield90 New Member

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    Remember the Pistons vs. Pacers...

    If fans ask for a beat down they'll get one sooner or later.

    On a side note some critics have a problem with the intense fan base of soccer... :rant: eh sorry guys. But IMHO our sports are headed the same way, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, as long as things don't go so far out of hand.

    EDIT: I looked at the title of the thread...I'm a baseball fan and I'm not stupid :p
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    e_andree E

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    You would be if you are swinging at the players...
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    lol shit soccer fans have been known for rioters and shit man but within the past 6 yrs or so this violence has gone down A LOT and I mean A LOT.... maybe in England with the hooligans and stuff maybe they're still in their own violent flow.
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    e_andree E

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    yeah, violence has gone down in soccer, but not by much. Hence the fans throwing lit flares at the players last week.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    eh regretfully sport fans are bizniatches man (not all of them but only those who use violence)...... *shrugs*
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    renfield90 New Member

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    True, but I don't. :D

    Anyway, you have to know soccer and really understand what the sport means to billions of people to understand. Flares are banned at matches anyway, and they are usually used in celebration (for about 30 seconds...the police get on you real quick, I've seen it). That match was a bad case of two city rivals meeting in the quarterfinals of the European Championship. Try imagining the Red Sox and Yankees being in the same city together, only with even more bad blood and fanaticism.
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    e_andree E

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    So what was the excuse in the Australia match yesterday?

    And from Saturdays SI: "Knives, clubs and a banner were confiscated from fans entering AS Roma's match against Reggina on Saturday in the first high-profile game held since Italy's new "zero tolerance" measures for soccer violence were put into effect."

    And north korea vs Iran, April 1, 2005 http://msnbc.msn.com/id/7347241/

    Stabbing last year in Turkey: http://news.ft.com/cms/s/9c2ea32c-7ef7-11d9-9c86-00000e2511c8.html

    Soccer fans are out of control. They need to let go of disputes that started over 10 years ago!
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    dood there is no excuse for use of violence in sport events.
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    soccer is the worst over in europe... soccer hooligans
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    yea I have to agree with u dood the soccer hooligans over in Europe are mofoookin crazy
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    well if anything the closest we get to that kinda thing is the redsox vs yankees as in the way fans react
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    renfield90 New Member

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    The Turkish incident involves two fans from the same team, obviously soccer was not at the heart of that killing.

    North Korea is, well, North Korea. There's never an excuse to throw crap on the field but that country is so messed up, who knows.

    Wasn't there a guy a year or two ago who was shot to death at a Cubs game?

    Let's look at it this way. For baseball, you have about 100 million fans, a very liberal estimate since that's about a third of our country. For soccer, let's say there are about 3 billion fans, a conservative estimate considering soccer's worldwide prominence. That means there are about 30 times more soccer fans than baseball fans (we're assuming no overlap, if you're a fan of one you're not a fan of the other). Statistically, you would expect about 30 times more incidents as well.

    How often do you hear about violence at sports games like arena football, lacrosse, etc.? How big are those fanbases? The more people, the greater the chance for extremists who will do stupid stuff.

    One thing I will note is that you almost never hear about soccer players attacking fans, jumping into the stands to go after people, etc. I've seen baseball players throw baseballs, chairs, and bats into the stands, push and almost swing at fans, and in the NBA some players have gone into the stands to attack fans. Ok, the NBA incident was a fluke, but regularly throughout the baseball season you'll have some player/fan violence. That's just not seen in soccer.
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    Cuztomrollaz98 MAD VLAD!

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    well I dk we could all say that alcohol shouldn't be sold AT all in games because obviously it seems that people can't handle that shit, end of topic I say lol jk

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