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Installed New Projectors...

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by TurismoDreamin, Jan 11, 2005.

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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Tulsa, Ok
    Installed New Projectors...

    Yesterday i got my projector headlights in....however, before, I use to have JDMish headlights similar to this...

    And now i have upgraded to these.....

    I would like to be the first to say that compared to stock headlights, and compared to my JDMish headlights.....these are IMO the best headlights made for the 93-97 Corolla.....the halo thing is cool too, not as "tacky" as what everyone else thought it would be....and the halo is brighter than i thought it would be.....and the three stripes next to the brights are suppose to light up as well but i just took out the bulb cuz i didnt want those on so thats not a big deal...and gawd, the projectors are the best feature...think of a BMW's headlights and how it looks like it changes colors when the lights are looked at from different angles.....thats exactly how these are.....these also have a different type of light too....its an H1 harness....but yea, when looked at from different angles, my lights are yellow, white, blue, purple, and reddish pink.....now thats pimp....and the light output is so freakin bright.....me and FastRolla96 were comparing headlights at Pepboys earlier (he has the same type of headlights that i use to have, the JDMish ones...) and compared to mine, it looked like his headlights were turned off....they were seriously that bright....looks like i have some kinda HID kit when i really dont....and then i drove FastRolla96s car in front of mine and they look so freakin hyper...then i looked forward and couldnt tell his lights were on cuz i was so use to my lights...I dunno why someone said that the you wouldnt be satisfied about the light output from these projectors....but oh well....i can put that to rest....im changing the bulbs to become more bluish, cuz right now, they're too yellow for me....but as soon as i change out the bulbs this weekend, i will try and post up pics of them....
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    fastrolla96 speedbumps..yum

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    yup after driving his car, comparing, and looking at them from different distances, these headlights are bar far the best out for the 93-97. I knew this thing was gonna be nice from the get go, but was shocked to see how much better the light output from it was. Also the quality of these lights are great. I believe all the doubts about these headlights are totally eleminated after seeing them. When I drove his car, I could see alot better even though it was foggy out. We even saw a beam of light illuminating from the projectors. These things were so much brighter then my own headlight that when comparing both by looking head on, the projectors hurt to look at. Ya they do change in colors. I think these are better then all the headlights out now period!
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    91DX Guest

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    wat were u guys doing at pepboys?
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    d_samurai Guest

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    1. ease of installation? any extra wires you have to splice or attach somehow? 9006/9005 bulbs? 2. how much did you pay? 3. did you get it from that ebay guy who has like somewhere around 75% positive feedback?
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    plus we were lookin at different headlights for what i should put in my car...but decided against all of them....
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    The installation was very easy....i only spliced my corner light wires to make my halo lights work in conjunction w/ them....one of the negatives are in order to change any of the lights in the headlight itself, you have to pull the entire thing out so ur not gonna be able to just stick ur hand in there and change ur bulbs anymore but thats okay, the satisfaction makes up for it......however, these dont use 9006 bulbs for the low beams....they use H1 lights which comes with it....and it also has a harness already retrofitted into place so u dont have to do an H1 conversion....the high beams are still the same type of bulbs....and check this out, when ur low beams are shinin through that projector, i first expected the light to just go everywhere like a fog light or something......but no, the light projects like a clean line and everything below that line is very bright and everything above that line is like no light at all...its really cool and no that doesnt affect visibility at all.....the line is where u see the color change too.....i paid 232 and thats w/ shipping, but i used the buy it now feature so i probably coulda saved a couple bucks...and yea i got it off of powertechracing......he has a low feedback level cuz he hasnt sold that many items and communication w/ that guy sucks.....but his 1-800 number is on his item descriptions and im sure he would probably answer to that.....he ships pretty fast too....but i had to wait like two weeks cuz they were closed for christmas and new years so thats understandable....u should definately consider it but i do suggest that u wait til i get pictures posted up before u actually make your decision...
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    93corolladx Guest

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    Do you have any pictures of them installed? They look and sound pretty cool.
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    fastrolla96 speedbumps..yum

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    he will try to take some pics tommorrow. Even though me and him wrote alot, still words can't describe how much better they are.
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    My long term plan is to get the JDM lights Fastrolla96 has and then do a full Xenon HID/projector conversion on them, but that would cost about $1000 total for the headlights and the HID parts/labor. If these look good, they may be a good alternative. I love the fact that they're quality projectors though. Civics have had replacement projectors like this for 10 years now practically.
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    fastrolla96 speedbumps..yum

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    That's the same plan I was gunning for also until these lights came out. It makes it alot easier cause I already comes with the projector unit so all is needed is the hid kit, but I think these are bright enough as is.
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    Ninety Four New Member

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    From what I hear, you can't use a projector designed for halogen lights with a HID/Xenon setup though. The halogen projector wasn't designed to handle all of the extra light, so the pattern would get thrown off. Chances are if you do nab the ballast from a HID equipped car, you should be able to get the projectors too.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    Yea, well correct me if im wrong but wouldnt u just have to change the wiring harness.....from the conventional 9006 to something like an H4 or H1 harness....then u could just probably put the bulbs in the projector from there....and i dont think u can put a 9006 bulb in a projector unit anyways cuz on mine, the wiring behind the bulb is a work in itself, and theres no way u could fit anything as big as a 9006 in there...and im not completely sure if this is the universial with all projectors but with mine, my headlights draw a straight line on the ground and anything below that line is bright but anything above that line gets no light at all, its kinda kool....the line itself is where u see the lights change colors when looked at from different angles....its different from normal headlights cuz it seems like light goes everywhere on normal ones.....but these projectors shine light everywhere except above that line that it makes.....and im taking a wild guess and assuming that the line that its making was done by something built into the projectors...

    .....and for the people that wanted pics....ill have pics of the headlights as soon as i change out the bulbs cuz theyre not blue enough for me.....ill do that over the weekend......i need to change the two bulbs that go into the halo, the low beam, and maybe the brights....

    Hey 93toyotacorolla, i noticed the chrome headlights on ur car and if u were considering a pair of these, they make chrome ones too....check it out...if u want, just wait for my pics that ill post up n hopefully that will help u to make a decision....
    so....wuddayathink so far???
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    93corolladx Guest

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    I think my diamond headlights are better than my stock headlights in terms of lighting. Is it possible that the smoked diamond headlights have worse lighting than the chrome? I would think a smoked mirror would give off less light, just a thought?

    How much did you pick those headlights up for? Kinda doubt I will swap headlights since I don't plan on keeping my car for that much longer.
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    TurismoDreamin ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ

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    oh no.....i believe ur talkin about the black version of ur headlights.....me and FastRolla96 use to have the same ones.....and now he's the only one with them....but before i got these, mine were just screwed up n so they pointed straight down n i couldnt do much bout it cuz i had a reck n so it kinda bent them downwards n i couldnt do much adjusting w/ them...but FastRolla96's headlights point correctly forwards and they put out more clarified light than stock headlights....i think its only black on the part that faces the lens but on the other side where the actual light bulb is, i believe its chrome n reflective....and oh yea, i bought these headlights for $232....so far, one of the the best things ive bought.....
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    jdmrolla0013 Guest

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    I have the same JDM Black Housing headlights, with blue xenon bulbs in them. I've got to say, they dont put out as much light at night as i wish they did. I'm seriously thinking about buying the halo projectors. The one reason i havent yet, is because of the yellow halos. But you can change out the bulb to more of a bluish? What kind of bulb does it take?
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    corolla performance New Member

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    redborja202 Guest

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    talk about an old thread...
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    rainbow_star New Member

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    welcome to last yr. :lol:
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    corollarider19 New Member

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    well its done now

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