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Another headunit connecter question.

Discussion in 'Interior' started by laz, Jan 11, 2005.

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    laz Member

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    I don't believe stock radios have RCA pre-ouputs for amps. I may be wrong, but I highly doubt it.

    You can always use a high-low converter, but you will loose quality and gain noise from it.


    Some amps also have a high input connector which means you can use the speakers lines to feed it sound.

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    CivicEater Guest

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    no rca's. and yes, you will need to remove those 4 bolts.
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    chrisE Guest

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    Another headunit connecter question.

    Ok on the stock cd player I have for my 05 S. Is there a connection in the back of it for a amp? I was thinking of putting in a subwoofer this summer and I don't want to pay another 300$+ for a new headunit. (Sold my old Eclipse headunit to my sister)

    Another thing. How do you get the darn headunit out? Do you need to unscrew those 4 bolts that are deep in there?
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    CivicEater Guest

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    btw, a decent deck shouldn't cost you $300..
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    chrisE Guest

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    Yeah I just noticed that as I was looking at prices. The basic headunit for eclipse was only 219$ at a site online. Ok now I have nother question about connections..

    I look on circuit city and see the options for amps..Some say speaker-level inputs and some say pre-amp.. what are those? And then how many watts and ohms should I get if I do decide to get a sub? How many watts for the sub?

    Thanks guys for your help.
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    daPyr0x Guest

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    speaker-level inputs are running off of your speakers. That'd be what you'd want if you weren't replacing your deck. Say that you are; you'll want pre-amp because they're of better quality. Pre-amp are the RCA connections

    as far as watts and ohms; you want to match up with the sub you're giong to be pairing it up with. Start with how many ohms the sub is, and then try to match up it's power handling with the power handling of that sub at that kind of load
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    daPyr0x Guest

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    There is no connection for the amp. I know the amp that I have does have high-level inputs that I can get from my rear speakers (either you can splice into their circuit or just not have rear speakers - if the sound in an 05 S is anything like the 04, you're not losing much by ditching those POSes anyways) so you don't even have to pull out the deck.

    To pull it out you do need to get those 4 bolts that are way in there (they're metric, so an imperial socket wrench won't work - been there tried that); and then there are some clips all around the air vent pieces that will all pop out and let you pull that sucker out.

    The other consideration you need to have is getting something to the remote wire of your Amp. Aftermarket decks have a remote wire that you can connect to the amp and they turn the amp on whenever the deck is turned on; however the stock deck won't have this. What you need is to find some wire that's on an ACC line - as in it only gets power when the car is in ACC or ON; connect the remote wire from your amp to that, and then you're good.
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    chrisE Guest

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    Damn.. Looks like no sub for me this summer :/ Unless somehow I get my headunit back from my sister.
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    chrisE Guest

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    Alright thanks for the info. :)

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