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Help!!! Remote Starter Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rydog26, Jan 7, 2005.

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    rydog26 Guest

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    Help!!! Remote Starter Question

    I Am Installing A Remote Starter In My 01. The Derections Say To Connect A Wire To The Tach Wire Under The Hood. Does Anybody Know Where This Wire Is? Has Anybody Ever Installed One Of These Before? Please Help, I Need To Finish This This Week End, The Car Is In Pieces!
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    statik New Member

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    sorry... it's blue with a yellow stripe. should be on the farthes left coilpack. (instead of spark plugs they use coilpacks just in case you didn't know.) You can run a wire through your firewall and splice into that. (those blue plastic snap splice things work great!) The coilpacks are on top of your engine under the plastic cover. There will be a "rail" or plastic channel that contains the wires. Or you can find it as it goes into your ECU inside the big bundle of wires. You can get a tach signal from any four of those coilpacks. Basically whats happening is the remote start needs to know at what rate your coilpacks make a spark, so it can tell when your engine doesn't need cranking anymore, and let off the starter. If you have a repair manual for your car it should have schematics and color codes. Good luck!
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    rydog26 Guest

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    Kick Ass Dude!!! Thanks A Bunch!!!
    I Dont Have Access To A Repair Manual, But I Will Take Your Word For It.
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    statik New Member

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    I've got a remote start on mine. It's a manual transmission.
    It works great!

    The unit I bought has a safety feature. While the car is running, e-brake on, in neutral, press the start button on the remote. Take the key out of the ignition, the car keeps running. Get out of the car, and once you shut the drivers door it turns off. Then you have to lock the doors, and your ready to remote start! It sounds complicated, but if you do it for a week you get it down, and I don't even think about it anymore. This system ensures the car isn't in gear when you start it. So that eliminates jumping, and grinding you flywheel.

    Well, if you don't have your tach wire attached there could be a chance of grinding your flywheel/starter. Depending on the model of remote start. Some sense when the car has started somehow, others rely on a tach input. I installed one on my caravan, it didn't use tach input. I guess it senses voltage fluxuation...

    Around here, or in other extreme cold climates where remote starts are almost a necessity. Shops will install them on manual transmissions, but they will not sell a manual transmission remote start. They have to do it themselves, to make sure all the safety
    features are installed and working.
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    statik New Member

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    :) It's bad when you say that WHILE installing it on your own car.
    At one point I had a huge ball of wires hanging out of my dash!
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    toyotaspeed90 New Member

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    Bellingham, WA
    if you have a manual.... you are forewarned... you will at some point remote start it into something.....
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    Barnacules 100101101011011

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    Yeah everyone I know that has remote start on there car at some point has either 1) broken all the teeth off there flywheel or 2 drive forward into something. Don't do it :)
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    yellow rolla New Member

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    in boring ass charlotte, NC
    lol thats funny i never thought about remote starter on a manual, i just had a shop install mine so i dont even want to think about where the wires go or belong
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    rydog26 Guest

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    i installed on a 94 i had, it was much easier then. no professional will install on a manual for obvious reasons, so im stuck doing it my self, and with help from everybody here. thanks again.
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    statik New Member

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    Hm... I have a little bit of concern. Did you get a remote start that has safety features made specifically for manual transmissions? You really should. I know people that don't, and they haven't ever had a serious accident. But it would be wise to have a safety feature.

    What if you take the car to a dealership, they park it and put it in 1st, and you sit down on a chair inside the dealership and the button of your remote start thats in your back pocket gets pressed right when someone is walking in front of your car?
    It happens!

    They make a neutral safety switch for remote starts. Look it up on the internet, they're like $40. Someone also made a configuration of reed switches that surrounded the stick shift. The stick had a magnet on it. In any other position than neutral the magnet would close the reed switch and disable the start. Look around for that one too, it has a DIY with pictures.

    Also you can use the same wire for the hood-pin safety switch to monitor your e-brake. Just splice into it.

    The hood pin switch is "open" when the hood is down. So if you had a wire spliced into it, going to your e-brake, anytime the hood-pin switch or e-brake switch "closed" it would disable starting.You'll have to figure out the polarity and find the wire for the e-brake.

    I strongly recommend you do this. If you need help finding any info just ask me!
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    rydog26 Guest

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    Yes I Have The Kit For A Manual Trans. But None Of That Matters Now. The Install Has A Succesful Failer. Im Pretty Sure All The Wire Were Connected Properly, But When The Step Came To "initialize" The Starter Nothing Happened. Maybe There Is Something Wrong With The Unit Itself. I Cant Return It Because It Is 3 Years Old, Held Off Too Long. Anyway Nobody Around Here Will Install On A Manual. Needless To Say Im Pissed.
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    statik New Member

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    Hm. sorry to hear that. Just keep troubleshooting, I know it's a pain in the ass... Do you need a transponder bypass? do a search on the net and see if your car has security features that require a bypass for the remote start to work. Do you have power doors? Do they work from the remote?

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