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I'm Doing The Happy Dance!! Got A New Car!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Corolla DX-R, Dec 8, 2004.

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    BullittXRS Guest

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    Yeah, I know it kind of sounds weird, but their dynos are identical with the exception of XRS having more low end torque. I have not taken my XRS to motorsports club since it will open in April and I plan to be active there. I have about 3600 miles on my XRS and I estimate a 0-60 in around 6.7 seconds and a quarter mile in the low 15 second range for sure, but don't quote me or call BS till I get some time slips for you on this. But, you are right Celica GT-S can do a quarter mile in the high 14 sec range. I have to find out if I can get my XRS close to 14.8 sec or so. I know the guy who is driving that GT-S in the video. He goes by DanGTS on newcelica webpage. You can see his 13.7 sec time slip there. He put his time slip up for 13.7 sec quarter mile with a modified rev limiter, trial headers, exhaust, intake ( maybe some other ECU related changes). As for a highly modded RSX, it will own a modded XRS or modded GT-S without any doubts. There are some RSX Type S that run quarter miles in 10 - 11 sec range. The best I have seen for Celica is a turbo charged GT-S doing 12.6 sec quarter mile.

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    renfield90 New Member

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    Actually that's Lucky_317's vid, but he and DanGTS are probably on the same racing team (Controlled Inertia) responsible for the first three N/A 13 sec. Celis (I think they all use replacement ECUs). And yeah, I've seen those 13.7 slips.

    That's cool, I'll wait for you to get slips. And if you're looking for a replacement ECU, check out www.monkeywrenchracing.com, and see if they have anything for the XRS yet. They use the Apexi Power FC, lets you change lift engagement (though you don't want to lower it, you lose power), rev limiter, fuel ratio, you can even play with VVT but I'm not sure they've touched that yet.
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    BullittXRS Guest

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    Cool, thanks man I will check it out. Do you own a Celica GT-S??? I think it is really a good investment to own a GT-S since the demand for 2nd hand GT-S will soar once they are gone forever and it will be like a miniature version of Supra MK4.

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    93corolladx Guest

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    Even if the xrs is faster its 10x uglier so who cares.
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    BullittXRS Guest

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    Whoa!!! FU Hater! You should speak for your own opinion, but before flaming other people's cars you should look at that ugly blue junk of metal Corolla to ever hit the road. So look at yourseld before spitting out hatred for other people's cars. The bumpers and the color make it even look uglier. I would go and throw that POS in the junk yard. I have an XRS and always receive nice comments from even people passing by.

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    BullittXRS Guest

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    By the way Cleanrolla. Congrats on your purchase. I love Celicas to death. XRS and GT-S are both awesome cars. One is a sportscar while the other is a compact sport sedan. Both have the same heart, spirit and soul so who cares which one is faster. I was going to get the GT-S or the XRS. I personally got the XRS because I like the backseat, insurance, more low end torque, two extra doors and practical usefulness otherwise, I would have ended up with a Celica GT-S. Rock on man! 2ZZ rocks!
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    Rolla95 Rollin' Out y0

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    how much for the tails...and the eyebrows...do you have pics of them??
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    teevee247 Well-Known Member

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    How much for your amps, and what are the exact models?
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    renfield90 New Member

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    Nope, I own a GT :D but I spend a lot of time on Celica forums. If something were to ever happen to my car though *knock on wood* my next car would be a GTS. It will definitely increase in value later on, not quite like the supra but people will still remember it.

    It feels weird sometimes owning the last gen of a long and storied car. Makes me think about taking care of the car...then I get an open freeway ramp or a tight turn :D
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    BullittXRS Guest

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    Cool. You should get a Action Pack Celica GT-S. I saw one of those in the showroom. That is the complete pimp mobile. It looks incredibly hot and will look futuristic even in years to come.

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    yeye Guest

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    Tell that to all those selling their GTS's on nc.org...

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